Mood Swings

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Update: This is a mildly yandere story, friends. Check the tags.

The Ferris wheel loomed overhead, the lights dancing in an array of mesmerizing patterns, the colors of the rainbow star bursting outwards. It was rather beautiful, and you could only imagine it’ll look even more beautiful as the sun sinks lower, the colors popping even more against the dark sky. You pursed your lips as you craned your neck to look upwards as you walked, a gentle breeze fluttering your slightly damp hair as the Ferris wheel cars lightly swayed, your feet dragging as your anxiety began weighing you down. (B/f) and Leon were slightly ahead, talking animatedly about something, while Jotaro hung slightly back by you, his aqua blue eyes occasionally glancing backwards over his shoulder at you. There was line for the ride, which certainly didn’t help your nerves, as your anxiety was already up, now you’d have to just sit and stew in it until it was your turn to ride.

You crossed your arms over your stomach as you entered the queue, trying to look at everything but how high the highest point was. “You OK?” (B/f) asked as she leaned against the railing next to you, looking at your closed off posture. You straightened up and lowered your arms, leaning back against the railing as she did, trying to look composed.

“Yeah, I’m good.” You said, trying to convince everyone including yourself. She gave you a knowing look, but said nothing. You watched the shadows shifting as the Ferris wheel began moving, people exiting as well as entering the cars. The four of you would be the next to be loaded, your blood turning to ice as anticipation and fear mixed into a non-pleasant cocktail; you didn’t get along with heights.

“How many?” The attendant asked, sizing up Jotaro specifically, probably trying to figure out the odds of him plus however many fitting into a single car. “Four.” (B/f) answered happily, although it sounded far off, as if muffled in a distant room, drowned out by the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. A small child exited the car before you, talking excitedly with what you assumed was his sibling. There were little kids on the ride, therefore it had to be safe, right? You tried to reassure yourself as the attendant opened the gate for you four, Jotaro entering first since he would likely need the most room, the rest of you filling around him. The inside was round, a seat going all the way around, save for the small cut out for the doorway. Jotaro sat on one side, while you sat in the middle of the tight ‘C’ shaped car, avoiding the sides since if the car were to swing, the sides would be the highest point of the pendulum. You set your bag by your feet, trying to keep the space you took up as small as possible. Leon and (B/f) took the side opposite of Jotaro, but there was a problem. His large build made the car slightly tilt, which meant since the car was off balance while not in motion, it would probably be a hell of a ride once it began moving. Everyone exchanged glances for a moment before Jotaro sighed and shifted towards the middle with you, while Leon took custody of the dark haired boy’s previous seat. You sat scrunched in the middle, Jotaro’s legs splayed wide to accommodate their length, gripping the edge of your seat to the point that your knuckles were white. Once the attendant made sure everyone was seated the ride began to move.

“Onwards and upwards!” Leon said excitedly, turning around backwards and sitting on his knees to get an unobscured view of the pier, ocean, and beyond. (B/f), who was beside you, looked over to you, noticing your death grip on the seat.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” She said, leaning into you playfully. You turned your head to look at her, everything below your neck locked into it’s current position, unwilling to move.

“I’m fine.” You answered quickly; too quickly. You took a deep breath as you felt the car rise higher and higher, sneaking a glance out of your eye at Jotaro, who was just calmly looking out over the horizon, the colors of the sun setting blending together like a water color painting. The car was about half way up the top when Leon began shifting around, the car slightly swinging in response. A grin slowly spread across his face as he turned and locked eyes with (B/f), who returned the grin. The two began alternating leaning forwards and back, swinging the car lightly in response.

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