I ain't afraid of no ghost

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You subserviently followed Jotaro through the house, looking around at all the various items and photos that hung in the walls. The dining room was as traditional as the rest of the house, a view of the beautiful pond outside accompanying it. Mrs. Kujo came out, carrying plates.

“Oh! You’re still here, that’s wonderful. I saw your other little friend leave, but I wasn’t sure if you left with him or not. Please, have a seat.” She said, seemingly excited that you’d stayed. She was a very welcoming figure, definitely a devoted mother, despite the negative attitude Jotaro seemed to extend towards her.

“Thank you, I appreciate your hospitality, ma’am.” You replied, gingerly taking a seat. She stifled a laugh behind her hand.

“Such manners. Jotaro, you should learn from her.” Jotaro sat down at the table, taking a seat across from you, and crossed his arms, letting out an unamused hum. She left the room for a second, coming back in with an arm full of dishes, “Ta-da! I hope you’re hungry, I made one of Jotaro’s favorites, grilled mackerel.” It all looked amazing! You waited for Mrs. Kujo to seat herself before you started eating;  it tasted as amazing as it looked. While Jotaro wasn’t the best conversationalist, his mother all but made up for it, asking you about yourself as well as telling stories about younger Jotaro, to which you could see him clenching his jaw at and shielding his eyes with his hat. Not that you could really blame him, your own mother thought it was hilarious to bring up embarrassing stories of you as a child, so you could definitely sympathize with him.

Once everyone was done eating, Mrs. Kujo, or Ms. Holly, as she insisted you called her, stood up to take the dishes, only to be waved away by her son’s hand.

“Don’t bother, I’ll clean them later.” He said as he stood up. Apparently this was abnormal for him as Ms. Holly’s eyes widened for a second before turning upwards in a smile.

“You’re so sweet, Jotaro.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek, you politely looked away, fighting back a grin at how odd as well as cute the situation was. Ms. Holly gave you a cheerful wave as she left you two alone. You stood up, grabbing your plate as you did so, the least you could do was wash your own plate. You started towards the kitchen, only getting a few steps before Jotaro’s hand shot out, grabbing your upper arm and turning you towards him. Your eyes widened in fear, unsure of what you did or what was happening.
“What are you doing?” He asked, eyes narrowed. You held the plate almost vertically, as if trying to use it as a barrier between you and him.
“I-I was going to wash it.” You said quietly, severely confused.
“I said I would get it later, dumbass.” Your grip on the plate tightened a bit; you could have done without the name-calling. He took his hand from your arm, holding out to you instead, “I’ll take it.” You gently placed the plate in his hands, trying to avoid your hands touching his. He set it back down on the table, before brushing past you, “Let’s go.” You followed him out if the dining room and down the hall. You’d assumed he was going to take you back to the library to get your stuff, it was nearing 7pm after all. While your mom’s curfew wasn’t until 9pm on a school night, you hadn’t actively planned on staying at Jotaro’s for this long. He opened a door, once more not moving aside as he waved you into the room. The room was dark, no lights on, and with the sun setting, the amount of light in the hall was getting less and less. Entering into a dark room with Jotaro was not on your bucket list of things to do, but here you were. You squeezed past him, gently brushing against him as you took a few steps into the room, Jotaro entering behind you. Most normal people would turn on the light as they enter the room, as opposed to shutting the door and enveloping themselves and their guest in darkness. Jotaro Kujo was not one of those people.

You stood stiffly in the dark, counting heart beats as you tried to calm yourself down. What the hell was happening?

“W-we should probably, um, t-turn on a light.” Your voice was tight, your throat nearly closed in fear of the dark and whatever may lurk in it. There was a shuffling behind you, you assuming it was Jotaro moving to turn the light on, but instead you felt two large hands clamp down on your shoulders. If you weren’t scared before you sure as hell were now. You felt Jotaro’s presence behind you, the scent of cigarettes lingering, his body too close to yours.

“Are you afraid?” He asked from above you, looming over you in the dark.

“N-no, I’m not.” You lied as you attempted to telepathically place a call to emergency services, obviously to no avail. It was quiet for a few more seconds, not that you could hear much over your mental screaming and pulse pounding in your ears.

A hot breath blew on your ear and that was all it took to set you off. You let out a high pitched yelp as you jumped back, slamming into a wall. An arm made it’s way around you, holding you against the wall, as the light finally came on. You clutched the arm around you, just trying to calm yourself down. The wall behind you let out a soft deep chuckle. Your brain took way too long to realize that you were holding onto as well as currently being held by Jotaro, not a wall. Your face exploded in a deep red blush as you pushed away from him, turning back towards him anger over casted by fear etched on your face.

“What the hell? What was that for?” You wrapped your arms around yourself, heart rate still elevated.

“Yare Yare, you’re a shit liar.” He said, moving past you to sit on a bed, “And it was just  a joke.” That was his idea of a joke? The joke would have been on him if you’d had died of an elaborate series of heart attacks.

“What do you mean?” You asked.

“You could have just said you were afraid of the dark.” He explained simply as he adjusted his hat. You have no idea how or why on earth there mattered, but your brain was so rattled at the moment that you couldn’t tell up from down. You sent a weak glare at Jotaro for a few moments before looking around the room. Wait, where were you?

There were some posters on the wall, referencing detective shows and other various things, an old school boombox sat on a desk that had sketches sitting on it, a book shelf full of what looked to be mangas, Shōnen Jump books, and normal books on various subjects. You looked around a bit more taking notice of the weights that took up residence in the corner of the room as well. This was a bedroom. This was Jotaro Kujo’s bedroom to be specific. Once more your heart rate quickened, as you awkwardly stood there, wanting nothing more than to go home and pretend that none of these awkward moments happened. Jotaro seemed to take notice of you just standing stiffly by the door, so he patted the spot next to him on the bed.

“You can sit down, you just standing there looking scared is starting to piss me off.” You bit your lip, and slowly inched your way over to the bed. Dear Lord, what have you gotten yourself into? You mentally kept telling yourself to calm down, he’s just your science partner, and this situation totally isn’t weird. You sat near the foot of the bed, trying to find the least intrusive spot, as well as far enough away from Jotaro to be “comfortable”, or as much as you could be in this situation. The bed was soft, which for some reason surprised you. You assumed that he would be the type of person to sleep on a rock; possibly even under a rock. You spread your hands out on the blue comforter, leaning your weight back on them as you looked at his room from this angle.

Being closer now to the bookshelf you could see there was a good amount of books on the paranormal. Ghosts and demons seemingly being the main focus. You immediately thought about all the weird “touches” you swore you felt. Did Jotaro really have a hat ghost, possibly a demon?

“So,” you started awkwardly, “do you like paranormal stuff?” You turned to look at Jotaro who seemed to just be watching you, making you all the more uncomfortable. “Sorry,” you don’t know why you apologized, after all, you’d only looked at his bookshelf, but then again maybe he didn’t want you to. “I noticed the, um, the books on your shelf.” You gestured to the shelf, as if presenting evidence in a court case. “I think it’s kind of neat in a way, I mean, I personally don’t want to meet a ghost or a demon,” you ramble, just trying to fill the silence, as you began lightly swinging your feet in hopes to calm your anxiety. “I’m too scared to go ghost hunting or anything, but I enjoy watching shows about it, as long as the lights are on.” Jotaro seemed content with just letting you speak, just observing you from his place on his bed. You ran out of steam, only able to converse with yourself for so long, instead you just looked down at your bobbing feet. You nearly jumped when Jotaro let out a hum.

“I used to believe in ghosts, I once believed that I was possessed by an evil spirit.” Your eyes widened as they flicked up to his hat for a second before back down at his eyes. You waited for him to continue, but he instead just lied back, his feet still on the ground as he laid across his bed sideways, arms folded behind his head.

“And?” you pressed, turning your upper body to face him, “Was it an evil spirit?” His eyes were closed in content, he cracked one open to look at you for a moment before sliding it back shut.

“No, it wasn’t.” Only Jotaro could be so casual about possibly being possessed by something. Maybe he was just trying to scare you again. You opened your mouth to question him further but your phone interrupted your train of thought. It was your mom checking up on you, reminding you that if you missed curfew time all hell will be unleashed upon you.

“I should probably get going, my mom doesn’t like me being out too late.” You said, standing up from the bed. Jotaro gave a deep sigh as he too stood up. “I’ll have to get my stuff from the library.” You reminded him as he led you to the bedroom door. You stopped in the threshold, noticing that the hallway was pitch black. You weren’t going to go through that again. Jotaro seemed to get the hint as he turned on the hall light before gesturing you forwards. He led you back to the library, which you were grateful for as you probably otherwise would have been lost in the Kujo residence for who knows how long. You moved to grab you bag, but Jotaro beat you to it, putting it over his shoulder.
“You don’t have to carry that, I can do it; I do it almost every day.” You offered.

“It’s fine.” He said, making it known that you were not going to win this fight. You followed him down the same way Ms. Holly took you and Leon a few hours earlier. You expected him to just simply see you to the door, but Jotaro walked with you all the way to the gate. You turned to him and held out your hand for your bag, which he relinquished over to you, his hand brushing against yours. Thankfully it was dark so your blush was hidden.

“Thank you, I appreciate you letting us use your library.” You said as you slid your bag up your shoulder. “Also, be sure to tell your mom thank you as well, she’s very generous.” He adjusted his hat downwards as if embarrassed in your bringing up his mother. “Well, I should get going, I’ll see you tomorrow- er, maybe.” You added, having no idea if Jotaro would actually go to school or just skip again.

“Text me when you get home.” It was so unexpected that you let out a laugh, thinking that he was kidding. You quickly silenced yourself as you looked at his narrowed eyes, apparently he was serious. “Right, I’ll let you know when I get home. Have a good night.”

“You too.” He said, his eyes softening as he watched you turn around and begin walking away. He stood vigilant, watching until it was too hard to see you clearly in the dim lighting before using Star Platinum’s enhanced vision to watch you further.

It didn’t take long for you to get home, you were very used to the path since it was the same route you took to and from (B/f)’s house, plus there were a good amount of street lamps to help you feel more at ease. You happily greeted your mom, before heading up to your room. You were more than ready to get out of your uniform and into your pajamas. You remembered you had to text Jotaro to let him know you made it home.

‘Made it home safe and sound.’ You hit the send button and tossed your phone onto your (F/c) comforter as you began changing into your pajamas. Your phone vibrated a few moments later.

‘Good. I don’t like the idea of you being out late.’ You scoffed down at your phone.

‘Hey, you’re the reason I was out late.’

‘I meant, I don’t like the idea of you walking home alone in the dark.’ Your eyebrows furrowed at the audacity of the school delinquent.

‘I go that way to and from (B/f)’s house, it’s fine. Plus there’s like a million street lamps. Lol, What, was I supposed to just sleep there????’ You rolled your eyes. Honestly, you had no idea what else you were supposed to do, you had to get home somehow. A few seconds passed before you received an answer.

‘If it meant you were safe, yes.’ Your heart skipped a beat as you read the text, closing your phone as if it would make this awkward feeling go away. You took a few moments to try and rationalize his odd answer. Of course he needs you safe, his grade depends on it, and with all of his unexcused absences and missed homework, he probably needs that good grade. Also, his house of huge, so of course he probably meant that you could sleep in a guest room, probably half way across the house from him. He’s your science partner, that’s it, nothing more.

‘Ooook, well, I’m going to bed, nighty night.’ You set your phone down and went into your bathroom, brushing your hair and teeth and washing your face before crawling into your bed. (B/f) was going to die when you told her about your day. All you had to do is survive this week, and then this weekend was the aquarium trip, which you couldn’t wait for. A day of fun and friends. And Jotaro, he’d be there too. You couldn’t figure out where on the people-in-your-life list he landed on. He want exactly a friend per se, he wasn’t a stranger by any means, maybe he was more of an acquaintance? He’ll probably go back to ignoring your existence as soon as this science project was over. What if he didn’t though, what if he kept acting like this; whatever ‘this’ was, you still weren’t sure.

You sighed and looked down at your phone, Jotaro having sent a text that simply read, ‘night’. You turned off your lamp and snuggled under the blankets, tired from your day of odd happenings.

Tomorrow is another day.

Shorter chapter, but it's also just a direct continuation of the last one.

Jotaro was a dick in this one, but tbf when isn't he?  At least he's a dick that cares for you.

Also, Idk what his bedroom looks like?? I just took context clues from the shit Star Platinum hoarded in his jail cell.

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