A Thorn in My Side

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Most of your Sunday was spent in an odd daze, trying to sort out your own thoughts. Your parents must have noticed your unintentional vow of silence and asked how your aquarium trip went, wondering if something happened between you and your friends. You recounted how the day went, leaving out various details for obvious reasons. You simply blamed your odd mood on being tired from the day before, which wasn't exactly untrue; you were tired, more mentally than physically, but you weren't about to let your parents know that.

You woke up Monday morning feeling better than the day before, but not ready for the school day; nobody was ever ready for Monday really. You still weren't sure how to approach the whole Jotaro situation. If you saw him were you supposed to just act normal? Would he expect something different from you? How were you supposed to return his drawings? 'Hey, I accidentally grabbed your aquarium photo, also here's your totally not-creepy drawings back that I totally didn't look at.' You pursed your lips as you got into your school uniform, tossing on your shell necklace to go along with it. How will (B/f) react?

You tried to put your mind at ease, think of other things; you could imagine a million different scenarios, but from what you've learned so far, you personally weren't very good at predicting what Jotaro Kujo will do or say. He may not even be there for all you knew.

You slung your backpack, now filled with your school supplies, onto your back and hurried down the stairs, tossing your school shoes on. You suppressed a yawn as you made your way through the muggy morning air, idly looking at your phone as you walked the familiar path to school. You put your phone down, waiting at the crosswalk for the 'walk' symbol to appear. As your mind began to drift off it was suddenly brought back to reality by your phone ringing. That was certainly odd. You looked down at it, eyes widening when you saw it was Jotaro, of all people. You silenced your phone, just watching the incoming call screen as your phone as it vibrated in your hand. Maybe he dialed you on accident ? Why would he call? It wasn't that you were afraid of your phone, it just gave you a feeling of anxiety having to answer it at times, preferring to stick to texting instead; that went double for this instant since it was Jotaro calling you. Your phone stopped ringing, snapping you out of your trance as you looked up, now clear to cross the street. You looked both ways, just to be safe, and crossed, your phone buzzing in your hand, this time a text message.

'Come to my house.' You couldn't help but scoff aloud at the message. As if you were going to fall for that trap again, besides you were going to school. You looked away from your phone, pretending that you never saw the message as you continued to walk, at least if he was still at his house, there was a good chance he wouldn't be at school today. As if he sensed you ignoring him, you received another message. 'I need help.' You pursed your lips typing out a response,

'You can say that again.' You looked at the message before deleting it; if it was someone else, you probably would have hit send without hesitation, but you didn't want to be straight up rude to the delinquent. You still had to work with him, and getting on his bad side didn't seem like a smart move. 'I have to go to class.' That sounded better. You hit send and resumed walking, the school now in view, a false sense of security coming over you, as if all your troubles and worries would disappear as you crossed the threshold; go back to your normal school life, when all you had to worry about was what assignments were due and what you and (B/f) would be doing on the weekend.

'Please, I'm bleeding.' That response got your attention. Bleeding? Was he hurt? What happened? And when did Jotaro say please? A million questions filled your mind as you chewed on your lip. If Jotaro was hurt and you ignored him asking for help, you'd feel terrible. You looked up to the sky, as if asking whomever was up there for advice, receiving no answer, of course. You sighed again as you re-read the message, hoping that you'd misread it somehow, like 'Please, I'm sleeping', or something like that. Not that that would have sounded better note that you thought about it. The message stayed the same, a plea for help. You gave a longing look towards the school building, students walking and lingering outside in the courtyard, enjoying a normal life, before turning around and walking in the other direction.

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