Y o u .

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I said Goodbye to the bell girl, as I got off the Elevator.

I walked down the hall looking for room number 39C






I knocked on the door ,as I waited for it too open.

The door opened, as she stood in the middle of it.

August,  why are you here.

I pushed pasted her as I walked in the kitchen.

Hello to you too, I said .

She followed.

I asked why you were here, she said as she stood infront of me.

I opened my water bottle, as I drunk some and closed the cap.

The fuck ya mean why I'm here? I'm the one looking out for you Ma.

Looking out for me?

Don't get smart nie , I told ya ass once and Imma tell ya again I own yo ass you my property Ma simple as det.

She signed loudly.

I'm nobody's property August.

But mines,  nie ion no who ya think you are Ma but just cause ya change ya name, and hair color .Don't mean it changes you.

She looked at me  ,her eyes watering.

At da end of da day ya still gonna be Renn Daniels,  got me runnin from Police ,and havin me criticized by everybody.

She wiped her tears.

But you locked me in the trunk , pointin that fake ass gun in my face.

My shit aint fake Ma , it was yo dumb ass plan that I went along wit nie my ass facing the consequences while you in this nice ass Inn.

I was the one in a cold ass cell, tryna protect yo ass .

If I go down, we both goin down ba'lee dat ,I said walking out the door and slamming it.

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