Good and Bad Days

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You leaned against the wall outside the library, as you did the last time, waiting on Noriaki for your study session. The day was rather uneventful, aside from (B/f) being overly dramatic about how she wouldn’t be here this weekend, nixing your plans to hangout, as she was being dragooned into helping her grandmother move to a new apartment. That, and Leon once again grumping about Jotaro being absent in class, threatening to kick his ass, especially this close to the due date of the project you’d all worked on. Not that Leon was any threat to Jotaro, you still didn’t want a fight, be it verbal or physical to happen. He likely would have been equally as grumpy if Jotaro had been present anyway. You reassured him that you’d make sure that it was all taken care of and that you’d make sure that your other partner would be here Friday, not that you could really make Jotaro listen; not even you had that kind of pull over him, surely. It was only Wednesday and it wasn’t due until Friday, and all you needed to do was get the drawings from him and stick them on a piece of poster board to display them. Nothing you couldn’t do the night before, or even right before the bell rang. It wouldn’t be the first time.

You caught sight of Noriaki’s red hair coming down the hall, giving him a small wave as he approached. “Long time no see.” You joked, having seen him just this morning, as you moved to open the door, only for him to beat you to it, opening it for you. “Hey, (Y/n), ladies first.” You rolled your eyes good naturedly as you stepped into the library, seeking out the table you’d used last time, but this time there was only two chairs, one across from the other, the other chairs having been drug off to other tables. It wasn’t an issue though, it was only you two anyway. “Alright,” You said as you pulled a chair out, opening your bag to get your book out, “so, the pop quiz was over,” you spun the book around to where you could both read it, leaning over the table, “these two chapters.” You did just as you did last time, going over the dates and significant happenings throughout the chapters.

“And that date is important because…” You stretched out, waving your hand in a circle as you waited for him to hopefully fill in the blank. “Jojo!” Your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked up at him. “Excuse me, what?” You asked squinting in confusion before realizing he was looking behind you. Turning, you found your missing science partner pulling up a chair to your table. You pursed your lips for a second, wondering why on earth he was there and where he had been during the school day.

“Uhh, hey.” You said awkwardly as he sat beside you, “Where have you been all day?” You couldn’t mask the confusion in your voice, nor the awkward blush on your face; what Jotaro did instead of going to class had never been your business before, why should it be now? “In here.” He answered simply, as if it was obvious. “Wait, so you just were here, in the library all day?” Leon was going to love that. He hummed in response, pulling a manga out of his bag just as he did last time. You blinked, mentally shrugging before turning back to Noriaki.

“Right, anyway, where were we?” You picked back up, continuing to teach the red haired boy as you leaned your weight on one hand, resting it on your knee. You stopped mid-sentence when you felt a hand touch yours, shooting a look to Jotaro, who looked over at you from behind his manga as if he too was curious as to why you stopped. “You OK, (Y/n)?” Noriaki asked, eyebrow raised in confusion, oblivious to Jotaro attempting to hold your hand under the damn table. “Yeah, sorry, I just remembered in math class, one of the boys was handing (B/f) a worksheet, and she was like, ‘Stop trying to hold my hand! We’re in class.’ Everyone laughed. It hilarious.” You said in a twitterpated fashion, faking laughter as you tried to flick Jotaro’s hand away, hoping that he got the message. He didn’t, instead grabbing your hand and holding it as he read. You inwardly sighed and got back to helping Noriaki, occasionally trying to worm your hand out of Jotaro’s larger one, but his grip never let up. Thankfully, it wasn’t your dominant hand and you were still able to take notes for Noriaki, seeing as your handwriting was more legible and would probably be helpful in him studying on his own in preparation for Friday.

After you covered the chapters, you closed the book, giving him a short pop quiz of your own over the two chapters. He passed, the subjects and dates fresh in his mind. Sensing that the study session was almost over, Jotaro finally relinquished your hand where you put it to full use in gathering your book and notes. “If you come early Friday, we can go over it before class.” You offered as you stood, slinging your bag over your shoulder, Noriaki and Jotaro following suit. “Really? Y-yeah, I’d really like that.” Noriaki said, pink dusting his cheeks as he opened the door for you and his tall friend, smile dropping to be replaced with a look of confusion as Jotaro sent him a cold look behind your back. You exited through the side doors, stretching in the sun; one day you’ll remember to bring a jacket, especially when going to the library, as for some reason the thermostat in there was set to arctic temperatures.

“I really appreciate you helping me, (Y/n). You’re a good person.” You sighed through your nose, looking up at the clouds for a second as you recalled someone else also calling you a good person not that long ago; Monday, in fact. “Don’t mention it, just pass that test and we’ll call it even.” You said, awkwardly adjusting the strap on your bag as he smiled down at you, Jotaro keeping a close watch through his cigarette smoke. “I’ll see you tomorrow, (Y/n), Jojo.” Noriaki nodded to his taller friend as he passed, Jotaro’s eyes watching him leave. You turned to face the broody delinquent, his eyes still cut over in the direction Noriaki went. “So,” his attention reverted to you, “You headed home?” He nodded in response as he took a drag off his cigarette before putting it out. You already knew he’d likely insist on walking with you, so you didn’t even bother asking, taking off down the sidewalk, Jotaro beside you.

“So, why were you in the library all day?” You asked, before backtracking a bit, “I mean, um, it’s not my business, I guess, really, you don’t have to tell me.” You rambled, blushing as you looked down at your feet. “I was pissed off and didn’t want to be annoyed by more idiots.” You pursed your lips, taking a chance and pressing the subject a bit further, sneaking a glance upwards at him, “Did something happen?” He sighed and furrowed his brow is annoyance. “Just the same thing that happens every damn morning.” You saw his fist clench, annoyed with whatever memory he was caught up in. You assumed he was talking about the parade of girls that would bicker with one another for his attention, too busy arguing to hear him telling them to shut up or to piss off. You thought they were annoying, of course, but you never really imagined it from Jotaro’s position, you supposed. Not being able to get a moments peace around school without a girl fawning over him or a guy sending you a glare for occupying the minds of most of the girls in school instead of them. If you were in that position you’d probably feel awkward, put off, and probably a bit frightened by a bunch of guys trying to get your attention, let alone have it happen almost daily for years. Hell, you already were awkward with one boy, let alone half the school’s population; it didn’t help that the one boy was the one you’d gone out of your way to avoid for so long.  You took a deep breath and summoned up your small amount of courage as you grabbed his clenched fist, working your smaller hand into his.

He looked down at you in surprise, looking down at your hands before his free hand pulled down the brim of his hat, ears turning red as he readjusted his hand to grip yours. “Oh, by the way, I know you probably don’t want to hear it, but Leon says if you’re not in class on Friday he’s going to kick your ass.” Jotaro snorted through his nose in amusement, a slight cocky smile gracing his lips. “I’d like to see him try.” You rolled your eyes, bumping into him lightly with your shoulder, “Just a reminder, half our grade is cooperation, so instead, just be sure to come to class Friday. Oh, and bring the dolphin drawings.” You two stopped at the crosswalk, you pressing the button as Jotaro muttered a ‘yare yare’ at your insisting on not Jay walking. “I guess your arm and stuff is feeling better.” You said, tone lifting a bit to make it more of a question. He didn’t have a limp anymore from what you could tell, so his thigh was probably as healed as his arm was; you weren’t about to offer to inspect it though. “Like I said, I’ve had worse.” You frowned a bit as that didn’t answer the question, but you took it as, ‘yes, thanks for asking’ anyway. Understanding Jotaro was right up there next to deciphering Noriaki’s handwriting on the difficulty scale. As you looked up to see the walk sign come on you saw a girl on the other side of the street, sitting on a bench as she looked boredly at her phone. Your eyes widened a bit as you vaguely recognized her. You wrenched your hand out of Jotaro’s quickly, which caused his head to snap down to see what was wrong.

“What the hell?” He asked, moving to grab your hand again, which you managed to dodge his hand, making his eyebrows furrow, clearly frustrated. “Quit, that girl over there goes to out school I think.” You said, speaking quietly as to not gain her attention. He once more moved to grab you, but you took a few steps out of his reach, crossing the street as you tried to pretend like you didn’t notice him. He clearly didn’t care about you trying to be discreet, “So?” He asked in a loud voice, your shoulders flinching a bit. As you got closer to her you noticed that the girl was wearing headphones, oblivious to your paranoia. As you passed her you clenched your jaw, avoiding eye contact as if that would help make you more invisible to her. You and Jotaro managed to make it past her without her even batting an eyelash, thankfully, you gave her one final glance before turning to address a very unamused Jotaro, still keeping your tone low just in case. “So,” You stressed, “the last thing I need is for her to see us.” He huffed through his nose, not seeing your point as he reached for your hand, this time finding no resistance, as he shifted it to where your fingers were intertwined; his grip was rather solid, as if afraid you’d pull away again.

You both slowed your pace, your house just a few houses down from where you were. “What does it matter?” He asked, apparently bothered by the past few minutes. “The last thing I need is to have the ‘Jojo fan club’ on my back, they’re still side eyeing me for shit that happened like a week ago.” Namely the rumor about you pushing him and the time he helped you in P.E. He stopped walking, making you stop as well as he turned to face you, his aqua blue eyes gazing into yours. “I wouldn’t let them hurt you.” You appreciated his valiant promise, but you’d seen enough locker room and girl’s bathroom fights go down, and there was no option for Jotaro to be there to break it up. “Those girls can fight, you’ve seen them,” Poor Jotaro’s been witness to many a catfight as they usually broke out right in front of him, “I’d get my ass handed to me.” You chuckled, trying to brighten the mood up a bit, “I’d just rather avoid it all together.” He said nothing in response, his jaw set as he averted his eyes, keeping whatever he was feeling and thinking locked away. You suddenly felt bad, he likely had a shitty day and you weren’t helping much apparently. You sighed and stepped forward, wrapping your arms around his waist, breathing in the scent you were finding to be more and more comforting. You felt him tense for a moment, caught off guard, before he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you closer.

“I’m sorry.” You said against his shirt, feeling and hearing him sigh above you. “What for now?” He asked, his tone flat with annoyance at your apology, but it didn’t bother you for once. “I don’t know, you just seem to be having a bad day.” You said, as you tightened your hold. He scoffed, “Really? You think this constitutes as a bad day?” You hummed in thought for a moment, “Well, maybe it hasn’t been your worst day, but it doesn’t sound like it was the best day either.” You moved to step back, but was pushed against him once more, pinned there, almost like you were on the train to the aquarium; maybe you were just imagining it though. Maybe it was just Jotaro’s arms, but it almost felt like there were other hands. To any outsider looking, you probably looked like two love sick teenagers, just randomly standing on the side of the street hugging one another. You felt him take a deep breath, face buried in your hair, arms tensing up a bit with pent up emotions before he released you, hands sliding down your shoulders and arms where one of his hands found yours again, sliding his fingers in-between your own as you both continued the few hundred yards to your house.

“Thanks for walking with me.” You said as you squeezed his hand a bit before letting go, his hands hibernating into his pockets. “It’s nothing.” He said, looking over you at your house, making you feel inwardly self conscious about the size once more. “So, will I see you tomorrow?” You asked, watching the sun glint off his various gold adornments such as the badges on his hat, the gold chain, and the little stud earrings in his ears;  you hoped to god your parents weren’t looking out the window. Walking home with the school bad-boy, as opposed to a more clean cut boy, such as Leon or even Noriaki wasn’t something you wanted your patents to see. You hadn’t even thought about broaching the subject of your science partner turned quasi-romantic interest to your parents at all.

“Yeah, I’ll be in class.” He said, eyes turning back to you as he stepped up and placed a kiss on the top of your head. You stepped back, turning to go to your house before turning back around, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jojo.” You called offering him a wave as he nodded and took his leave, hands buried in his pockets. You opened the door, instantly greeted with the aroma of your mom’s cooking as you removed your shoes. “I’m home.” You announced as usual.

“I hope you have a good reason for being late.” Your dad called out from somewhere in the kitchen, making you flinch a bit. You forgot to tell them you were helping Noriaki after school. “Sorry, Dad.” You said as you entered the kitchen, “I was helping a friend study for their make up pop quiz on Friday. He failed the first pop quiz.” Your dad turned and squinted suspiciously at you, “Oh, he did, did he?” You turned red as he emphasized the pronouns. “He’s just a friend, Dad.” You defended, though likely looking guilty thanks to the blush on your face. Your dad gave you a look before your mother entered the room, defending you, “Honey, leave her alone. If she wants to help her boyfriend after school, then let her.”

“Mom!” You interjected, your voice rising several octaves, “He’s not my boyfriend, he’s a classmate, just like Leon is.” Leon had actually met your family before, and was on the welcome-to-come-over-just-not-anywhere-near-your-bedroom list. “Oh, how is Leon, have you two finished your project together?” Your mom said as she went back to stirring dinner, adding in spices here and there.  You sat at the table, getting your homework out to work on in the meantime, “Yep, it’s all done. He’s fine I guess, he works at the arcade, so I’ll probably hang out there this weekend.” Your dad sat next to you as your mother shooed him away from the kitchen area, watching you fill out various worksheets before your mom told you to put it away while you eat dinner.

After dinner you trudged up the stairs, backpack in tow, as you quickly tossed your uniform onto the floor, changing into your pajamas before getting back to work on your homework. You were almost done when you received a text from (B/f).

‘Hey, loser, do you still have that yellow necklace I borrowed, the one with the flower? My mom got reservations to some fancy-schamcy restaurant to take my grandma to and it looked super cute with that dumb yellow dress my mom likes.’ You knew which necklace she was referring to, but finding it would be a task. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for you two to swap or borrow jewelry, clothing, and whatever else.

‘Yeah, let me look amongst my hoard lol’ You hit send and began your search, last recalling it being on your dresser. You looked around, opening the various drawers and rifling through them, but coming up empty handed. Maybe your desk drawer? You rummaged through your desk drawer,  pushing various papers you kept for whatever reason aside. You tapped your chin, moving over to your bed to get to your nightstand, you opened your nightstand drawer and paused for a moment. The bracelet Jotaro had given you was sitting in there, momentarily forgotten about. You reached in and pulled it out, idly looking it over as you became lost in thought for a moment. Your phone broke you away from your thoughts as (B/f)  text you back.

‘Lol, trash goblin.’ You quickly replied, ‘rude’ before going back to your nightstand, fishing around towards the back until you found the necklace in question.

‘Got it! I’ll bring it to school tomorrow.’ You set it beside the sea glass bracelet so you wouldn’t forget it, intending on wearing the bracelet tomorrow; it was very pretty, almost the same color as Jotaro’s eyes. Your face warmed at the thought, screwing the heels of your hands into your eyes; where did that thought come from? You sat back down, finishing the rest of your homework, which thankfully wasn’t a lot, before you finally got in bed, eyeing the small piece of sea glass one last time before you turned your lamp off, rolling over and closing your eyes.

Wow, this chapter sure was a disappointment, but like Ive said 100 times over, this story is trash ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Don’t worry though, I. Have. A. Plan. (Have some god damn faith, Arthur- er, I mean, Reader)

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