Pose To Be In Love

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I missed August  alot,  I was drained and ready to spend time with my baby.

I grabbed my backpack, as I walked out of school.

August had his windows up as you could hear the bass of a beat being boomed inside.

I walked over to his car , as I got in.

I missed you  , I yelled over the music as I buckled up.

Oh ya did Ma, he yelled with a smirk on his face.

Drake and Lil Wayne song Grind was on as I turned the volume down.

I really wanted to tell August about Trey and just spend the rest of the evening with him.

Whatcha do that for baybeh? He complained as he turned it back up.

I done had a long ass day at school ,and all I wanted do was talk to you about it,  I said looking out the window .

He turned it up ,as I turned it down.

Your being rude August.

But this my car tho Ma.

Well tommorrow I'll drive my damn self to school and not getting in your damn car,I said pulling out my phone getting on Instagram.

It was silence for half of the ride ,until August finally spoke up.

So… how was ya day ,August asked.


Ya hungry?


So ya just gonna ignore ah nigga, August said stopping at a red light.


He looked at me, as I made no eye contact.

Nicki baybeh say some ta me.


He sighed, as he started driving again.

Take me home ion even wanna be around you or that pervert of a friend of yours, I said as I pushed my hair out my face.

Whateva Man, I'll take you and ya attitude home and away from me . I'm gettin bad vibes from ya and this ain't worth it.

What the hell you been doin all day anyways… with that bitch thats missing?

All your doing is being a idiot.

I'm not ah idiot Ma, but I feel like me and you need some time apart we needa cool it.

Fine by me, I said as I got my stuff and got out his car.

He pulled off as the rocks rubbed against his tires.

Fuck You August, I said to myself as I went inside my house.

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