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I feel like the last chapter was kind of a mixed bag of reactions, some people saying "yay" and others saying "nani the fuck?" This story was always intended to be a "yandere" story, I've set a few things up for later on down the line, but I'm second guessing myself now?? (I don't  foresee myself making Jotaro go a-murderin' a bunch of people, or anything like that, just more like a severly possessive, slowly suffocate you with "love" type of Yandere) 

Feel free to give me your thoughts and feelings, and in the meantime enjoy this short mini-chapter.

You curled into the warmth of your mattress, trying to hold onto a few more precious moments of sleep, only for it to evade you. You took a deep breath as you rolled onto your back, watching your ceiling fan spin around for a bit as you tried to recall your dream. You could only recall that it involved the ocean somehow, probably some big metaphor for your life in some way shape or form. Your eyes cut over to your nightstand where your phone lied, a blinking light letting you know you had a missed message. Next to it was the necklace that (B/f) got you yesterday, the silver shell catching one of the sun’s rays from the window. You purposefully ignored the other piece of jewelry on the nightstand, intending to quietly place it into a drawer for a good long while. You rolled over and grabbed your phone, seeing that (B/f) had messaged you.

‘Yo, dipshit, u didn’t let me know u got home safe.’ You smiled as you sent a reply.

‘Sorry, I took a shower and died in my bed last night.’ You felt like texting her about what had transpired at Jotaro’s house would be too much, so instead you’d save that story for when you saw her in person. You closed your eyes for a moment, thinking it all over, only to be interrupted by (B/f)’s response.

‘Welcome back to the living realm, we missed you lol’. You rolled off your bed and stumbled to your feet, nearly tripping on the backpack you tossed on the floor yesterday. You remembered that you had wet clothing in the bag, which probably smelled “delightful” since they’ve been sitting in a plastic bag all night. You opened the backpack and retrieved the moist bag, leaving your room to go throw the contents into the washing machine. You made a pit stop to the bathroom on your way back to your room, getting yourself ready for the day before returning back to your bedroom. You began unpacking your bag, putting all the stuff you’d carted around with you back in it’s rightful spot. You grabbed the envelope from the aquarium and opened it, intending to put it in your corkboard with all the other photos of your friends and you, only to have small pieces of paper spill onto the floor.

Various sketches of dolphin parts looked up at you as they lie scattered on your bedroom floor. How did those get in there? You remembered that Jotaro’s packet had fallen out of his jacket into your backpack. You must have switched them on accident. You assumed that he had torn the drawings out if his sketchbook at some point and put them in with the photo, maybe for safe keeping or something. You weren’t sure, nor did you aim to ask him why. You crouched down and looked at them closely, each one looking like it had come straight out of a science book; the detail and shading were impeccable. You began shuffling them back together, dreading that you’d have to eventually give them back. You thought about giving them to Noriaki to give to him for a moment, but then again, its not like you could just ignore him for the rest of your school life;  or could you? You’d done a damn good job of it up until a few weeks ago when some dumb broad pushed you into him.

As you went through the drawings of dolphin organs, you stopped, eyes widening as you brought a drawing closer to your face. It wasn't a dolphin organ at all. It was a drawing of you, almost as accurate as a photograph. In the drawing you were also drawing, wearing the clothes you wore yesterday, drawn from what seemed to be Jotaro’s perspective from when you worked on your project yesterday. Your heart rate increased as your stomach churned, stuffing the drawing into the stack of other ones and putting them all back into the envelope, as if that would wash it from your mind. You were at a crossroads at this moment. Did you pretend you never saw it, or do you say something; do something. You rubbed your eyes with the heel of your hands, trying to sort out a puzzle to which you didn’t have all the pieces to. Maybe you were overreacting. Maybe this wasn’t as big a deal as you thought. It’s not like Jotaro had hurt you, maybe you sent the wrong signals to him? Regardless the answer, at this moment, you’d give anything to go back to being (Y/n): the unnoticeable.

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