Hot Part : 2

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I cut the water off , as the hot steam rotated around the room.

I got out the tub as the water dripped down my body,  I wiggled my toes as I wrapped a towel around my waist.

I opened the door as the cold air hit me in my face and sent a cold breeze to my legs and back.

Ooooh Mr. Alsina a skeleton for real damn son , you need your ass whooped ,Nicki said laughing.

Shut up Ma,  I been hitting the Gym lately getting my body ripped for the ladies.

Boy please,  can you even lift weights I mean you might hurt your itty bitty self, she said smiling.

Whatever Ma,  I said as I dried my body.

Nicki was watching me but when I'd look at her she'd drift her attention somewhere else.

I know your watching,  shit if I was in your position I'd watch and look at myself, I said biting my lip at her .

She laughed.

I showered ,you happy ,I asked.

She got up and came and sniffed my skin.

You weird man ,I said as we became face to face.

Maybe a little weird is enough to drive a Man crazy , she said showing off her smirk.

I grabbed her waist , as I pulled her close to me.

Maybe I can show you how much a Man likes weird ,I said licking my lips.

My hands roamed her body , as I looked at her.

I began to unwrap her string on her robe as it dropped to the floor revealing her sculpted Barbie body .

She was quiet as hell , as I laughed.

What's so fucking funny, she pouted.

You was talking all that shit but now that Daddy putting them hands on your body you on mute.

Shut up , she said as she smashed her lips into mine.

I kissed her back , as I wasted know time in leading her back towards the bed .

She laid on the bed , as I spreaded her legs and laid in between them.

I was getting hard by the second,  as I reached over and went in my pants pocket and got a condom out.

She was watching me , as she grabbed my dick .

I groaned out loud.

She started rubbing my dick up and down, as I bit my lip.

She rubbed harder , as I kissed her .

I wasn't the type of nigga who came quick , shit you had to work for my juices.

I opened the condom and put it on , I stuck my finger in Nicki's vagina , this damn girl was a fucking water fall.

I pulled my finger out ,as I licked my finger.

Damn Nicki , I said as I lifted her legs and spreaded them again.

I stuck the tip in , as her body squirmed .

I pushed myself all the way in her , as she let out a loud moan.

Nicki was tight ass hell but you can tell she wasn't a Virgin.

I pulled myself out , as I plunged my manhood in her again.

She let out a moan and a breath that seemed like it was her last.

I thrusted in and out of her fast , as I slowed my pace and went slower.

Her moans filled the room.

I picked my pace back up and rammed myself in her fastly,  as she moaned louder.

Her ass was clapping which drove me crazy. She was throwing that ass back .

Her legs started shaking as she came on the sheets.

Out of nowhere the hallway light came on , as a older woman knocked on Nicki's door.

Onika are you alright in there,  the woman asked.

Shit , Nicki mumbled.

I pulled myself out of Nicki as I picked up my clothes and Nicki's robe and ran in her walk in closet , I hid behind her clothes.

Yea Ma I'm okay ,Nicki said.

Nicki's mom barged in as Nicki covered her body .

She cut the light on.

God Ma,  its 3:49  in the morning cut that light off please .I'm fine.

You know I'm down the hall if you need me, her mom said.

Yes , I know .Please let me go back to sleep.

Her Mom said goodbye and closed her door , as Nicki got up and locked her door.

August, she yelled whispered.

I came out,  as I was scared as hell.

You okay baby , she asked rubbing my face.

I nodded my head .

She kissed my lips .

Lemme make it up to you ,she said pushing me on the bed.

She climbed on top of me .

The next 2 hours was history .

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