Aquarium Adventures

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You took out your phone and sent a quick text to the group chat, letting them know you’d arrived, before you began walking towards the aquarium, the smell of sea salt in your nose. You loved the ocean air, even if it did wreak havoc on your hair and make you skin sticky.

‘Me and Leon are inside already. It’s hot outside, yo.’ (B/f) messaged you.

“They’re already inside.” You said to Jotaro, looking up at him. You wondered how he was a managing to wear his jacket in this heat, tossing around the idea of offering for him to put his jacket into your backpack. You were sure that if he was hot he’d surely take his jacket himself, right? Why were you so concerned about Jotaro all of a sudden? You mentally shook your head, clearing the thoughts away as you came to the front of the aquarium, marveling at the various sculptures of coral and sea creatures that adorned the side of the building. A large Ferris wheel overlooked the entire building as well as the pier adjacent to it. Jotaro opened the door for you, actually stepping back this time so you didn’t have to awkwardly skirt him like you usually had to. The two of you stood in line, waiting to get your tickets, looking at the large cylindrical fish tank that spanned from the floor to the second level, various fish swimming around and around. “This place is so cool.” You said, looking up to see Jotaro looking around, his usually tight knitted eyebrows slightly relaxed, a ghost of a smile on his lips. It was a subtle change, and if you hadn’t been around him much, you might not have even noticed that there was a difference. The two of you approached the ticket booth, the girl behind the counter giving your science partner a good look over.

“Just one tick-“

“Two tickets.” You were cut off by Jotaro, already pulling out his wallet. You muttered a quiet, “You dont have to do that.” Only to be ignored by him as the girl took the money from his hand. You frowned, not intending for him to buy you anything; he could have spent his money on something better. He handed you your ticket as the two of you walked away, the girl bidding both of you a good day.

“You didn’t have to buy my ticket.” You reiterated, biting the inside of your cheek.

“You would have just held the line up with us making two separate purchases.” He explained as he out his hands in his pockets, scanning the crowd. You supposed that that did make a little sense, but it still made you uncomfortable. You scanned the room the best you could for Leon and (B/f), most the people in the room being taller than you. You let out a startled shriek as two hands clamped firmly down on your waist from behind, a playful growl emitted right next to your ear. You jerked away from the hands, seeking safety behind Jotaro, who looked like he was about to commit capital murder. You turned to see Leon howling with laughter at your frightened reaction, (B/f) laughing behind him. “You’re a damn idiot, Caldwell. You’re lucky I don’t beat the shit out of you.” Jotaro snapped, stepping towards the shorter boy, whose brows furrowed at his words, laughter ceasing. Your eyes widened as Leon apparently didn’t value his life, instead stepping up to meet almost toe to toe with Jotaro. Your eyes darted around, noticing that some people began to look over to see what the commotion was; you couldn’t afford to get kicked out of the aquarium.

“It was just a joke, Kujo. Chill out, (Y/n)  is fine,” He glanced past Jotaro’s body to meet your eye, face softening, “Right, (Y/n)?” You put a hand on Jotaro’s arm, pulling on his sleeve a bit, as if trying to get him to back down, not that you were physically capable of moving the delinquent.

“I’m fine, see?” You gestured to yourself, stepping up beside Jotaro, but not daring to get in-between their testosterone fueled feud. (B/f) apparently was more brave than you were, as she shoved her way in-between them, a hand on each of their chests, shoving them apart;  well, shoving Leon back anyway, as Jotaro stood firm.

“You two idiots need to chill out. (Y/n) and me are not going to put up with this crap all day, so learn to pretend to like one another.” You blinked, surprised. Leon was the first to step back, sheepishly rubbing his arm.

“Sorry.” Leon said as he looked away.

“It’s OK, you just scared me.” You said, smiling gently at him to let him know that you weren’t mad at him. Jotaro uttered “Yare Yare.” As he looked away from the group, eyebrows once again drawn downwards in annoyance. You made a mental note to try and keep him and Leon the hell away from one another throughout the day. You took a calming breath, closing your eyes for a few seconds before opening them. “Right, well, let’s get going, shall we?” You said, hoping to break the tension. You and (B/f) apparently had the same idea of walking in-between the two boys, as she positioned herself beside you, keeping them as far apart as possible.

The four of you made your way through the aquarium, you, (B/f), and Leon being the ones commentating the most. Occasionally, Jotaro would tell you all some sort of obscure fact about one of the fishes. You would peek at the sign next to the fish, to see if he was just reading that, but there was nothing like he said written on there; he must really like this stuff.

“Look!” (B/f) excitedly yelled out, pointing down the blue-shaded hallway. A huge room with a floor to ceiling glass wall awaited your group, tropical fish of every shape and size swimming by. Before you could stop her, (B/f) began jogging down the hall, Leon crying out, “wait up!” as he followed suit.

“Guys! What about the…” You trailed off, noticing that they weren’t listening. They’d passed up a few smaller enclosures, which looked like they held the more “stationery” animals, like little shrimps, coral, and seahorses. “I swear, sometimes with them two, I feel like a baby sitter.” You pinched the bridge of your nose for a moment before looking up at Jotaro. “Want to go see the all the stuff Tweedle-Dumb and Teedle-Dumber passed up?” You said, shrugging at the small enclosures. He nodded down at you, his face once again soft, probably thanks to Leon being out of punching-range. You noticed that the blue cast from all the water and lighting made his eyes stand out more so than usual, looking more so blue than their usual aqua color. He places his hands into his pockets and followed you, staying behind you so you wouldn’t have to look around his broad form. It was kind of nice, as Jotaro was once again a people deterrent and you could easily look and spend some time in front of the various tanks; not that people were jumping over one another to try and look at non-sentient coral to begin with, but still.

Eventually you caught up with your other two group members, who were practically pressed against the glass, gazing into the blue abyss.

“What if you could live in here?” (B/f) asked. How she knew it was you behind her was a mystery.

“You mean like in the aquarium or in the tank?” You chuckled, “because if you’re talking about the tank your life expectancy is going to drop to about two minutes before drowning.” You could practically feel her rolling her eyes at your response. “But what if you could breath underwater?” She added, glancing back at you. “Then I probably wouldn’t waste my time in this tank, dumbass.” She stuck her tongue out at you, to which you reciprocated playfully.  (B/f) finally peeled herself away from the tank to turn to you,

“We should work here.” She announced, to which you shook your head.

“I don’t want to clean handprints off glass for a living, (B/f).” You joked as your eyes cut over to the handprints she’d left on the glass. The both of you continued on with your usual banter, jokingly insulting one another. She replied with another witty remark, but you didn’t listen, instead you caught sight of Jotaro out of the corner of your eye. He’d edged away from your group, hat pulled down as his eyes were screwed shut. It was a familiar face, usually seen around school when the girls around him got too loud. You and (B/f) were probably being too loud for him, and he had to step away before he yelled at the both of you for being annoying. You bit your lip and looked at the tank for a few minutes, making sure to speak more quietly and giving the tall teen a moment to calm himself. “Let’s move on, shall we?”

The four of you continued on your journey through the aquarium, you making sure to keep your voice a bit lower as well as the two boys separate; you never imagined having to be so conscious of so many things at once. The dynamics of the group were definitely more different than usual, where as normally you’d be right alongside (B/f) and Leon, running around like children on a sugar high, but instead you tried to keep yourself more reeled in, trying your best not to alienate Jotaro from the group. It ended up being more like (B/f) and Leon leading the charge while you and Jotaro followed them at your own pace. You would make a few comments here and there, but for the most part it was a comfortable silence between the two of you; just content looking at fish.

You could hear (B/f) squeal up ahead as she saw something. “They have otters!” she shouted back at you as she nearly sprinted ahead, causing you to giggle at her over excited reaction.

“She’s ridiculous.” You said, offering Jotaro an apologetic glance. He just hummed in response, keeping beside you as you two walked to catch up with (B/f), Leon waiting for the two of you. You positioned yourself between Leon and Jotaro as you caught up with your friend who was nearly hanging over the railing to look at the small otters down below swimming around oblivious to their own cuteness. You stepped up the railing, letting out a small squeak as your foot slightly slipped on the railing. Jotaro was quick to steady you with a hand on your lower back. “Sorry.” You apologized sheepishly up at him, to which he just sighed in return. He removed his hand, but didn’t step back, ready to catch you incase you tried to fall on your ass again. You smiled to yourself as you watched (B/f) desperately trying to get the otter’s attention for a photo, Leon waving his arms behind her in hopes of helping. She successfully took the picture and looked at it, excitedly showing it off to your small group. You all moved on, the dolphin tank being the next exhibit coming up.

“Alright, so the dolphins are up ahead,” Leon said, looking at the signs, “I say we should take a break, and take some notes as well as our drawing portion of the assignment. Forewarning, I can’t draw worth a shit.”

You laughed and playfully pushed him, “So, you’re telling me you’re useless?” He shrugged with a grin, “Just being honest.” Leon replied. You rolled your eyes at him and pulled your backpack around to your front, trying your best not to spill everything out of it as you dug around. After rummaging around for a bit you pulled out the large sketchbook you’d packed. “Ta-da! Anyone need some paper?” You offered, Leon taking you up on the offer. Jotaro instead just pulled out his own from his jacket, his being smaller than yours of course. You vaguely remembered seeing sketches on his desk; maybe he enjoyed drawing? There were various displays around about various parts of dolphins’ bodies, which was perfect for your project. The three of you split up, (B/f)  following you to go see a diagram of a dolphin’s heart.

“Sorry you’re having to get stuck with Jotaro. I can babysit him for a bit if you want to actually have fun.” You snickered as you did your best to draw the heart.

“He’s not that bad.” You defended. “He’s certainly different, though.” You didn’t regret coming with Jotaro, but you probably would have had a more carefree time without him. You and (B/f) snuck a glance at him, watching him sitting on one of the benches, brows furrowed in concentration as his pencil moved fluidly across the page. A group of girls hung around, seemingly hoping to catch his eye. You rolled your eyes and went back to drawing. After a while Leon came up to you, face slightly red. “What’s up with you?” You asked, a hint of laughter in your voice as you raised an eyebrow. He pursed his lips and presented you with his drawing, not meeting your eye. You and (B/f) looked at it for a second before both bursting out with laughter. “I-I’m sorry, Leon.” You said in-between laughs, trying to compose yourself. “I don’t mean to laugh, I’m so sorry.” You covered your mouth with your fist while (B/f) just unabashedly kept laughing at the sad squiggly scribble that was supposed to be a lung.

“I told you I couldn’t draw.” He said, also starting to laugh; you didn’t feel as bad now that he was also laughing at his own work.

“That’s for damn sure.” (B/f) added, finally calming down.

You patted Leon on his arm, “You tried and that’s what matters, but maybe I’ll draw the other stuff, that way the teacher can vaguely tell what organ it’s supposed to be.”

“The hell is that supposed to be?” You three turned to see Jotaro looking down at the drawing in Leon’s hand, clearly unimpressed. You could see Leon biting his cheek, holding back some sort of rude comment.

“To be fair, mine’s probably no better.” You shrugged, trying to break the tension. “So what did you draw?”

“All of it.” He said simply. You cocked your head, confusion written on your face. He opened his sketchbook, flipping through a few pages before turning it around to show the three of you. He thumbed through a few pages, showing that he did indeed draw all the vital organs, all in extensive detail down to the shading. The three of you blinked, dumbfounded; how did he even do that?

“Well, guess we don’t have to worry about my shitty drawing.” Leon said optimistically, balling up his paper and tossing it into the nearest trashcan. “Good job, Kujo.” You and (B/f) exchanged glances.

“That’s actually amazing.” You said still stunned. He pocketed the small sketchbook before pulling his hat down to hide his face. Was he embarrassed?

“Excuse me,” You all turned to see an aquarium employee wielding a large camera, “Can I offer you guys a group photo in front on the dolphins?” (B/f) excitedly gasped and grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards the tank. The dolphin, apparently accustomed to this, “posed” himself behind you two as you waited for Leon, Jotaro, and the employee to get into position. Since you and (B/f) were shorter, you two were in front and the two boys were behind you. The employee counted down to three, you and (B/f) leaned into one another, peace signs raised. Once he took the shot, he gave you a ticket and pointed you to where you could buy the photo should you like. You decided to take him up on the offer, following his lead to the photo counter.

“You’re actually going to buy that?” Leon asked as he leaned against the countertop, looking down at the glossy image. It was pretty cute, you and (B/f) looked adorable, Leon was striking a heroic pose and Jotaro, though stoic looking, didn’t look bad. You replied with a simple, “Yep.” As you handed the girl your money.

“I’ll get one too!” (B/f) announced as she looked over yours. You both looked at Leon, as if telepathically peer pressuring him. “Fine.” He groaned out, getting his wallet out.

You looked up at Jotaro, getting his aqua eyes, “You getting one?” You certainty didn’t expect him too, but more so asked out of inclusion. He surprisingly nodded his head, also signaling to let the worker know he’d also be buying one. Why he’d want a photo of the time himself, his science partner, his other science partner of which he hated, and their loud-mouthed friend went to the aquarium was beyond you, but you weren’t going to question him. The four of you all got your envelopes, you, Leon and (B/f) putting them into your backpack, while Jotaro out his in his jacket; how deep were his pockets?

The four of you decided to move on, eager to see what adventures may await you through the rest of the aquarium.

This chapter is shorter than the others, but I wanted to split the aquarium into two chapters.

Hopefully this chapter wasn't too bland, idk I feel like there wasn't much going on but maybe that's just me.

Also, I know that there wasn't a lot of time spent at the dolphin tank, but let's be real, I didn't want to write 36 paragraphs about Jojo oogling dolphins. (This is a Jotaroxreader not Jotaroxdolohins)

Next chapter is going to be super fun, there's going to be some touching involved ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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