The Games We Play

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You sighed inwardly, watching the clock, the last ten minutes of class always seemed to go by slower than any other time. It didn't help that the entire last half of class you'd spent running circles in your mind, wanting nothing more than to go home and hope that on Monday everyone would forget about everything; not that there was much hope in that, as apparently people had been keeping some sort of watch over you ever since you were pushed into Jotaro. If they knew what happened behind closed doors, it would be open season for you. You slowly began packing, trying to not draw any attention to yourself, getting ready to book it to your locker. Usually the teacher frowned upon packing up early, but it was Friday and everyone had mentally clocked-out already it seemed.

As the bell rang you leapt up, quickly making a break for the door and down the hall, turning your locker dial with practiced hands. You opened your locker and caught the books that tried to come tumbling out, shoving them back in as well as the books from your bag you didn't need over the weekend, not caring that you were probably damaging them as you slammed the door shut. You turned to see (B/f) walking your way, raising an eyebrow as you tossed your head towards the door, signifying that you were in a hurry. She picked up her pace, "Woah, what's the rush?" She asked as you grabbed onto her arm, confused as you quickly dodged your school peers, leading her though the hall. "I'll tell you when we get outside." You said as felt your stomach drop, Noriaki and Jotaro coming down the hall, probably trying to get to their lockers. Noriaki noticed you as you got closer, offering a confused wave as you drug your friend through the hall. "Everything ok, (Y/n)?" You heard him call out.

"Hi, Noriaki, bye, Noriaki. Sorry, gotta get home." You said hurriedly, ignoring the question. You'd text him later and apologize for being so short. You could feel the taller of the two's eyes on you, but right now you didn't want to risk even sparing him a glance, especially as right behind him was the girl from your class, keeping vigilant watch it seemed over you. You released (B/f)'s arm and pushed the doors open, letting out a relieved sigh as you did so; freedom.

"Sorry," You apologized to (B/f) as you both began walking. "just had to get out of there." You said as you showed her a folded up piece of paper. She looked at it, then looked back at you, waiting for an explanation. "I got this in last period, here." You handed it to her, letting her read it for herself.

"What a bitch. Damn her and her nice penmanship." (B/f) remarked as she crumpled up the paper, handing it back to you; not that you wanted it. "All this over him talking to you in the hall? What would they do if they knew he kissed you?" Your face went red as you muttered 'I don't even want to know'. "So what are you going to do?" (B/f) asked as she glanced over at you.

"No idea." You said honestly, "Jotaro doesn't seem to care if they find out that we're..." You made a waving gesture with your arm, having no idea how to properly label whatever you and he had going on, "Whatever, so that's a little worrisome, because while he doesn't give a shit, I sure do. The last thing I need is a heard of girls ganging up on me." You recalled how he said he wouldn't allow them to hurt you, but unless he was stapled to your side, how could he possibly do so. "I mean, I guess for the time being, until I can figure this all out- if I can figure it out. I'll just, y'know, distance myself from Jotaro." You shrugged, your voice tilting upwards at the end making it sound more of a question. "I mean, the project is over, and the only class I have with him he sits way in the back. Things can just go back to normal now, right? Just fade back into the background." You tried to put on an air of optimism, but fell short, fooling nobody; especially not your best friend. She gave you a skeptical look, knowing that you likely lack the willpower to tell Jotaro to buzz off if he comes around.

"I don't think it'll be that easy, to be honest." She said, chewing her lip in thought. "While I do agree that distancing yourself sounds like a good choice, I don't think he's going to just... let you go. I don't know, he just seems like the possessive type." She said, her words sounding as though she was treading carefully on the subject. It wasn't exactly a secret that Jotaro was the possessive type, he basically already admitted that; it was especially clear when you were with Noriaki and Leon. It was likely just his personality in general though, probably not limited to just you. "But," She continued, "also, they've only seen the two of you in school, nobody said anything about outside school. You could always Montague it." She said with a shrug.

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