Cell Phones and House Calls

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Your best friend sat at the lunch table, her fingers steepled under her nose as if she was a super villain contemplating how to rid themselves of their nemesis. You showed up half way through math class, earning a questioning brow from her, to which you tossed a note to her saying you’d explain everything at lunch time.. You’d told her most of your tale, leaving out a few things, such as the train ride to the aquarium, him holding your hand at the tide pool, as well as his creepy bedroom door getting shut by his poltergeist hat ghost. You knew if (B/f) had heard about the stuff that happened while at the aquarium she would have likely been upset that you hadn’t told her as soon as it happened. (B/f)’s reactions to hearing about your story had gone about as well as you thought it would, her threatening to kick Jotaro’s ass, but calming down as you continued, telling her about how you had patched him up this morning, leaving out the part where you’d been on your knees in front of him; that probably wouldn’t have gone over too well. After you’d told her all you were willing to she sat there for a moment, a monk in meditation as she took it all in.

“Well…” She said after a while, “sounds like you had a hell of a weekend.” You rolled your eyes, having already knew that much. “So, what are you going to do?” You shot her a look of disbelief.

“You’re my supportive best friend who’s supposed to have all the answers, you tell me!” She chuckled at you as she popped a grape in her mouth. “I got nothing, I’ve never had the most popular guy in school trap me in his room and kiss me.” You nearly choked at how casual she sounded, face turning bright red.

“(B/f), if you value our friendship you will not repeat that ever.” You said, looking over your shoulder to make sure nobody was close enough to eavesdrop. “Well, guess I’ll just take this one step at a time.” You shrugged, not that any game plan you had would have come to fulfilment anyway, as Jotaro seemed to always surprise you in some way shape or form. You popped a grape in your mouth, contemplating what an odd morning you’d had. You still had no idea what the hell kind of fight Jotaro had gotten into to receive spikes the size of railroad ties embedded into his body, but maybe it was safer that you didn’t know. The bell rang, bringing you out if your thoughts. You followed the herd of people down the hall, trying to get to your next class.

“Hey, (Y/n).” You turned around, seeing Noriaki coming through the crowd, a gentle smile on his face. “You weren’t in history class this morning.” His eyebrows knitted with worry, making you blush a light pink in response to his concern. Did he know Jotaro had gotten hurt? Did he know you’d helped him out this morning?

“Oh, hey, Noriaki. Yeah, I, um, overslept.” You lied lamely, feeling guilty for lying, but you felt like it wasn’t your place to tell him about Jotaro’s injuries. He nodded in understanding, and reached into his backpack and pulled out some papers, turning red.

“I know I’m not the best note taker, but I took some notes for you.” He handed them to you, using his free hand to scratch the back of his neck, “I hope they’re legible.” He muttered under his breath. You couldn’t help but giggle at his thoughtfulness.

“Thank you, Noriaki, that’s very kind of you. I should probably get to class, my science class is practically in another zip code, I’ll see you later.” You bobbed your head in thanks as the two of you parted ways, you briskly walking down the hall as you stuffed the papers into your bag, rolling your eyes good naturedly as you caught sight of the same super hero he seemed to doodle on all his notes. You’d have to ask him about it later, if it was from a manga or something. The bell rang right after you stepped through the door, your teacher shooting you a look but saying nothing as you sat down in your seat. You said a quick hello to Leon before the teacher began reminding everyone that this Friday was when your big project was due, giving pointed looks to specific students who had a history of putting things off. She gave the class an opportunity to worry on the projects of needed, otherwise you could sit quietly and read. You and Leon just opened your notebooks, pretending to work on the project when in reality it was basically done.

“What a surprise, Kujo isn’t here.” Leon said sarcastically as he rested his chin in his hand, propped up by his elbow. “At least the project is done, so it’s not like it would be beneficial for him to be here.” You pointed out, they’d probably just end up fighting over something dumb and stressing you out, especially without (B/f) to play referee.

“Are you excited to start work this weekend?” You asked, changing the subject. Leon’s green eyes practically lit up, much more interested in talking about his work than his absentee science partner. “I’m super excited, you and (B/f) should stop by.” You smiled at his enthusiasm, making a mental note to ask (B/f) if she wanted to go to the arcade this weekend. The class passed by pretty quick thanks to you and Leon just messing around the whole time, pretending to work when the teacher looked towards you two. The rest of the school day passed by rather quick, but then again you did miss an hour this morning, so that probably helped it seem shorter. You waited by your locker, not having to rush since the Jojo fan club wouldn’t be mobbing around your locker, not today anyway.

For once, the divines smiled on you, your locker wasn’t a total disaster, no avalanche was awaiting you when you opened it. You put the stuff you didn’t need away and closed your locker, catching sight of (B/f) coming your way.

“You ready?” She asked as she approached, bag slung over her shoulder. “Ready as ever.” You replied as you both began to make your way to the door. You stretched as the sun warmed your body, wondering whose idea it was to keep the school so cold. “Oh, Leon starts his new job at the arcade this weekend if you want to go harass him.” You jokingly offered as you kicked at a rock that was on the sidewalk. “That’s an opportunity I can’t pass up.” She chuckled, “My house or yours?”

“I’ll have to check with my mom, but I’d say mine. No offense to your mom, but you know.” You said offering a sympathetic look, knowing she knew exactly what you’d meant. “A fair point indeed.” (B/f)  agreed as you came to the point in the road where you two had to part ways. “I’ll ask my mom when I get home and text you.” Your best friend let out an annoyed sigh, “Don’t expect to hear from me anytime soon, my history teacher was brutal when assigning homework today.” You snickered, thankful that you had Noriaki to help fill in the gaps on what you missed that morning. “It’s all good, if anything I’ll see you tomorrow anyway.” You said as the two of you parted ways.

“I’m home.” You announced as you opened the door, receiving silence in return. Odd. You kicked your shoes off and entered the kitchen, where normally you’d find your mom, instead finding a note. “Date night with your dad for our anniversary, we’ll be out late, dinner is in the fridge. Hugs and kisses, Mom.” You read aloud, “Aw, I totally forgot about their anniversary.” You made a mental note to send your mom a happy anniversary text later as you made your way to your room, deciding to actually be a responsible daughter and do your homework before enjoying your home-alone time. You changed out of your uniform, into some comfortable clothing before you opened your bag and retrieved the notes Noriaki had taken, raising a brow as you nearly face palmed; you forgot how bad his handwriting was. You did your best to decipher the cryptic hieroglyphics he’d written, understanding about half of it at least. You got out your phone as an idea came to you.

‘How are you feeling?’ You sent to Jotaro, intent on asking him for Noriaki’s number since you didn’t have it. You looked close at the various doodles of the man Noriaki drew, looking like he was something out of Kamen Rider. Your phone vibrated,

‘I’ve been through worse.’ He replied simply, making you raise an eyebrow in question.

‘I’m not even going to ask, but glad to know you’re alive and well. Do you happen to have Noriaki’s number?’ You were surprised at how fast a responded, having barely set your phone down.


‘Yes, Noriaki, red hair, likes cherries, hangs around you. That Noriaki.’

‘Why do you need his number?’ This was a question that could be read several ways. It could be read with general curiosity, confusion, but also jealousy. You personally chose to interpret it as the first one, general curiosity as to why you wanted his number.

‘Well, you see, I missed history class this morning because I was busy helping a friend in need, so Noriaki kindly took notes for me, but handwriting is not his strong point.’ You explained. This answer seemed sufficient enough for him as he sent the number to you.

‘Thank you again. For this morning, that is.’ He followed up, a blush spreading across your face as you read it.

‘You’re welcome, but let’s not make it a habit, yeah?’ You didn’t like to see anyone hurt, but seeing some you always saw as a strong, unmoving figure hurt and in a vulnerable position pulled at your heart strings even more, especially since he’d reached out to you specifically for help.

‘I won’t.’ The text was simple, as if he was promising it to himself as well as you. You switched over to your contacts screen, putting in Noriaki’s phone number, taking a photo of the super hero doodle on his note and setting as the contact photo.

‘Hey Noriaki, it’s (Y/n). Hope you don’t mind, I got your number from Jotaro.’ You hit send and waited, opening your math homework in the meantime. You got about half way through before you received a text.

‘Hey, (Y/n), usually I have to ask a girl for her number, not have them ask for mine. ;)’ That was definitely Noriaki’s number. You rolled your eyes good naturedly as you typed a response,

‘Lol, riiight. Anyway, I appreciate you taking notes, but I’m having some trouble trying to read the Kakyoin-ian.’

‘:( I’m sorry, I know my writing is a little messy.’ You gave your phone a gentle smile; poor boy, he tried his best.

‘It’s OK, I got most of it :) I just wasn’t sure which chapters the third paragraph was about.’

‘That was chapters 15 and 16… I think. My notes are kind of messy too.’ You giggled at his response.

‘Thank you, also I like your little drawings.’ You snapped a photo of the little hero in the top corner of the page and sent it to him.

‘Oh, sorry, that’s Hierophant Green. Sometimes I just kind of doodle him without even really realizing. ^///^’ The name wasn’t familiar to you, but it was still cute nonetheless. You went to type a response, but instead a new message popped up, (B/f).

‘What did your mom say?’ She asked. You quickly responded that she and your dad were out for their anniversary. ‘Oooh, party at your place?’ You rolled your eyes.

‘Yeah, as if your mom would let you go out on a school night, nerd.’ You switched back to your previous conversation, quickly typing out a reply.

‘Aw, I think he’s cute <3 You should tell me more about him tomorrow.’ You hit send and tried to get back to your math homework, only for your phone to distract you again by vibrating.

‘Who?’ You raised a brow, eyes scanning over his messages again to try to see the little doodle’s name, only to have your heart skip a beat when you realized that you’d sent that message to Jotaro instead of Noriaki. Your face turned bright red in embarrassment.

‘Omg, I’m sorry, I totally meant to send that to Noriaki.’

‘Who are you talking about?’ Jotaro replied. You realized that this probably looked terrible. You’d asked him for Noriaki’s number and now you were talking about someone being cute and asking Noriaki about them. You knew that if you were in his shoes, you’d probably assume they were talking about you, like how you talk to your crushes best friend in hopes if them talking to your crush about you; you likely wouldn’t have thought that they were talking about some dumb doodle on a piece of paper.

‘It’s nothing. I was asking Noriaki about the little guy he doodles on his papers is all.’ You realized that that probably sounded like a lame cover, as opposed to the real answer. Either way, this situation was awkward, which seemed to be the norm for you these days.

‘Yare yare.’ You rolled your eyes at his response and put your phone down, calling it a day of making an idiot of yourself as you finished up your homework, stretching your arms over your head. You got up, grabbing your phone as you made your way into your kitchen, turning on all the lights as you went; you didn’t like being home alone, especially when it got dark. You had at least an hour of daylight left, but still, it gave you an anxious feeling. You looked in the fridge, seeing the dinner your mom had made. You frowned, it wasn’t that you didn’t like the dinner she’d made, but eating alone in your house seemed so, well, lonely. You had some money left over from the weekend, enough to get something to eat at least. You grabbed your keys and put your wallet into your pocket, destination unknown, as you locked the door behind you.

There were several fast food places down the street, giving you plenty of options. You decided to go with stereotypical home alone meal of Chinese take out, taking out your phone to pass the time during the walk. Your mind started to wander, ending up back at this morning as you wondered if Jotaro would be able to change his bandages himself or if his mom would help. You wondered if it would be too invasive to ask him, but then again he didn’t seem to think that telling you how to take care of yourself was invasive.

‘I was just thinking, how’s your arm? Has your mom seen it?’ You sent as you waited for the crossing signal to turn to walk.

‘It hurts like hell, but I’ll manage. I’m not involving my mom.’ You could have easily left it at that and called it a day, but you decided to inquire further. You found it odd that he would chose to keep his mom in the dark, as she probably would have been a much better caretaker than you ever would have, and would likely spend most the day doting upon her son.

‘Are you able to change the bandage on your arm?’ You knew from earlier that the arm that had the puncture wound through it was his dominant arm. You looked up and crossed the road, the smell of food becoming stronger as you got closer.

‘Are you offering to?’ You snorted as you read his message, quickly typing out your response as the Chinese food restaurant came into view.

‘I’m just asking is all.’ You got in line to order your food, the scent of Chow mein calling to you.

‘And if I say I can’t?’ You sighed through your nose at the response. Now he was just messing with you, surely.

‘I’m out at the moment, so if you actually do need help, I’m willing to make one house call, but that’s it; after that I start charging.’ Your not sure why you were entertaining the idea of going to Jotaro’s for a second time that day no less, but you supposed that it beat sitting alone in your house. Plus, he didn’t do anything uncomfortable that morning, so you supposed that helped to put your mind at ease around the tall, dark, and brooding teen.

‘I would like help.’ You could imagine him grinding his teeth as he wrote that, as judging from this morning, he wasn’t a fan of appearing weak; not that he was, injured or not, he could still likely break you in half. You ordered your food and began your second journey that day to the Kujo residence. It wasn’t far away, just a few blocks. You arrived at the gate, surprised to see Jotaro standing on the front porch, smoking a cigarette; for someone who said they needed help, he sure seemed able-bodied. You approached him, blushing as you realized that you probably looked like an ass for just showing up with food, not offering to see if he wanted anything.

“Um, sorry, I should have probably got you something as well.” You said sheepishly as you stepped up to the porch. He scissored the ashes off his cigarette before taking a final drag from it. “It’s fine,” He answered as he tossed the butt down onto the gravel drive, “we already ate.” We. So his mom was home. You looked close in fading light, the sun starting to set now, there wasn’t an outward sign of him having been injured, all his wounds covered by his jacket, which seemed to have been a new one, as it didn’t look like it had been run over by a freight train and stabbed with scissors over and over. He led you inside, stopping to let you take your shoes off, the smell of Ms. Holly’s cooking still lingering. As he led you to his room you noticed that he wasn’t as back to normal as you’d thought, a slight limp was present and you noticed he was holding his dominant arm close to his body, favoring the other one. He opened the door for you allowing you to walk in. The blood from the morning was gone, the floor now clean, which made you feel guilty as you imagined an injured Jotaro struggling to clean the floor. He sat on his bed, wincing as he did so.

“Alright, let’s take a look at your arm.” You said, setting your food bag on the chair by his desk, before turning to him. He shrugged out of his jacket, wincing as it brushed against his injuries, the gauze around his arm had red starburst spots on the top and bottom. You sat beside him in the bed, gently taking his arm as you unwrapped the bandage. He grunted as the bandage stuck to his fresh wound, the dried blood cementing it to his skin. “Sorry.” You said, forgetting what he’d said this morning about you apologizing. “It’s fine.” He said eyes closed. There wasn’t much change in the wound, obviously, but hopefully it would be better soon. “Um, is the gauze still in the bathroom?” You said looking up, blushing at the close proximity. He nodded and you got up, switching on the bathroom light. You retrieved the gauze and went back to your spot next to him, taking his arm again. You gently wrapped it up, making sure it was secure but not too tight on his arm.

“Ta-da.” You said jokingly as you waved your hands over his arm. He looked over your handiwork, humming in response, which you took as a sign of approval. “Thank you.” He said quietly as he leaned back on his unbandaged arm, the other sitting limply in his lap. You stood up and went over to the chair you left your food on, wheeling it a bit closer to him, before sitting in it and opening your take out box. You sat comfortably in his chair, legs folded under you as you ate. After a while, Jotaro broke the silence,

“Were you really asking Kakyoin about his Hierophant Green?” You looked up, cocking your head as you idly picked at your food with your chopsticks. “That’s the little hero guy he draws on his papers, right?” He nodded in response a small smile on his lips, “Yeah, I was asking Noriaki who he was. I thought it was cute that he doodled him all the time, so I thought I would ask about it.” You flushed red; that probably sounded dumb. “When did you start calling him Noriaki?” He asked, his brows furrowed in what you guess was confusion. “Last week.” You answered simply as you took a bite of your food. His lips drew into a hard line, eyes narrowing a bit in thought. You finished up the last of your food, wrapping it up in the bag you’d brought it in, before checking your phone. You’d accomplished what you’d come to do, which was change Jotaro’s bandage. You stood up, moving his chair back where you’d found it, and turned to him.

“That was your one free house call.” You said jokingly as he stood up, putting his jacket back on to hide the bandages should he come across his mom. You wanted to ask why he didn’t tell her, but you didn’t want to butt in too much. He looked down at you, eyes unreadable, before he took a step closer to you, your heart picking up speed. You looked back up at him, nervous that he would try and kiss you again, as some sort of internal battle seemed to be happening behind his eyes. A blush crossed his face as he finally moved, arms coming around you and enveloping you in a hug. You blinked; that was unexpected. Just as he did on the train, he rested his head atop yours. Hugs were fine, you could deal with hugs; after whatever had happened to him, Jotaro could probably use one. Your arms wrapped around his waist, reciprocating the gesture, as one of his hands traced your spine, memorizing the sway of your back. You weren’t sure how long you two stood there, awkwardly hugging in his room, but you finally spoke, voice slightly muffled as your cheek was pressed against his shirt. “Jotaro,” He hummed into your hair, “I should probably get home.” His arms tightened around you for a moment, inhaling deeply, before finally releasing you, pulling his hat down a bit to cover his face. You stepped back, allowing him to lead you to the front door where you out your shoes on. You weren’t sure what was up with him, but there was something going on in Jotaro’s head. He seemed very to be struggling with something. You put your shoes on as he turned the front porch lights on, opening the door for you are he stepped out behind you.

“(Y/n),” You turned to look at him, the shadows cast by the lights hilighting his handsome cheekbones, “I-“ He looked away for a second, brows furrowed, before looking back at you, face softening, “I’d like it if you called me Jojo.” You blinked, confused. That’s it? That’s what he’d been struggling with? Was he jealous that you were calling Kakyoin by Noriaki? You nearly laughed, but just offered him a small smile. “I can do that, Jojo.” He stepped forward, catching you in one last hug, pressing a quick kiss to your temple. You inwardly sighed, at least he seemed to be restraining himself to some degree. He let you go, aqua eyes looking down at you, as you stepped off the porch turning to address him once more. “This time, I promise I’ll text you when I get home.” And with that you began your journey back home, trying to just embrace the bizarre adventure your life had become.


“Hey, Icee, you got some Kakyoinxreader in my Jotaroxreader.” Shhhhh, just love and accept my sweet little cherry boi. (I will never apologize for loving Kakyoin)

I like to swing back and forth between yandere and tsundere Jotaro because I’m a terrible and Inconsistent writer, hopefully it’s not annoying to anyone.

I started writing this… then I wrote a STUPIDLY long chapter for my Kars story instead >_> oops. (This is my shameless plug for my other fanfic. You should totally read it)

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