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As I lay here with blood pooling around me I feel as though I am drifting away into the abyss of nothingness. Everyone around me is shouting and screaming but I fail to hear them.

As I was on the phone to Luca one of the men being held by Mr Ricci's man got loose. He grabbed a gun and shot me. It got me right in the stomach and I knew it was over. I knew that my life and the life inside me was gone.

As I slip into unconsciousness the last thought I have is Luca. I think of the special moments we had and how no matter how much I denied it I know I fell in love with him. Everyone goes black as I pass out.

Luca's POV
As I land my father calls to tell me there at the hospital. We all get into the awaiting Mercedes and then head to the hospital. I tell the driver to hurry as my father told me they where prepping Bella for surgery. To find out one of my father's men practically let this man shoot my wife made me practically blow a fuse. Once I am done here he will be dealt with the best way I know-how.

We pull up to the hospital and me Dante Fedele and Lorenzo exit the car. I walk into the hospital and I take the elevator to the floor my father told me they are on. When we arrive I look around making sure there is enough security posted about it in case someone else is sent to finish off the job. I walk towards my father mother Angelina and Bella's sisters who are sitting on the seats.

Father stands and walks to the side of the room and I join him. "How is she?" I ask.

"She is going through to surgery in a moment you will see her as she is being wheeled through apart from that we don't know anything further" Before I can reply the doors to Bella's room opens and they wheel her out.

I walk towards them and I see her lying in that bed. Bandages and gauzes are pressed against her stomach as blood seeps through. She has loads of wires and a mask attached to her and worry consumes me. I grab her hand and kiss it before they wheel her away and into surgery.

To think of how we started this marriage hating each to now making things work and actually working together to make life easier shows how we have grown together I just hope our marriage isn't over before it has even begun.


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