Coffee, Cherries, and Cigarettes

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The rest of the day passed slow. Way too slow in your opinion, as you nearly fell asleep in Science class, luckily Leon was there to nudge you as you were on the verge of nodding off. You reassured him several times that you were fine and that you’d just had a rough nights sleep is all. The teacher’s boring power point presentation on animal cells wasn’t helping your drive to stay awake either, the lights dimmed a bit to help reduce glares.

When the final bell at the end of the day rang, you were slow to get up as opposed to you’re usual dash to get to your locker. No need to rush if you weren’t even going home. Instead you wound your way through the crowd, thanking whatever genius had the forethought to put drink vending machines next to the library. You pulled a wrinkly dollar out if your backpack, praying that the vending machine gods took pity on you and accepted it. After a few unsuccessful tries, you managed to get the machine to accept your money, punching the number for the canned coffee;  sure, it wasn’t very good tasting, but desperation knows no flavor. You leaned up against the wall next to the library doors, making a face at your drink. Your face lit up as you saw a familiar red head coming down the hall, apparently having abandoned Jotaro to fed for himself as you could hear a chorus of giggles and ‘Jojo’s from somewhere further down.

“Hey, Kakyoin, you ready to ace your history test?” You joked as you pushed off the wall you were leaning against. He gently smiled, as he grabbed the library door, holding it open for you.

“With you tutoring me, I’m guaranteed at least a B, maybe even a B plus!” He said confidently.

“Just a B?” You joked, putting your fists on your hips in mock anger, “I’d say an A minus at the least. Honestly, its all about just memorizing the materials, it’s not too difficult.” The two of you found a small table to sit at, making sure that you were far enough away from other students who were also trying to study as to not disturb them. He looked down at the drink you set down on the table, cocking his head a bit.

“Are you tired? I didn’t mean to keep you, if you want to put this off until tomorrow, we can.” Kakyoin said, a concerned look gracing his features. You waved his concerns away as you brought out your history book and notebook.

“No, I’m fine, I promise. I just needed a bit of a boost is all.” You said reassuringly. You opened your book and positioned it between the two of you; no sense in using two books. You scooter your chair closer to Kakyoin, nearly shoulder to shoulder with him. “Alright, so the test is over these two chapters,” you flipped through the few pages the chapters spanned for a visual representation to show that it wasn’t that much. “There’s only a few key things we really need to pay attention to, like this section right here and these dates for sure.” You said using your finger to point to the sections you were referencing. You could see his red curl bouncing a bit out if the corner of your eye as he watched where your finger moved. You went on to explain a few more things, looking up to make sure he was paying attention, your breath hitching as he apparently decided to also look up at you. Your face grew warm as you realized how close your faces were at this moment. Had his eyes always been so vibrantly purple?

The moment was broken by a loud screeching on chair legs against the floor. Both your heads snapped up to see Jotaro taking a seat at the table, eyes blazing at Kakyoin for some reason or another. Maybe he was mad that his friend had abandoned him in the hall? What was he doing here anyway?

“Oh, Jojo, glad you could join us.” Kakyoin said, either ignoring or oblivious to the strong glare aimed at him. “Something wrong?” He asked cooly, flipping his red bang out of his face with a grin. OK, apparently he did notice the glare.

“Nothing.” Jotaro stated quickly, turning his head away from his red friended friend. Kakyoin just looked to you and winked, causing you to blush once more. What the hell was going on?

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