The Emotions of the Ocean

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You sat and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the ocean for a moment, only to have your vision obscured by something landing on your head. You quickly removed the offending thing in a moment of panic, holding it out in front of you to see it was Leon's shirt. You made a noise of disgust as you lightly tossed it away, giving the now shirtless boy an unimpressed look as he stood before you. He flexed to the best of his ability as you rolled your eyes and shook your head.

"Hey, down in front, you're blocking my view of the ocean." You joked, tossing him one of his hard candies, luring him out if the way. He caught it easily and popped it into his mouth, giving you a thumbs up. (B/f) came back around the front of the umbrella, having gone to the bathrooms. You assumed Jotaro had done the same as he was also absent at the moment. "Hey, (B/f), there's snacks in my bag help yourself, I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick."

"Maybe later, I'm still full from lunch." She said as she took a seat under the umbrella. You walked off to the bathrooms, which weren't too far away thankfully; the last thing you needed was to get lost or forget which umbrella exactly was yours. You entered one of the stalls, removing your shirt and making sure your bikini top was still in order and tied tight enough. You weren't quite brave enough to remove your shorts, instead opting to keep them on; you had clean clothing to change into later anyway. You took a deep breath and stepped out of the stall, washing your hands as you looked at your reflection in the mirror, deeming yourself beach-worthy.

You stepped back out into the sun, quickly booking it back to the umbrella before the sun burnt your un-sunscreened skin. You rounded the corner of the umbrella, seeing (B/f) in the same spot, now joined by Jotaro who was looking out over the ocean, his long legs sprawled out in front if him, bent slightly at the knee to keep them off the sand and in the shade. His face was slightly flush, which you assumed was from the heat as he still had his jacket on for some reason. You ducked into the shade, kneeling on the blanket in front of (B/f).

"It's hot." You announced, placing your shirt into your backpack. A bottle of sunscreen was presented to you by (B/f). "Thanks." You said as you began to apply it to your shoulders and upper body, the smell of the sunscreen causing you to scrunch up your nose as you applied a bit to your face.

"Woah!"(B/f) pointed at the ocean excitedly, "Look how big that wave is!" You looked over to see Leon getting toppled over by the large wave she'd pointed out, a giggle escaping your lips. "I'm going in." She announced as she quickly dashed towards the ocean, kicking up sand as she did. "Hey, watch it!" You said, brushing sand off your legs. You pursed your lips as you awkwardly looked down at the bottle of sunscreen in your hand. You didn't get a chance to ask (B/f) to apply it to your back before she'd run off. Jotaro apparently noticed your dilemma, muttering a "Yare Yare," before extending his hand out.

"I'll do it." He said, waiting for you to hand him the bottle of sunscreen.

"Oh, no, it's OK, I can-"

"Just hand me the damn, bottle." Your mind tried to judge on a scale of one to awkward how badly this could end up being before relinquishing the bottle over to him. He dispensed some onto his hand, and just sat there. Your brain took a few moments to register that you were supposed to move over to him. You tried to convince yourself that this was totally normal and not weird in the least as you sat in-between his legs, moving your hair to the side so as to not get any sunscreen in it. You bit your lip as you felt his hand slide over your back, running up around your shoulders and back down again. He repeated the motion a few times, effectively covering your back before he retracted his hand. "There. You're good now." Well that was rather anti-climactic. With all the weird touching he'd been doing recently, you figured he'd do something weird, but you were proven wrong; thankfully. You moved from in front of him to (B/f)'s previous spot beside him.

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