Sports Ball Anime

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Whoever thought history class first thing in the morning was a good idea was wrong. Whoever thought that showing a film, with the lights off, during history class first thing in the morning was double wrong. You took notes, being sure to write down key events and dates, occasionally doodling little stars and such in one of the corners of your paper. You fought back a yawn, stretching out in your chair for a moment as the credits started to roll. A few groans were let out as the lights were turned back on. The teacher began walking around, passing out worksheets. She announced that it was an open study worksheet, which meant you could work by yourself, with a partner, or even in small groups so long as you weren’t disruptive. You began working on the worksheet, not noticing someone scooting over to your desk.

“Hey, (Y/n), did you take notes?” You blinked, looking up to find Noriaki Kakyoin leaning over to your desk. He’d always been a quiet, seemingly shy kid growing up, but once he befriended Jotaro he seemed to come out if his shell a lot more. They were a weird kind of ‘good cop, bad cop’ duo; opposite for the most part but still close friends. You two would occasionally talk, as you had several classes with the red head. You blinked once more before your brain registered he was waiting on a response.

“Oh, um, yeah. Did you not take any?” You asked, raising a brow at him.

He scratched at the back of his neck in embarrassment, using his other arm to cover his notebook, “I mean, I did. I might have missed a few things…”

“Let me see what you have, and I can help you with what you missed.” You insisted, making room on your desk for his notebook. He let out an embarrassed chuckle as he spread his notebook out for you to see. The boy had clearly paid no attention. There were several doodles of cherries and what looked like some sort of super hero all over the page, with little to no actual notes. The notes that were there were not even coherent sentences, just dates with no inclination as to what actually happened on said date. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes as you turned your own notebook towards him. “Here, you can copy my notes.”

His face lit up, “Thanks, (Y/n), you’re a life saver!”

The two of you worked on the worksheet together, or rather, you answered the questions and Kakyoin copied down the answer. You didn’t mind, he was a nice enough person and rather funny. You watched him write down your notes out of the corner of your eye, his odd cherry earrings bobbing along as he glanced between your papers.

The bell rang, signaling all the students to shift to their next class room. You had to wait a few moments to Kakyoin to finish copying your paper, just idly standing by your desk.

“And…” He drew out the word as he finished writing the last sentence, “Done!” He handed you the paper which you quickly stuffed into your backpack, offering him a hasty ‘see you later’ before hurrying to the door. You ducked your head down as you noticed Jotaro coming into the doorway, not sparing you a glance as he made his way over to his friend. You were in the doorway, almost home free, before Kakyoin called out to you. “Oi! Thanks again, (Y/n), we should study together again sometime.” You turned and blinked owlishly as Kakyoin flashed a flirty smile, Jotaro’s eyes seemingly staring into your soul;  your face blazed hot, uncomfortable with all this sudden attention.

“U-um, y-yeah… right. I’ll, uh, se-see you later.” You quickly fled down the hall to your next class, sliding into your seat just as the bell rang. (B/f), who sat next to you, noticed your flushed face as well as you being nearly late to class. It wasn’t long before (B/f) tossed a folded up piece of paper onto your desk.

‘Making out in the halls again?  ;)’ You rolled your eyes, shooting your friend a look as she wagged her eyebrows at you. You picked up your pencil and hastily wrote your response.

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