Rumor has it

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The weekend passed by quickly. Too quickly for your liking. Most of the time was spent with (B/f) at the arcade a few blocks from your house. And now it was back to the usual school routine.

The mornings were usually peaceful in the halls, the annoying girls were out by the school gates, waiting like vultures. You opened your locker, frowning at the state it was in. You vaguely remembered throwing your books in carelessly, telling yourself you'll worry about it Monday. You took a few moments to try and rearrange things, feeling like as clumsy as one of the three stooges as books began to topple out of your locker comically. You blew your (h/c) bangs off your forehead in frustration.

"Need help?" You didn't bother to see who it was, you'd know your (B/f)'s voice anywhere.

"I think I'm beyond help at this point." You responded as you began picking up your books, making sure they'd stay put, before closing your locker. You turned to see (B/f) leaning against the locker beside yours.

"So..." (B/f) Drew out the word, as if unsure how to proceed, "rumor has it you pushed Jotaro on Friday." If you'd had been drinking anything, you more than likely would have spit it out, a laugh track following.

"Are you crazy?" Your voice rose several octaves at the absurd accusation, "Do I look like I can fight? I can't even open jar lids half the time without assistance!" You gestures down to your figure to emphasize your inability. "Some dumb chick pushed me and I accidentally touched him with my shoulder; maybe. Hell, I cant even remember now if I even physically came in contact with him. Either way, I sure as hell didn't physically assault him." A sense of fear trickled down your spine. The last thing you ever wanted was to be involved in a rumor, let alone one that shows you in a bad light, not to mention puts a target on your head. (B/f) apparently didn't share your fear, as she just laughed at your outburst.

"Shit, I never said it was true." (B/f) chuckled, "I was just saying that that's the gossip going down this morning. I'm pretty sure nobody actually believes it." For your sake, you hoped she was right.

Surprisingly, (B/f) was right! The day passed just as any other would. There may have been a few glares and whispers behind your back, but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. Just as you did the day before, and every day before then, you raced to your locker, this time more carefully setting your books in as to not have an avalanche tomorrow. When you exited the school, there were no girls waiting to jump you or string you up upon the flagpole. The walk home was short and peaceful.

"Mom! I'm home." You called out in greeting as you always did, taking off your shoes at the door. You turned the corner to find your mother in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

"Oh, (Y/n) honey, glad you're home." She gave her daughter a cheerful smile, "I have a favor to ask of you. I need you to run down to the store and grab a few things. I meant to do it on my way home earlier today, but I completely forgot." Your mother offered you an apologetic smile as she gave you a small list of grocery items.

"No problem," You said as you started towards the stairs, "Let me go change first and put my bag in my room."

"Thanks, sweetie!" Your mom called up to you in a sing-song voice.

You carelessly tossed your school bag onto your (favorite color) sheets that were unmade from this morning. Your room was a typical teen-age girl's room. Photos of you with friends hung on the wall, a few posters from various band were also hung up, and your desk was overrun by old drinking cups that would eventually make their pilgrimage back to the kitchen; eventually. You quickly changed out of your school uniform, into something more comfortable. You ran a hand through your hair, taking a second to look at yourself in her dresser mirror. You descended the stairs, your mother's list tucked safely away in your pocket.

"I'll be back in a bit." You called out as you put a pair of well-worn comfortable shoes on. You didn't wait for a reply, instead just making your way down the street. The grocery store was only a few blocks away.

You entered through the double automatic doors, savoring the cool air inside the store. Grabbing a small hand basket, you pulled out her mother's list from your pocket. You made sure to go down the list in order, as to not skip over one on accident, even if it meant going down some isles twice. As you picked up the last item, you noticed a familiar someone out of the corner of your eye.

Jotaro Kujo, of course, because your life needed more awkward complications.

You'd never encountered him outside of school before. Chewing your lip for a moment in thought, you tried to strategize. If you said hello to him, it would probably be weird; you've never said hi to him in school, so why would you do so in a store? If you ignored him, it might come off as rude. It was a lose-lose situation it seemed. So, you did the most sensible thing, which was pretend that you never saw him. You quickly grabbed the last item and booked it to the register. There of course was a decently sized line and being that it was a small store, only one cashier was working. You sighed under your breath, taking out your phone and sending a text to (B/f) to pass the time.

Unsure how you had sensed it, you felt a tingle travel up your spine. And maybe it was your imagination, but it was as if the sun, or rather the harsh fluorescent lighting, was suddenly blotted out by a figure behind you. Stupidly, you looked over your shoulder, regret quickly settling in. Your eyes met for a fraction of a second before he tilted his head down, hat shielding his eyes; You knew you had past the point of no return, and you had to acknowledge your fellow classmate.

"Oh, um," Your brain's gears spun a mile a minute thinking of something to say. "You can go ahead if you'd like?" You mentally patted yourself on the back. You silently prayed to whomever may be listening that he would take you up on the offer, as to not have him standing behind you menacingly.

"No." His response was quiet, you almost didn't even hear him.

"It's cool, I don't mind at al-"

"I said no." Jotaro didn't yell, but he certainly wasn't being subtle with his volume. Your face lit up in embarrassment. Your eyes nervously darted to the side before you turned around, softly muttering an apology, as you pretended to check a text on your phone. This was certainly awkward. To rub salt in the wound, the line was moving agonizingly slow.

As you got closer to the front of the line, you noticed the cashier was a young boy around your age. A good looking one at that. The two of you made eye contact a few times, you smiling and shyly looking away each time. Your face grew warm when it was your turn, all the cute cashier's attention on you.

"Find everything you needed?" He had the prettiest green eyes.

"Um, yeah, I- I sure did." you giggled nervously, butterflies in your stomach. The boy would occasionally glance up at you while scanning items. He gave you the total amount, and began bagging your items as you fished around in your wallet.

"So, are you from around here or..." He drug out the question, you smiled and opened her mouth to reply.

"She's not interested, just shut the hell up and do your damn job!" Your heart stopped. You didn't dare turn around, you didn't need to. You could feel Jotaro's glare piercing through you and into the cashier, who paled as he looked at the much taller boy who yelled at him. Your whole body blushed in embarrassment as your gaze fell to the floor, giving the poor employee the money owed and grabbing up your groceries. Part of you was furious! Who was Jotaro Kujo to tell someone you aren't interested in them? The other part was too scared to even dream of confronting him.

Why was it that the past two days, you had more exposure to Jotaro than you did in all her previous school years combined?

Talks to cute boy. Gets cockblocked by Jotaro.

I still don't have any idea what I'm doing or where this story is even going, but here are

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