Three's a Crowd

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"I'm home!" You announced as you kicked off your shoes, eager to put down the heavy groceries. You dropped the groceries down on the counter top, rubbing the marks they'd made in your arm; maybe you should start working out.

"Thank you so much, sweetie, did you get all the stuff you needed?" Your mom asked as she began putting away the groceries. You followed suit, assisting her.

"Yeah, I got us some snacks for tomorrow." You said, showing her the assortment of candy and chips you'd gotten for the group. She picked up the bag of gummy sea creatures with interest,

"These look good." Normally you'd have no problem with your mom sampling your candy, but you'd gotten those for 'the group'; or rather specifically one in particular. You quickly reached for the bag, taking it out if her grasp.

"Sorry, mom, those are for us tomorrow." You put all the snacks in one of the empty grocery bags and set it aside, reminding yourself to put it in your backpack for tomorrow, as you resumed helping your mom. Once the groceries were put away she started to make dinner as you went upstairs to pack your bags, grabbing the bag of candy and chips on the way up. Once you entered your safe haven you unceremoniously dumped the contents of your school bag onto your desk, planning on using it tomorrow for your adventure. Looking through the pile you just made, you grabbed your notebook in case you needed to write anything down as well as some plain sheets of paper for the drawings you were supposed to make.

You looked around, trying to think of all the things you'd need. A towel for sure, a spare set of clothing, cute sunglasses, maybe a book to read on the beach? You tried to pack light, but somehow your backpack ended up being full to the brim with various stuff you may need in various occasions. Fighting with the zipper for a while you finally managed to close it all the way, smiling in triumph over the bag. You sat on your floor now contemplating your biggest choice: what were you going to wear? You nibbled at your thumbnail in thought, contemplating texting (B/f) and seeing if she had any advice or input. You mentally went over outfits that you usually like to wear and what you thought you looked good in. You wanted to look good, but you also needed to be comfortable in it as well as be able to keep cool in it. You also needed to decide on what swimsuit you wanted to wear; one piece or bikini. You let out a frustrated groan as you flopped down onto your back, content with just watching your fan lazily go in circles. Why was this so hard? You searched your closet, finding your favorite pair of shorts and a flattering shirt. Grabbing your phone from your pocket you looked at the group chat, seeing if you'd missed anything important. You opened (B/f)'s messages, not wanting to involve Leon in your choice of swimwear.

'Hey, bikini tomorrow or one piece?' You hit send and idly sat against your closet door waiting for a message back. Thankfully it didn't take long.

'I'm going with a bikini ;) It's gunna be hot outside and I wanna look cute.' You rolled your eyes at the response, but she did have a point, it was going to be pretty hot outside. You mentally shrugged as you stood up and rummaged around in your dresser for your favorite bikini. You set it all out, looking it over to see if you liked the ensemble. Snapping a photo of it spread out on your bed you sent it to (B/f) to see if she approved or had any input. She did the same to you, her outfits always seemingly more cuter than yours somehow. You sent a text of approval as your mom called you down for dinner. You sent a quick 'dinner ttyl' to (B/f) before heading downstairs, the smell of your moms cooking calling you like a siren's call.

Sleep didn't come very easily for you last night, not so much from excitement as you would expect, but rather your mind making up a million in one various scenarios that may or may not happen. Turning your alarm off, you swung you legs over the side if the bed, sitting for a moment trying to get your brain to wake up along with your body. You yawned as you headed into the bathroom, grabbing the stack of clothing you'd left out last night, a hot shower being just what you needed to wake up and freshen up. You let the water warm up, brushing your teeth in the meantime, before stepping in, relishing the warm water cascading over you. You washed your body and your hair, trying to draw out your time in the shower, knowing that you'd have to soon turn off the water and exit the warmth. You enjoyed a few more minutes before shutting off the water, quickly wringing out your hair and wrapping a towel around yourself to try and trap in the remaining warmth before stepping out of your shower. You toweled your hair off to the best of your ability

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