Alliterations and Apologies

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Sorry I scared some of you guys with the last chapter. I wouldn't end the series like that. (Or WoUlD i??) ((No, I wouldn't.))

The rest of your week was rather normal, but you also took great care to stay out the way the best you could. Also, it helped that Jotaro hadn't been there almost all week. Well, it sort of helped. It helped keep people off your back but it didn't help the growing anxiety about you seeing him again, knowing that he would probably very much like an explanation as to what was going on, and why you were acting the way you were.

Apparently, The-powers-that-be allied themselves with team tell-him-what-the-hell-was-going-on as on Thursday afternoon, while you and (B/f) were heading to lunch, you passed Noriaki in the hallway, his face lighting up as he saw the two of you. "Hey, (Y/n), (B/f), do you have a sec?" You raised a brow, the three of you positioning yourselves by the wall of the hallway as to not block the flow of students.

"What's up?" You asked, noticing a thick folder in his hand.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favor, (Y/n)." He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. You cocked your head curiously. Did he need tutoring or something? "If not, its ok, I understand."

"Of course, what do you need?" You said, giving him a reassuring smile. It was mildly cute how he always got so bashful when he needed help. He held the folder out, "I need to give these class notes and missed assignments to Jotaro, but I have to make-up a math test after school today." His face turned a shade of crimson, likely embarrassed at his failing a test, "If it's not too big of a burden, could you possibly do it for me? Jotaro had mentioned that you didn't live too far away. He's been sick all week, some sort of fever or something." You blinked, taking several things in at once: Jotaro could apparently read his best friend's hieroglyphic-esque handwriting. Jotaro apparently did his homework; you always just assumed he threatened the teachers to forgive his missed assignments. The last and most concerning thing was Jotaro was apparently sick. Normally, you'd likely think it was due to the weather or something, but your mind instantly went back to when you were his pretend nurse, using unsanitized pliers on his arm, and probably giving him some sort of terrible infection. The hole in his arm probably having gone septic because he called your dumbass instead of a real doctor, holed up in his room as his arm rots off, too stubborn to tell his mom that he's dying of gangrene.

An elbow to the ribs from (B/f) broke you from your thoughts, "Oh, um," Noriaki stood there with the folder extended, "Sure, no problem." You said, grabbing the folder from him. Noriaki thanked you, saying a quick goodbye to the two of you as he headed of to whatever class he had next.

"What was that about?" (B/f) asked as the two of you entered the cafeteria. "What do you mean?" You asked, confused. "You had a moment back there." She leaned towards you, a teasing smirk on her face, "Is this about seeing Jotaro?" Your eyes quickly shot around the vicinity, trying to decide who was or wasn't in earshot.

"Yes, this is about Jo-... John. My friend, John." You quickly amended as a few students sat at the end of your table. The probability of them hearing or caring about your conversation was low, as they were invested in their own, not to mention they weren't part of anyone's fan club, but you weren't about to risk it. You nervously drummed your fingers against the table top, hoping your friend caught on and didn't blow you cover. You could see it now, (B/f) loudly announcing, 'John? Who is John? I thought you were going to Jotaro's house!' for the entirety of the cafeteria to hear; girls all around producing torches and pitchforks from their backpacks.

"John?" (B/f) deadpanned, thankfully not recreating the over-the-top reaction you'd imagined, "This is what we're going with?" She said, her tone flat, but her lips were still pulled into an amused smirk. "Right, well, I'm sure that you'll be fine visiting your good pal John."

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