Finale Friday

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My friends and readers, since I began this journey I've been saying one thing consistently: I have a plan. All I ask is that you have some goddamn faith.

You woke up feeling better than you had in weeks, your conscious now guiltless and things having been smoothed over; for the most part anyway

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You woke up feeling better than you had in weeks, your conscious now guiltless and things having been smoothed over; for the most part anyway. You still weren't on great terms with most of the girl population in school, but with Jotaro's words in your mind, it gave you the boost you apparently needed. You got dressed in your uniform, adding an extra layer here and there to combat the cold, making sure to pack extra clothing and other essentials for (B/f)'s house. Not that it was a big deal if you forgot something, as she didn't live far from you, but normally you just ended up wearing each other's clothing. Both of you guilty of stockpiling "borrowed" clothing for who knows how long. You took a moment to slip on your sea glass bracelet, taking a moment to admire it in the morning sunlight. You weren't sure if Jotaro picked this one specifically because it was close to his eye color, or if that was just an observation made on your own, but you liked it none the less; a secret token of affection between just you two. Well, sort of secret, as (B/f) also knew about it.

You dashed out of the house, (B/f) planning on meeting you at the corner to walk to school together, which was a rarity in the winter months as usually she would hightail it to school as fast as she could, rather than waiting around in the cold. Instead, this time it was you waiting on the corner, shifting from foot to foot, cursing your school's uniform. You rubbed the top of your foot over the back of your leg, switching to the other foot, probably looking like a grasshopper as you attempted to keep your exposed skin warm by some means. You could see (B/f) rounding the corner, dressed as warm as she could be as she walked towards you, arms crossed in efforts to retain body heat.

"It's Friday." She said in a sing-song voice, you smiling at her enthusiasm. "Are you ready?" You weren't sure if she was bouncing out of excitement or trying to keep warm, or possibly both. You waved your hand in a "so-so" motion. "I guess so, I mean, I'm not exactly jumping for joy about school-"

"Oh, you know what I mean!" (B/f) interrupted, playfully swatting at you, "I wasn't talking about school." She clarified with an eye roll, "Anyway, how was John's?"

"John? Who the hell is- Oh, ha ha," You brain finally caught on, letting out a mock laugh, "Right, John. John was great. My good friend John." (B/f) snickered, leaning in close as she gave you a pointed look, "And?" She drew out, lips in a full grin. You playfully pushed her away, acting coy as the two of you approached the gates to the school. "And what?" You shrugged, (B/f) giving you an exasperated look, "Come on, (Y/n)."

"Alright, alright," You chuckled, "Yes, after school." You shooed her out of the way of your locker, opening it and retrieving your books. You followed her to her own locker, idly loitering around, waiting for the bell to ring. A familiar red head passed by, on the way to his own locker, shadowed by a six foot something dark haired boy. "Hey." You greeted as he passed, receiving a quick 'hey' in response. "'Sup, John." (B/f) muttered quietly under her breath, both of you giggling at the dumb insider. Both boys exchanged looks, probably confused as to why both of you were laughing, shrugging as they continued walking. "So stupid." You said shaking your head, still grinning.

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