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To pronounce the worst can be an understandment, to love someone who couldn't even appreciate the love was realness."Renn, wake up from your reverie", my Economics teacher Mr. Kemp said. "I'm not Mr. Kemp I was thinking about the classwork, I said defending myself."Yeah, Yeah, Miss. Arnold thinking about it won't get it done. I sighed.Mr.Kemp always had something smart to say, the rest of the class period was a blur, I doubt I missed anything but his everyday lectures. The bell ranged out, indicating it was time to go to the next period; I smiled to myself as I got my belongings and walked out.

"27-33-04", I said to myself as I twisted the lock. Papers, Binders, Books, etc. Fell out, I groaned to myself as I bent down to pick them up. "August", I said to myself as a handful of papers said August A. Alsina. "Yes, my love, he said as he approached my locker. Can you help me out here, I said hinting the mess in the hall. "What for, you already down there, he said in a smart tone. Your right, I said as I continued picking them up. See that was the thing with August, he bossed me around and made me obey him. "That's my girl ", he said as I gave a warm smile. August was 6 feet tall, an afro he kept going wildly in the air, caramel, a set of nice pink plump lips, brown eyes, and tatted up, which was enough to catch my attention.

August was the quarterback number 8 to be exact, I on the other hand was a club type of girl, he was outgoing, and I was sociable, he liked parties, I on the other hand preferred a movie in the quietness of my room. It was a lot to have people wondering, how in the heck they connected. I rearranged my locker swiftly since I only had three minutes to get to class, who are you going to impress I asked observing him. August who had a strong scent of cologne on, Nobody but you, what do you think I'm going to go do cheat on you or something", he asked as he gripped my arm roughly. I was just saying..."That you going to shut your mouth", he interrupted as he pushed me against the locker. I groaned in pain as my back ached. "You listen to me, and you listen well, what I do is my business, and I don't want any backtalk from you or I swear I will..., he blew out a sigh of frustration. "You'll what Mr. Alsina, Ms. Georgina said walking over. "We just talking ma'am, right Re". I looked from August to Ms. Georgina, right I said as I got my binder and walked away.

I looked at my wrists which were turning a bright shade of red; I combed my hair back as I thought of the previous altercation. My phone vibrated as I looked at Mr. Snow who had his back had turned .My IPhone 5s glowed with a message from August, which said he loved me and he was sorry for losing his cool, it was clearly evident that he was in fact in his feelings. "Don't beat yourself over it baby, we all lose our cool at a point", I responded. I was tired of the abuse, both verbally and physically .This has been going on for four months now, he was my boyfriend of nine months. I went through an entire class period thinking of what was going to be my next step. I as a human being was a doormat to someone I grew to love ,someone who I've given my all to , my heart was tired ,my brain was telling me but I didn't listen .

The bell ranged out fast, and I hadn't heard a thing Mr. Snow was teaching. I quickly packed up and left out of the classroom, August was in the hall talking to a big breasted and booty girl, he was smiling and she had a smirk on her face, I sure wish I knew what was so damn good he was telling her. "Yeah, and maybe you can help me out with my homework maybe afterwards you and I can get a quick sub or something", August said as I began walking closer over to him and the girl. "I think I'll like that", the girl said as she twirled her hair in her fingers. What's going on over here, I questioned. "Nothing Re, me and Nicki was discussing about the game", he said lying right in my face. Yeah right, I scoffed. It seems to me that it was more of a date being arranged. "You don't know what you're talking about, your always assuming shit ", August said loudly. Me assuming things, come on now August let's not play games here. He looked at me as I looked in his brown eyes which if you looked close enough were turning red as the Devil. You walk around here like you're the man, like you're the king or something, I spoke loudly. You may have your boys and these other groupies and wannabes fooled but not me I'm sick and tired of the orders, and the abuse.Im done, it's over August whether you like it or not I'd rather be with an unpopular kid than be 1 feet of your presence. I turned around and walked away, August kept calling after me but I didn't look back that chapter in my life was now officially closed.

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