Touchy Feely

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The next area you came across was the food court area, full of various food stands and souvenir items for sale. A large glass ceiling let in the warm sunlight, allowing all the tropical looking plants to flourish.

"How about we break for lunch?" (B/f) suggested as she eyed a pretzel larger than her head at one of the stands.

"Sounds good to me." You agreed. Leon was already making a bee line to one of the food carts, while Jotaro just hummed in agreement beside you. "Why don't (B/f) and I go snag a table while you get food, then we'll switch out, sound good?" He nodded and headed off to one of the other stands while you and (B/f) began scouting around.

"Ooh! There's one!" She quickly claimed it in the name of your group, sliding into the seat. You sat across from her and looked around, looking at all the options for food. "What do you want to eat?" You put a finger to your chin in thought.

"I'm not sure yet, what are you thinking?"

She shrugged, "I'm getting a pretzel for sure, but I don't know what else."

"I wonder what the boys are getting." You said as you rested your chin in your hand, propped up by your elbow. (B/f) turned her head and snickered under her breath.

"Getting checked out apparently." You raised a brow and followed her gaze. Sure enough, poor Jotaro was surrounded by a pack of younger girls; middle school aged or so it looked like.

"I don't get it." You squeaked in fear as your head whipped around beside you; Leon had slid in beside you while you were looking away. His gaze was also on the tall dark-haired teen absently biting off part of a part of a french-fry. "Is he really that good looking to you girls? He's a complete asshole." The three of you curiously, yet discreetly, watched as he spoke to the heard of girls, brows lowered angrily. "Ah my god, you're so handsome, I want to marry you, even though I'm like twelve." You and (B/f) burst out laughing as Leon "interpreted" the conversation between Jotaro and the girls, falsetto-voice and all. (B/f) joined in, pulling down an imaginary hat, "Yare Yare Daze," She said in the deepest voice she could. "Ohhhh, Jojo, I love it when you yell at me." Leon cooed as he batted his eyelashes at (B/f), his "girl voice" cracking.

"Shh," You tried to hush them in-between giggles, "you two are so mean."

(B/f) looked you in the eye, giving you her best Jotaro inspired scowl. "(Y/n)," She leaned in, taking your hand from across the table while you shook with laughter, "You're the only girl I mildly tolerate." She paused for dramatic effect, while trying to keep from laughing, "But, you're still a dumb bitch." The three of you lost it, howling with laughter. You covered your mouth as you tried to regain your composure should Jotaro start to head your way.

"What am I going to do with you two?" You exasperatedly as you finally managed to catch your breath.

"Love and accept us for who we are." (B/f) offered, still laughing a bit. She quickly sobered up as she noticed Jotaro weaving his way through the tables to the group. You cleared your throat, as if trying to rid yourself of any remaining giggles as you stood up, (B/f) doing the same. Jotaro sat down, as far away from Leon as he could. "We'll be right back. Don't," (B/f) held up a threatening finger to the two boys, "kill one another while were gone." She turned on her heel and began making her way to one of the food stands, you in tow behind her.

"You and Leon are ridiculous." You said, a new wave of chuckles coming as you thought of (B/f)'s Jotaro face. It was apparently contagious as she also began to giggle,

"I can't help it, it's just too funny. Like, we're at the aquarium with Jotaro of all people!" She said as she decided which line to finally get in.

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