Guess Part 2

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I'm so happy this chapter will be short like really short because Secrets 2 is in the making RIGHT NOW Chapter 1 will be up right after I publish this chapter(Guess Part 2) and Chapter 2 will follow in Secrets 2 .


Go on and tell him how you like it when I ram inside you Nicki,Dez said with a devious smirk.

August looked at me,as I stayed silent.

Shit we waitin, August said looking up at me.

This is fucking childish,I said looking at them both.

August eyes were a mixture of Brown and Red which meant he was mad.

They both over exaggerating, I admit I got caught up but no Dick compares to August 's.Shit I can barely stand up.

I was single,I'm still single.

I got Trey in one ear,Dez in the other ear , and August in my face.

Y'all driving me crazy , I said pushing my hair back.

You let this Fuck Boy get on you, August asked.

I'm a fucking teenager my hormones be all over the place, excuse me for wanting some Dick August.I'm pretty sure you got pussy from that Tina girl.

Treena, Dez said as August and I looked at him.

Whatever her fucking name is , I said.

Get out Dez,I said.

I ain't going nowhere.

August looked at him,as Dez walked out.

August closed the door as he walked up the steps too me.

I ain't letting you go again Ma,you mines ight.

I nodded as he held me.

I know it was lame but I'm eager about Secrets 2 it's out now on my Page so please go read it.

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