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You had been surrounded by the same people nearly all your life.

Your parents, your community and your school mates. Sure, every now and then a new neighbor, or kid in class would show up or move away, but for the most part, your life had been spent with the same people. You could look around the class you were currently in and remember nearly all of them from grade school and in-between. Some kids you knew well, others had just existed in your life, not really ever speaking to one another and yet, still having the ability to say they "grew up together".

That was where Jotaro Kujo stood in (Y/n)'s world.

You knew him, everyone did as he stood out in several ways, but you'd never really had spoken to him. You were sure at some point within the years of school you'd have spoken to him; asking for a pencil maybe? Or just a simple "excuse me" while passing him in the crowded halls. Yet even after so many years of being corralled into the same room to learn, you had no idea if he even knew your name.

You liked it that way.

Most the girls in school on the other hand, did not like it that way. They would do anything for Jotaro Kujo to even yell at them, give them any attention; good or bad. You couldn't quite remember when the heard of girls formed, perhaps somewhere between fifth grade or so, when kids first start developing crushes and going through the beginnings of puberty. You were previously friends with a lot of those girls before then. After they started noticing boys, one in particular, things changed. They seemed to all turn on each other. Getting in fights nearly daily, sabotaging one another during P.E so one would seem more coordinated than the other. Sure, he was good looking; a tall, dark, and handsome kind of guy, but his anger and general disregard for others negated his good looks. Over the years, he's shown no concerns for others emotions nor physical wellbeing. He'd started and ended many a school fight.

It seemed as though overnight Jotaro became the most popular boy in school with most of the female population. Of course, there were girls like you who also didn't care about him and just wanted to get through their school lessons. Jotaro himself didn't care for being popular. He seemed as though he just wanted to get through his lessons and get away from all the other kids his age, girls especially.

You made sure that Jotaro never mistook you for one of his fangirls. If he looked in your direction, you would almost immediately look away. If he was at his locker, you never stopped to say hi and fawn over him. You would never line up at the school gates, screaming his name once he came into view. And never, under any circumstances, would you call him by his nickname, Jojo. Nicknames were for people who knew one another, not just existed amongst each other for X amount of years.

The school bell rang, signaling another day of school complete. You let out a sigh and gathered up the supplies that littered your desk and quickly made a break for the door, weaving around various classmates. You had to get to your locker before it became too crowded and have to fight to get to it. As luck would have it, Jotaro's locker was a few numbers down from yours. People would swarm around it, waiting for the six foot something teen to put up his books. It was the same old song and dance it seemed.

"36-2-48" You mumbled to yourself as you turned the padlock's dial with nimble fingers. Your speed came with years of practice of always being in a hurry, whether it's to get to class or to get home. A figure sidled up behind you as you were currently elbow deep in her locker.

"'Sup, nerd?" your chuckle echoed into your locker as you tossed your books inside, making the mess of a locker a worry for another day. "Are we still going to your house this weekend?"
You slammed the locker shut, making sure it was in fact locked, before turning to your best friend, (B/f). "Yep, that's the plan, unless you got a better one?"

"Nope," (B/f) shook her head, "I sure don't, besides your house always has snacks, my parents are too concerned with eating healthy all the time." You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, th-" You began, but cut yourself short as you noticed a crowd starting to come towards the two od you. In the middle, towering above all, was Jotaro, who looked as far from pleasant as always. (B/f) looked equally unimpressed at the crowd crowding the two girls out of their own space.

"C'mon, (Y/n), let's get out of here." You nodded and proceeded to follow your friend weaving through the crowd. Unlike her, moving through the crowd with ease, you managed to get bumped by someone, into someone else.

"Sorry." You turned to look at whomever you bumped into. While you were a bit on the shorter side of the height spectrum, normally you could easily look slightly up and see a face. This time, you looked slightly up, seeing only a charcoal color shirt. A chill ran up your spine as your eyes continued to slowly pan upwards, even though you already knew exactly who it was you had bumped into. You hoped by some miracle, it would turn out to be some other six foot five, incredibly buff human, coincidentally. Of course, luck was not on your side, and your eyes met with Jotaro's handsome aqua blue eyes. It was only for a fraction of a second, but it seemed too long for your liking. You were once again bumped, stumbling away from the crowd.

"S-sorry." You mumbled before taking off into the direction your friend went seconds before.

"Hey!" A girl cried out, "That girl just pushed Jojo!" In a different universe, you would have turned around and gave the girls an ear full, telling them they know damn well you didn't push anyone. In this universe though you just hightailed it to the front doors, catching up to (B/f). Before the doors closed, you could make out a quiet 'yare yare' before Jotaro yelled at them all to shut up.

Uhhhhh,idk what the fuk I'm doing. Idek if this will become a real story?? I have other stories I should be working on, but here I am.

Also, this is my first xReader, so hopefully the format is OK.

UPDATE: We're gunna go with 2nd person. Seems easier to read xReaders that way. Hopefully it still reads OK after overhauling the tenses of the story.

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