Ice ice baby

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Them coach blew his whistle, signaling the end of the game.

“Alright, everyone pack it out, go get dressed.” The coach waved everyone away as he headed towards his office. You got many puzzled looks as students passed you, ankle still being propped up on Jotaro’s knee. As silly as it sounded, you were too nervous to move, almost like you needed his permission before removing yourself from his presence. (B/f) approached you, coming to your rescue. Jotaro’s eyes seemed to narrow at her approach.

“I'm here to collect my invalid.” She joked as she moved over to your side, paying no mind to the boy.

“Oh, haha,” You said humorlessly, “very funny, (B/f).” Slowly, as if afraid you’d get grabbed again, you retracted your foot from atop Jotaro’s knee, removing the ice pack bandaged to it once it was in your range. You placed your foot on the floor, testing some weight on it before fully standing up. You winced a bit, but the pain was manageable. You turned back go Jotaro, shifting your weight back to your good foot.

“Thanks, um,” You looked away for a moment, uncomfortable under his strong aqua blue gaze, “Thank you for your help.” He said nothing, just offering a deep ‘hmm’ in response, which you took as an end to this awkward interaction. You and (B/f) made a beeline to the locker room. Immediately, you were surrounded by a bunch of girls, eager to ask to ask what was up, as well as get pointers on how you managed to get Jotaro Kujo to notice you.

“Uh, I mean, I didn’t do anything. He just kind of took it upon himself to help me out, I guess?” You just kind of shrugged, unsure of how to really answer aside from that. You didn’t throw yourself at him or act like a damsel in distress;  you just sat on the bleachers and tried to mind your own business. (B/f) took it upon herself to step in as a temporary bodyguard, clearing girls out of the way so you could change back into your uniform comfortably. Thankfully, you had lunch after this so you could take a few moments to de-stress yourself. You grabbed your book bag and lunch and followed (B/f) to the cafeteria. Your usual spot was in the back corner, slightly secluded from the rest of the population. You two weren’t anti-social per se, as you and (B/f) talked to and got a long with many other classmates, but just naturally preferred to socialize in smaller groups.

“So,” (B/f) leaned towards you as you opened you lunch box, “What was that all about?”

“I honestly have no idea.” You blurted out, arms flailing in confusion, “Like, I was just sitting on the bleachers and suddenly he’s behind me, telling me I need to elevate my ankle, and then the guy just stands up, grabs my ankle, and puts it on his knee, and I’m just like, ‘OK, guess this is my life now’.” You gestured wildly with your arms, blushing as you recalled the weird encounter. “Also, I am on team haunted hat, by the way.”

(B/f) threw her head back in laughter, “Wait! What? Team haunted hat?”

A blush spread across your face at how silly it sounded. “I’m serious! I was sitting there, and something behind me, like, touched me. Actually touched my shoulder. I don’t know how else to describe it, but there was like, a presence around me.” You poked your food around your plate, not very interested in eating.

“Are you going to eat those?” (B/f) pointed to some apple slices you’d packed in your lunch. You scooted them towards her. “Kind of weird for him to be nice to someone he doesn’t really know; I always assumed that he only really cared about Kakyoin. I wonder what he was doing in the gym anyway.”

“I mean, he wasn’t exactly ‘nice’,” You scratched the back of your neck, “he called me a dumb bitch.”

“Excuse me!? He called you what?” (B/f) reeled back in anger, brows furrowed, “What a jerk!”

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