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True to your word, you managed to avoid Jotaro, dodging him in the halls, not sparing him a glance in science class, and going about things as they once had been. It was hard, but you took down the photo from the aquarium, folding it back to where it only showed you, Leon, and (B/f). A tall shoulder behind you being the only remnant that someone else was there. You managed to get everyone, besides (B/f) to seemingly forget you, going unnoticed in the halls once more.

Jotaro wasn’t sure what had happened, how or why you chose to suddenly cut him out of your life. He began spending less and less time at school, instead choosing to lock himself away in his room, listening to country music, remembering the girl that somehow went about her life not noticing him any longer.

The end.

Just kidding, here’s the real chapter:

You woke up Monday morning, mind cloudy with sleep as you rose from your bed. Your Sunday had been rather uneventful, just spent around your house doing chores and running a few errands with your mom. You did feel better though, having spent two days away from school, even though the current goings-on still would occasionally surface in your thoughts; how could it not?

You tugged your sweater arms over your hands as the chilled wind breezed by you, clutching your backpack strap as if that would help keep you warm. Your mom had warned you of the incoming cold front the night before, so you were at least half way prepared. That didn’t mean you didn’t hate it though. Cold weather on it’s own? No problem. Cold weather in your school uniform, which consisted of a skirt, on a windy day? Not very enjoyable. You used one hand to pin your skirt down as you walked, walking behind a few other girls forced to do the same, one of those girls being your best friend.

“(B/f).” You drew out in a playful greeting, causing her to turn. She stopped and allowed you to catch up a few paces.

“This weather sucks.” She said bitterly as she jammed her fuzz-lined hood over her head, tugging at the draw strings, making her look like she was ready to go explore the arctic, as opposed to simply walking to school in the mildly chilly morning, likely to warm up by lunchtime. “Here,” She fished around in her coat pocket for a moment, pulling out the necklace you gave her to borrow, “I appreciate it.” You took it from her, putting it in your own pocket, making a mental note to put it in your bag later.

“Of course, it’s not like I wear it much anyway.” Usually you just wore the shell necklace that she’d given you. You decided to forego wearing the sea glass bracelet, the weird paranoia that somehow, someway, someone would link it back to Jotaro; sure, it was a dumb fear, but you weren’t exactly the most rational when it came to being afraid of things. You took a deep breath as you noticed a gaggle of girls hanging around the school gates, some of them eyeing you as you approached, hands coming up to whisper amongst one another, eyes narrowing at you. “Ignore them.” (B/f) muttered under her breath as you both passed, thankful that there wasn’t any confrontation. You can deal with whispering and glares, it wouldn’t be the first time, you supposed.

“By the way, when do you plan on telling Jotaro that he unintentionally sicced his dogs on you…or do you plan on staying on the run?” (B/f) asked once she made sure you were out of earshot of them.

“I’m not on the run… Not exactly. I’m just waiting for stuff to die down, I guess.” You lied, secretly hoping that somehow everyone including even Jotaro would magically get amnesia and forget you exist, your fight-or-flight senses teetering back and forth on the subject; or rather your tell-him-and-possibly-make-things-worse-or-just-pretend-nothing-ever-happened senses.

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