Today's The Day

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You woke up tired and ready for the day to be over. It helped that it was finally Friday at least. Yesterday had been an unremarkable day, nothing out of the ordinary happened for once, just another day, even Jotaro and Leon behaved in class, only sending the other an occasional look over your head. You stretched and forced yourself out if bed, you had to get to school at an earlier time than usual today for two reasons: one, so you could hang out with (B/f) as much and you could before she left, and two, so you could help Noriaki study before his test. You quickly tossed on your uniform and grabbed your phone from your nightstand, slipping on the sea glass bracelet before heading down the stairs, skipping the last few as you jumped to the living room floor. You passed on breakfast, which you’d likely regret come mid-day, but you’d worry about that later, for now you were just concerned about getting to school.

You saw (B/f) standing on the sidewalk, waiting as she looked down at her phone. You wolf-whistled at her, laughing as her head snapped up, eyes wide as her face turned a shade of red before she rolled her eyes upon seeing that it was you. “Going my way, hot stuff?” You joked, as you approached, an unamused look on your friend’s face.

“Hilarious. Let’s go, you dunce.” She said, as the two of you began walking down the sidewalk. “I really don’t want to go to my grandma’s this weekend. I’m old enough to stay home by myself.” She whined, feet dragging. You rolled your eyes at her dramatics, “Oh, come on, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” You said, hoping to cheer her up a bit. She gave you a look in return.

“She keeps asking when I’m getting married!” (B/f) exclaimed, arms flailing out for emphasis. “Alright, so get married. Problem solved.” You joked.

“Oh, haha, (Y/n), very funny.” She said unamused, “Unlike you, I don’t have gentlemen callers trying to come ‘a’ courtin'.”

You suppressed a laugh with your hand, “I don’t think that the school delinquent counts as a ‘gentleman caller’, (B/f).” You said, using your fingers to make quotation marks. You hadn’t told her about what happened after school the other day, and while you felt an odd sense of guilt almost, the last thing you needed was to have her screaming in your ear about you ending up in bed with Jotaro, even though it was literally just you and him laying on a bed. “Besides, technically speaking, he’s just my science partner. Nobody is ‘a courtin’ anyone.”

(B/f) side eyed you, raising a single brow, “Yeah, OK. I don’t understand you defending him, but I love you none the less; I might judge you a bit though.” She joked

“Oh, he’s not that bad, he’s… Well,…”You paused, trying to find the right words, “He’s… sweet.” Your voice lilted up towards the end making it sound more like a question. You went red as you heard a familiar ‘shut the hell up’ echo off from the courtyard, (B/f) giving you a deadpan look. “Yeah, what a prince.” She joked, elbowing you.

You sighed, shaking your head. “Hey, look, didn’t choose this life, this life chose me, besides nobody said Jotaro Kujo was a nice guy. Come on, Noriaki is probably waiting.” You said, opening the door to the school. Sure enough, the red haired boy was waiting by your locker, greeting you and (B/f) with a warm smile. “Good morning, ladies.”

“Good morning, Noriaki.” You greeted, (B/f) offering a simple ‘hey’. “We can go study in the library if you want, I’d say we could use one of the tables outside, but there’s probably more distractions out there.” You said, specifically thinking of the group of girls and school “heartthrob” yelling out there. Noriaki seemed to understand what you meant, likely knowing exactly who you meant as well, giving a small good-natured sigh through his nose. “The library sounds like a good idea.” He agreed, leading the way for you and (B/f), who agreed to help Noriaki in his studies, knowing the materials even better than you; she was the one you always went to for help. You set up shop much like you did all the other times, except instead of Jotaro crashing the party, it was (B/f). You went over the chapters and dates, your best friend chiming in various facts that the book didn’t even cover.

“Alright, now for the ultimate pop quiz, (B/f)’s pop quiz.” You said, waving your hands at her as if she was a prize he’d just won on a game show. She rolled her eyes and began quizzing Noriaki on the chapters, not going easy on him either. He got a few of the answers wrong, but when given a second chance he amended his answer, getting it right. “You’re ready, young grasshopper.” (B/f) joked as she playfully bowed, Noriaki playing along, “Thank you, (B/f)-sensei.” He said, bowing back, a slender hand over his heart as he did so. “Let’s go, nerds, the bell’s about to ring.” You said, escorting the two of them out. You were happy that (B/f) and Noriaki got along so well, as as far as you knew they didn’t have much interaction previously, but she seemed just as at ease with joking with him as she was with someone she’d know for a while, like Leon.

“I’m off to my science class, good luck on your test, Noriaki.” (B/f) said cheerfully as the bell rang, before turning and regarding you, giving you a wink, “I’ll see you in math, loser.” You stuck your tongue out at her now retreating form before turning to the green clad boy, offering a small shrug. “Well, shall we?”

He smiled down at you, offing you his elbow, “We shall.” You placed your hand in the crook of his elbow, the two of you strolling down the hall, likely receiving odd looks from your fellow students. You both were about to enter your history class when Noriaki stopped, turning to look over your head, “Good morning, Jojo.” He greeted, you turning to look as well.

“Kakyoin.” Jotaro simply greeted before looking down at you, “(Y/n).” You noticed his aqua blue eyes shift down to your hand on Noriaki’s arm, his expression was neutral, but you knew he likely wasn’t a fan of you and his friend being physically close. “Noriaki’s going to ace his make up test, right Noriaki?” You said gesturing to him with your free hand. You watched Jotaro’s eyes drift over to your free hand, eyes softening a fraction as he watched the bracelet wrapped around your wrist move with your hand. He hummed in response, gaze moving back to Noriaki, nodding to his friend. “Let’s go, (Y/n).” Noriaki led you into the room, your hand sliding off his arm as the two of you took your seat, wishing the red head a final ‘good luck’ before class started.

You boredly tapped your pencil against the busy-work your teacher provided while the other students took their make-up quiz. Your eyes kept shifting to Noriaki, his purple eyes glued to the paper, as he twirled his curly bang around his finger in concentration. He must have felt your eyes on him, his violet gaze looking up through his lashes at you, you offering a discreet thumbs up in encouragement before looking down at your paper, a slight red tint to your cheeks at having been caught watching him. After a while he stood up and turned in his paper, a confident smile on his face as he returned to his desk.

Once everyone’s quizzes were handed in and graded the teacher began passing them back out, some kids smiling as they read their grades and some sinking down in their chair. Thankfully Noriaki was one of the ones who smiled, happily lifting the corner of his paper and showing off his high grade to you.

“Congrats, Noriaki.” You said, the bell having rung and the teacher dismissed you. “Thank you, (Y/n), I don’t think I could thank you enough for your help. I really appreciate it.” He said, his face slightly flush, “I want to make it up to you somehow.”

You shook your head, “You don’t have to do that, I’m just glad I could help you out. You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for.” You said as you put your books into your bag before slinging it over your shoulder. His purple eyes focused on yours for a moment before shifting away, “I’ll find a way to repay you for your kindness, (Y/n), I promise.” You turned red at his determined words, nervously chuckling a bit.

“I’ll see you later, Noriaki.” You excused yourself, darting off to your math class. As you did the other day, you passed Jotaro, catching one another’s eye as you passed. It was odd that that was about the limit of interaction the two of you had while in school, aside from after school in the library the other day and a few weeks ago when he grabbed your ankle, but other than that, it seemed like you both were just regular school kids, just existing until graduation; just like it had always been. Your eyes shifted back ahead of you, continuing your way to class.

The rest of your morning wasn’t very eventful. You and (B/f) just did as you always did, passing notes in math class, being as lazy as you could be without getting yelled at in P.E., and spent lunch lamenting over the loss of your weekend together as well as you getting more nervous to turn in your science project; it accounted for a good portion of your grade, so anyone would be nervous. That and participation and co-operation was a factor here, which was a bit of a challenge as one partner was rarely there, and when he was there, Leon and he would just butt heads often. Next time a project came around, you’d team-up with someone with less testosterone.

(B/f) walked with you as far as she could, not wanting to be late for her own class. “Wish me luck.” You muttered, praying Leon actually brought the poster board with him, and Jotaro had the sketches. “I’ll light a candle for you.” She joked, patting you unsympatheticly on the arm before she turned to head to class, you taking a deep breath, bracing yourself for whatever may come as you entered.

Thankfully Leon entered shortly after, poster board pinned under his arm. “Hey, man, getting this thing around school was a challenge. I think I hit nearly half the school’s population with it on accident.” He said, showing that it was indeed a bit dinged up, not that it effected anything.

“Yare yare, Caldwell, that board looks like shit.” Your other partner chimed from behind Leon, who moved to reveal Jotaro in all his unamused glory, hands in his pockets as he looked down at the battered board. Your eyes shifted over to the teacher, hoping she wasn’t listening to these two bickering. Leon scoffed, “Whatever, we’re covering most of it up anyway, that is, if you remembered to bring the drawings.” He taunted, Jotaro’s jaw tensing up a bit as he reached into his jacket and retrieved his sketchbook, not breaking eye contact with Leon, the two of them locked into some weird Alpha male-esque battle as they stared one another down.

You discreetly eyed the sketchbook, wondering what secrets lay hidden inside; more drawings of you? Maybe he liked drawing portraits and he would draw other people? You hoped it was the latter as Jotaro opened the sketchbook, the angle you were at made you unable to see anything inside, and pulled out the sketches he had just sitting loose under the cover of it. You got in-between the two of them, breaking their glaring-matching as you took both the sketches and the board from them, the bell ringing as class officially began.

“Alight class, before you all get comfy,” Your teacher announced as you all began filing into your seats, “we’ll all be back to our regular seats today, so take a few minutes to wrap things up if needed and then back to your assigned seats, please.” You and Leon were unaffected by the announcement, as you sat next to one another and didn’t move to begin with. Your other partner on the other hand, let out a short sigh through his nose, apparently not happy with having to move back to the back of the room.

“Bummer.” You muttered under your breath, but at least that meant that you wouldn’t have to play mediator between Leon and Jotaro anymore. “Sorry, Kujo.” Leon said unapologetically, earning a drawn out glare from the delinquent as he headed towards the back of the room, likely still glaring at the back of Leon’s head from there. “Can I trust you with a gluestick?” You joked, watching him apply the glue to the back of one of the drawings, knowing that if he messed one of them up your other partner would likely put him in a shallow grave in his house’s pristinely manicured courtyard.

“And…” He drew out as he placed the final drawing on the board  dramatically, as if he was cutting a bomb wire instead of “Done!”

“Good, now I don’t have to talk to you for the rest of the year.” You joked as you leaned on the heel of your hand, propped up by your elbow. You looked over the board, looking over the intricate drawings, still impressed even though you’ve seen them before. “Oh, please, you’d get so bored in this class without me.” Leon said in a cocky manner, earning an eye roll from you. He too looked down at the board, a hand at his chin in thought. “You think we should have colored those?” He asked, referring to the drawings. “Leon, if your coloring skills are anything close to your drawing skills, then no, no I don’t think we should have colored them. Besides, they look fine, they’re like… nearly a photo.” You said, gesturing with your hand.

“Alright, class, wrap it up and get back to your seats.” Your teacher announced, waiting a moment for everyone to change seats, “Thank you, now I’m going to pass out a questionnaire, please fill it out truthfully and honestly; there’s no wrong answers.” She handed a stack of papers to one of the kids in the front row, who took one and passed it on. You received yours and passed it to the person behind you, looking it over. It was questions about how well you worked with your partner, or in your case partners, and if you think they did a fair amount of work and a few other various questions as such. You filled it out, commenting that you all worked well together even outside of a school setting, like going to aquarium and such. While you personally didn’t have any issues with working with Leon and Jotaro, you hoped that they didn’t end up putting down something dumb and screwing this grade for all three of you. You finished, idly tapping your eraser against your desk as you waited for the teacher to collect the final part of your project. As she did, she announced that you all were free to talk amongst yourselves as she began looking over the papers. Leon asked if you were still coming to the arcade this weekend, even if (B/f) wouldn’t be there. You were about to reply, but were cut short by the teacher’s voice.

“(Y/n), I’d like to speak with you after class, please.” Your face turned red as you duck down in your seat, a chorus of ‘ooh’s echoed through the room before your now former science partner silenced the class with a steely glare. You hadn’t done anything that you knew of, so why did she want to talk to you. You chewed your lip in thought. What if Leon or Jotaro gave you a bad score on the participation portion? What if they gave one another a bad score and now you had to play mediator and say who instigated it? What would you say? Whose side would you choose? An anxious knot formed in your stomach as you spent the rest of the class worrying, Leon poking you in the shoulder a few times to make sure you were OK.

The bell rang and the rest of the students eagerly exited the room, Leon giving you a reassuring look on his way out. You felt someone brush against your arm, turning to see that it had been Jotaro. You supposed that that was his was of “comforting” you, as he couldn’t exactly offer much more. The class emptied out, the teacher finishing the paper she was looking at before addressing you. “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble,” She reassured you, seeing worry evident in your features, “I just wanted to talk to you about your project is all. Or rather, your partners.” Your stomach dropped, fear spreading through you. This was it, you were going to fail because of your two partners. “I was surprised that you partnered up with Jotaro, to be honest. He,” She paused, looking for the right words, “can be difficult to work with, I’m sure you are aware.” You wanted to laugh. You were more than aware of that fact, that was for sure. “I just wanted to ask you candidly if you worked well with him, since I’ve heard that he can have, ahem, persuasion over others, thanks to his temper.” You snorted through your nose, knowing good and well what she meant.

“I understand. I actually did work well with him, surprisingly.” Your teacher blinked, impressed. “He wrote that he worked well with you, Leon not so much, so I’d say you should be rather proud, (Y/n).” Your face went red at the comment. He actually wrote that? “T-thank you.” You sputtered out. She picked up the papers, straightening them out, “That’s all I wanted. I just wanted to make sure that you were behind honest and not coerced or anything. I’ll write you a slip so you’re not marked as late for your next class.” You teacher said, getting out a piece of paper and writing you a written pardon, handing it to you before waving you off, “Have a good weekend, (Y/n).” You called out a ‘you too’ as you exited the room. You let out a sigh of relief as you made your way down the hall, your relief short lived as a hand grabbed you and pulled you into a side hallway. A noise of distress emanated from your throat as your back met a row of lockers.

“Are you ok?” You didn’t even realize that you’d squeezed your eyes shut. You once more let out a sigh of relief as it was just Jotaro. What he was doing loitering in the hall was a mystery, but at least it wasn’t someone trying to mug you or something; not that the school had muggers running about, but your imagination tended to go a little extreme when frightened. “Yeah, I’m fine, sorry.” You said looking up at him.

“What did she want?” He asked bluntly, probably catching on somehow that the conversation included him in some way. You adjusted yourself to stand upright, “She just wanted to make sure that I was being honest in saying we worked well together is all.” You said, eyes cutting sideways to make sure that nobody was around to catch the two of you, be it a teacher catching you late to class, or a fellow student catching you two suspiciously close to one another.

“Do you think we work well together?” He asked. You blinked. Obviously, you and him didn’t have any issues, it was him and Leon that had the issues. “Well, yeah.” You said before your brain realized that he might not have been referring to the project. A door down the hall opened, breaking up the moment, you jumped away from him as if you’d been burned. You shot him a quick apologetic look before you made your way down the hall.  You presented your teacher with your late pardon, making your way to your seat, trying not to disturb anyone.

About half way through class a note landed on your desk. That was odd, you weren’t really close with anyone in the class, not close enough to pass notes with anyway. You looked around, the brown haired girl sitting diagonally from you putting a finger to her lips to keep quiet. You eyed her questioningly for a moment before you opened the note.

‘Why were you with Jojo?’ Pretty pink cursive spelled out, your heart rate accelerating. Your mind began to panic. Which time was she even referring to? You swallowed hard, choosing to just play dumb.

‘What?’ You wrote back, waiting for the teacher to look away before you passed the note back. You could hear her huff behind you, the pink pen scrawling acrosd the paper quickly.

‘My friend just said she saw you and him in the hall.’ Your heart stopped. This was terrifying, but you had an idea, quickly writing down your reply.

‘He was my science partner, we had a big project due and he was making sure he got a good grade is all.’ You tossed it back, saying a prayer as you did so.

‘He doesn’t need your help to get a good grade. People have been noticing you trying to get closer to him, ever since you pushed him a few weeks ago. We’re not blind.  I’d suggest you leave him alone, or else.’ Your heart was pounding, a mixture of fear and anger overcoming you. On one hand, who was this girl to tell you want to do? On the other, this girl could likely rally an army against you with a snap of her fingers. This was what you’d been afraid of. While you’ve come to enjoy your time with Jotaro, you knew that any day it could come to a halt, weather it be him coming to his senses or someone catching the two of you spending time together; you’ve spent all this time dancing around one another, living through stolen moments in secret that surely it was bound to bite you in the ass.

Looks like today was that day.

(How and why are so many ppl reading this. Stop, it's scaring me.)

Sorry for rhe most chiche of cliches: the jealous bitchy girl cliche, but I have a plan.

Also, sorry (not really) about the Kakyoin moments. I just really love him and it just spills onto my writing. Oops.

This chaoter didn't have much interaction, bit next chapter will be more fun, I promise. Like I've said, if it was strictly (Y/n) and Jotaro then it wouldn't be very believeable story-wise, y'know?? 

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