School Days and Storm Clouds

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My roommate has been on vacation all week so I've been really sad and alone and this chapter is just self indulgent garbage to try and make me feel better, tbh it probably should have just been a one-shot instead of trying to integrate it into this story. Sorry in advance for this OOC trash chapter.

Every once in a while the stars would align just right and you and (B/f) would end up at the same point at the same time in walking to school; today was one of those days, allowing the two of you a few more moments of social time. You both walked and talked about your tentative plans for the weekend, as you didn't get a chance to ask your mom last night. You told (B/f) about going over to Jotaro's last night to help him change his bandage, to which she raised a brow at, but didn't voice any judgement about it. As you entered the courtyard a gaggle of schoolgirls ran between the two of you, (B/f) calling out some rude remarks in response to them, not that they paid any attention as they took off down to the school gates and beyond. You both rolled your eyes as they all began crying out for a certain aqua blue eyed teens attention.

"Do you think they'll ever get the hint?" (B/f) asked you both stood by the school doors and watched with a weird sense of curiosity, wondering what compelled them to do the same thing day after day and never get tired of Jotaro either yelling at them or flat out ignoring them; maybe not day after day, rather whenever he decided to come to school that was. You were surprised he was here, since not twelve hours ago he was still obviously in great pain.

"They've been doing this since, what, fifth grade? If they were smart they would have got the hint by sixth grade. I don't think they're going to stop until graduation, maybe even after, who knows." You shrugged, watching two girls bickering, oblivious to Jotaro trying to just get around them to get to school whilst trying to ignore the rest of the heard around him.

"You gunna run in there and stake your claim?" (B/f) joked, nudging you. You turned to her with a look of disbelief, "Wha- no! I haven't staked a claim in anyone!" You defended, turning bright red at the accusation. She hummed, giving you a look. "You're right, I think it's the other way around." You rolled your eyes in response, turning to go into the school as the chorus of 'Jojo' came closer to the two of you.

"Poor boy is probably just confused, happy to have a girl around that doesn't scream in his ear constantly." You said as you opened the door, letting (B/f) go ahead, "I'm surprised he's here, he was pretty messed up yesterday." You said with worry edging in your voice, what if he injured himself further, or stressed his body out? (B/f) opened her locker, which was much more organized than yours had ever been, as you stood idly by, nibbling your thumbnail in thought. (B/f) shut her locker and the two of you made your way to your own locker.

"You look concerned." She observed as you began opening your locker. "I'm not concerned." You said quickly; probably too quickly. She hummed behind you, clearly not convinced. "I'm sure that Jojo wouldn't come to school if he didn't feel like he could handle it, right?" You closed your locker, turning red as you realized that you'd called him Jojo as opposed to Jotaro in front of (B/f). She gave you a questioning look, "For the record, he's the one who wanted me to use the nickname." You clarified, defending yourself. (B/f) held up her hands in surrender, "Hey, I didn't say anything." She replied teasingly. The bell rang, which meant history class awaited, which you thankfully managed to get the homework done, thanks to Noriaki's notes. "I'll catch you later." You said as you parted from (B/f), heading down the hall.

"Alright, everyone," Your teacher announced as soon as everyone was seated, "Pop quiz today." There was a chorus of groans throughout the room, clearly not as enthused at the announcement. You glanced over and saw Noriaki's shoulders slump a bit, brows knit with worry. He must have sensed you looking his way and turned to look at you, giving you a soft smile as you gave him an encouraging thumbs up.

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