Visitor Part 3

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I hid ,as I heard his heavy footsteps coming up the steps.

Renn, he said anger fully heard in his voice.

I stood still as I covered my mouth.

My breathing was heavy as my chest heaved up and down.

Da fuck was I thinking ,I asked myself.

Reeeenn ,Baby come out ,he said .

He opened my room door , as he looked around.

When I find you I'm gonna whoop your ass ,he threatened .

I shook as I tried to calm myself down.

He walked out my room .

I heard his footsteps come closer to my hiding spot, he kneeled down.

I started breathing heavily .

He slung me out.

Gotcha, he said as a devish smirk came on his face.

August,please dont do this ,I said as I shook.

Why the fuck should I not , you got my grown ass up in hea playing fucking hide and seek looking for yo ass like a damn six year old.

I started crying harder.

Please don't hurt me ,I said in a cracked voice.

Put on some damn clothes, he said as he threw me backwards.

I fell hard , as I picked myself up.

I went into my room and rammaged through my closet looking for clothes.

I put on some sweats and a hoodie with my Micheal Kors low top shoes on.It was cold as fuck in Los Angeles in the Morning.

Hurry da hell up,he said as I took my time.

He busted into my room and pulled out his shotgun.

I frozed up , as I stared at it.

A-A-August,what the fuck are you doing?I asked as I wiped my tears.

Get ah few clothes and come down stairs,he said in a stern voice as he went back downstairs.

I got a suitcase out , as I started packing my tears had blurred my vision as I sniffed.

I went into my closet and started pulling out clothes,and throwing them in the bag.

I grabbed my charm bracelet,my father had bought it for me when he was overseas.He's a military soldier so he's barely home.

Renn , hurry that shit up ,August said annoyed.

I'm coming ,I yelled as I grabbed the necklace my mom had gave me .

I zipped up my suitcase as I lifted its handle.

I quickly wrote a note to my Mom ,saying I Loved Her and That I'll miss her.

I sniffed as I walked down the steps ,dragging the suitcase behind me .

He snatched me up ,as I shrieked in fear.

Getcha ass in the car,he demanded showing me his shotgun.

I got in ,as I wiped the few tears that had formed.

Your my property now,you belong to me,he said as he started his car and droved off.

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