ch; 34

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Grandfather Park suddenly felt a little parched after reading so many books for so long. So he left his library and called out for a maid but was stopped after seeing his daughter-in-law drinking wine at three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Have you lost your mind Yoojin?" He asked, peering at her with his beedy eyes. He stops when he realized something, her mascara had run down her cheeks in a ugly streak. "What happened?"

Mrs. Jung sobbed. "He found out, Mrs. Kim found out, Roseanne found out and I don't know what to do," she said, putting down the wine glass before she could even think of throwing it.

He looked at her and says nothing. He knew this would happen, just not at a critical time for his beloved granddaughter. He sighed. "I think, it's time to call your husband back."

Their apartment has been silent for days now. Save for the flip of books and papers when they're studying. Roseanne's not necessarily sad per se, it's just she feels being cheated on. Lied to. It's confusing for her, turning to anxiousness. But anxiousness for what?

"Roseanne, do you want to go home? We could go and leave now if you want," said Jungkook. They've been in the library along with Lisa and his friends but instead of actually reading his textbook, he's distracted of the troubled expression on his fiancee.

The girl looked at him then looked around noticing that all of them were looking at her. She grinned, waving her hands. "I still have to finish this."


"Jungkook." They look at each other, each daring for one of them to look away. "I'm fine."

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

Roseanne remained standing seeing Jungkook's mother and remembered the last time they saw each other. She's not ready to face any of them. She's confused. She doesn't know the whole story and worst, it doesn't seems like she wants to hear it.

It hurts how oblivious she is to all of this. How they keep something so vital from her? And it's so cruel to make someone believe in something that isn't real.

"You haven't visited much at home so I presumed I'd visit you instead knowing you're busy with you studies." She took the tray with her to the living room and gestured for them to sir down.

She's going to hate Roseanne. That mad, Mrs. Kim hated that mad and if that man is her father, then she must hate her, too. It's messed up and it's a pain in the head that she just wants this to be over. Yet, it won't until she finds out the whole lot of this.

Everything would be easier if everyone were completely honest with everything. But thing are never easy.

"Roseanne, dear, sit down." Mrs. Kim's eyes are warm on contrary to what Roseanne's been expecting. "I didn't only visit Jungkook. I came to check up on you and how you're doing."

Jungkook, already knowing what happened after a tearful night of her narrating everything, protectively puts his arm around Roseanne and makes her sit down beside him. "She's doing fine."

Mrs. Kim didn't fail to see the intimate gesture her son did. A little bit strange seeing him be touchy with someone for so long and she only taken great notice of it just now. "I'm glad."

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