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You arrived to school early as usual, stifling a yawn as you made your way through the nearly deserted halls to your locker. Morpheus wasn’t kind to you last night, and you weren’t able to fall asleep until early morning hours. It was only Tuesday and you were ready for it to be the weekend. Sleeping in, wearing casual clothing, and not doing homework sounded great to you right now. Not to mention the excitement about the aquarium and beach this weekend; even if it was an “educational” outing. You began to turn the dial on your locker, opening it as you felt a presence behind you.

“You wouldn’t believe the shit that happened last night.” You said, not bothering to turn around, since you already knew that it would be (B/f).

“Oh, go on.” A deep voice chuckled behind you making your blood run cold. That wasn’t (B/f). You whipped around to see Kakyoin and Jotaro standing there. How the hell did they sneak up on you, especially without a chorus of fan girls screaming about Jotaro? Your face turned red as you began to mentally panic. Well, now Jotaro knew that you talked about to him to (B/f), which was rather embarrassing. What if he thought you were saying something bad about him?

“Oh, um, sorry, I- I thought you were (B/f).” You said nervously. Kakyoin cocked his head inquisitively.

“So, what happened last night?” He seemed amused,  watching you inwardly panic. What was with these two? Your brain went into a panic, trying to come up with a cover up story. You couldn’t exactly just blurt out ‘Guess what happened at Jotaro’s house, also look at what he text me!’

“Oh, um, well, when I got home my mom- my mom she does this thing w-when she washes dishes. Um, it’s hard to explain, it’s a- it’s an inside joke. (B/f) would understand.” You chuckled nervously, knowing damn well that nobody would have ever bought that. Kakyoin just raised an amused brow at you while Jotaro remained his usual stoic self. “Anyways,” You continued, desperate to change the subject, “did you need something?” His face fell a bit, eyes looking away from your in embarrassment.

“We have that big test in history this Friday, and I was wondering if you’d like to maybe study together?” Kakyoin said, looking sheepish. Normally he seemed rather confident in himself, weather he was faking it or not you didn’t know. You supposed this was his way of asking for you help without sounding desperate for it. Your eyes flicked up to Jotaro for a second before landing back on the embarrassed, slightly shorter boy.

“Yeah, sure. Um, is there a time and place you had in mind?  We could do it during lunch or something.” You offered, praying he’d meet you on public grounds, so you didn’t have to suffer going to another boy’s house and be put in even more awkward situations;  you’d had your fill for a good while. Kakyoin’s face lit up, happy you’d accepted to help him.

“How about after school, in the library.” He offered with a smile. You secretly prayed he meant the school library and not some other one;  or worse, he was like Jotaro and had one in his damn house.

“Yeah, that works for me.” You said, noticing the hallway getting more and more full of students. The bell would soon ring, meaning you and Kakyoin would have to go to history class. He seemed to notice as well.

“Let’s get to class, don’t want to be late.”

“Right.” You said as you turned back around, gathering your books for class, before shutting your locker, making sure it was locked. You turned back to face the two of them, “OK, let’s go.” You had no idea what class Jotaro had, but he silently followed, pulling his hat down as he passed a group of girls in the hall who gave him a flirty giggle. You and Kakyoin were too engrossed in a conversation about video games to really take notice. The three of you arrived to you and Kakyoin’s class, loitering in the hall for a few moments before the bell rang.

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