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The rest of the week passed without incident. Jotaro wasn't there, weather it was just science class or not at school in general, you didn't know. Leon was unamused, upset with being saddled with a partner that was unreliable and ignoring time they could have used in class to work on their project. In the back of your mind you thought about sending Jotaro a message, seeing if he was alright, but in the end decided against it. Leon wasn't wrong, it would have been nice to get a head start on things, but instead you both took time to do some research and take notes to later add into an essay.

The final bell rang and the weekend officially began. You rushed to your locker and opened it, having not learned your lesson the last week or any other weeks before, you tossed your books inside; it was a Monday problem now. You waited for (B/f) before beginning your journey to her house, eager to change out of your school uniform and get the weekend started. You had told (B/f) about how you were awkwardly forced to partner with both Jotaro and Leon, the latter not happy about the situation. (B/f) did like the idea of going to the aquarium though, which of course you extended an invitation to; why not make a day of it? It was right next to the beach, which meant that after everyone was done maybe you all could spend some time there. You wondered in the back of your mind if Jotaro would partake. He didn't seem like the type to go laugh and frolic in the ocean, but then again neither were you. Being in the ocean gave you anxiety, not knowing what could reach out and grab you in the depths, so you usually kept close to the shore. Maybe Jotaro would be one of those people that sit and read on the beach, reading a book under an umbrella or something. Your mind conjured up an image him sitting under a beach umbrella, gentle smile on his face. (B/f) took notice of your far off gaze as well as a light dusting of blush that covered your cheeks.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked cheekily, leaning in close to you.

You just shook your head, clearing away your thoughts in the process, "Nothing. Just how weird the beginning of this week was." You answered.

"I'll admit, it was a weird week for you. Why can't I have fun and exciting things happen to me?" (B/f) complained.

"I wouldn't say it was fun or exciting. I got beat up by a volley ball, yelled at by the school bad boy, and then was somehow wrangled into a group project with him. By the way, I'm trying to keep in on the down low that he and I are partners. The last thing I need is a bounty on my head from his fan girls; they're still giving me dirty looks over the whole ankle thing, I don't need more fuel added to the fire."

(B/f) made a zipping motion across her lips, "My lips are sealed." She giggled with a wink. You rolled your eyes good naturedly. You looked up, noticing that you were getting close to Jotaro's house.
"Anyway," You said, changing the subject. "What are we doing this weekend?" (B/f) just shrugged.
"I don't know, stay up late, play video games, and binge on junk food." Hey eyes lit up, remembering something, "Oh, yeah, I had my mom pick up snacks for us, that way we don't have to go to the store." She continued to talk a out the snacks and how her mother tried to make her do extra chores in exchange, but you were only half listening, eying the Kujo residence out of the corner of your she as you approached. (B/f)'s story trailed off as she noticed you weren't paying attention any longer.

"You miss your boyfriend?" Your face exploded in a blush, whipping around to see (B/f)'s Cheshire cat grin.

"What? No, quit it." You shushed her, looking at the front door, as if afraid Jotaro would hear or sense you somehow and burst through the door, yelling at you for being a stalker or something. When no such thing happened, you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. (B/f) joined you in looking at the house as you passed, you being much more discreet in doing so.

"Damn, I wonder just how big that house is." She commented quietly.

"Big enough for a library." You muttered under your breath.

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