Group chats and shopping lists

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You rolled over and turned your alarm off, yawning as you rose out of bed. It was finally Friday, which you were more than thankful for. With all the weird happenings going on lately, school seems more stressful now; not that it wasn’t stressful to begin with. At least you managed to sleep better the past few nights. You mentally chanted ‘one more day’ to yourself as you got dressed and ready for school, shuffling down the stairs. It didn’t help motivate you that your first class was having a big test, but you were thankful that you knew the material especially well having gone over it several times with Kakyoin in the library. You’d even gone over it a few more times with him in your downtime in class as well.

You spotted (B/f) as you approached the school gates, briskly jogging to catch up with her. She looked over her shoulder at the sound if approaching footsteps and happily waved at you.

“It’s finally Friday.” She said, stretching her arms up, earning a satisfying pop from her back.

“I know. I’m ready for this week to be over.” You said tiredly as you opened the door to the school, letting (B/f) go in before stepping in behind her. You both walked to (B/f)’s locker, leaning up against the other lockers as she retrieved her books.

“Yeah, but at least it’s almost over, just a few hours.” You shot her a look, “Ok, maybe it’s a little more than a ‘few hours’.” (B/f) amended with a shrug. “Just think, tomorrow, at the aquarium and then,” she paused for dramatic effect, “the beach!” You laughed as she closed her locker, walking with you to retrieve your own books.

“It’ll be fun I’m sure; I hope anyway.” You added quietly to yourself. Normally you’d be much more excited, but with the addition of two boys who seemingly hated one another it kind of drove the mood down. You and (B/f)  already had a pact that if things went to shit, you two would just conveniently ditch the boys and go have fun on your own;  project be damned. You got your books and just loitered in the hall a bit, waiting for the bell to ring.

“Good morning, (Y/n), (B/f).” You turned to see Kakyoin, sans Jotaro, smiling at the two of you. Jotaro had been absent since he’d walked you home, which was fine with you, the less chance of something weird happening. You’d told (B/f) about Jotaro crashing your study session with Kakyoin as well as him walking you home. You left out the small detail of him holding your hand though. It was embarrassing and surely it was a one time thing, so you didn’t bother mentioning it. You wondered in the back of your mind if Kakyoin knew; maybe Jotaro told him all the weird stuff you did, just like you did with (B/f).

“Morning, Kakyoin. Are you ready for the test?” You asked, holding your books to your chest. His smile brightened,

“I had an amazing tutor, she was very patient with me and easy on the eyes.” It took your brain a few seconds to realize what’d he’d just said, immediately turning red a few seconds later. He must have noticed the effect his words had on you as his smile turned cocky and he flipped his large curled bang out if his face.

“You’re ridiculous.” You laughed nervously, looking to (B/f) for help. She looked equally as confused as you were and opted to stay out of the situation by looking down at her phone;  traitor. The bell rang, thankfully.

“Well, there’s the bell. I gotta be getting to class,” (B/f) said as she gave you a grin, “good luck!” You narrowed your eyes at her, knowing she wasn’t just talking about with the upcoming test. You took a deep breath before turning back to Kakyoin.

“We should do the same.” You said as you began walking to your history class. Kakyoin walked beside you, a smile on his face. Maybe this was some elaborate prank everyone was in on. Operation: Make (Y/n) as uncomfortable as possible. The two of you took your seats, Kakyoin seemingly less confident now that he was in a classroom setting. You turned your attention out the window, mentally going over the key points of the chapters. Once the bell rang, the teacher began passing out the tests. You caught Kakyoin’s Violet eyes for a second before giving him a reassuring thumbs up.

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