Confessions Part 3 of 3

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I smirked as I walked out.

Shaun unhandcuffed me ,as he led me too a glass window.

I got all my belongings back which consisted of my shades, watch, gold mouth piece, and phone.

I was about to put it on ,but Shaun stopped me.

Don't try it .

But its in a ziplock bag ,I stated.

Thats you Alsina, he said walking away.

I sucked my teeth ,as I walked out.

Damn ,I said as I walked out seeing my sister Jazzy in the car wit Cousin Tay.

I walked over as I got in the car.


The fuck is your fucking problem Aug, Jazzy said.

Damn can ah nigga close the damn door first, I thought.

Fuck ya pra'lem is, I'm a grown ass man ion need my older sister bull shittin.

Well Momma...

Fuck what Ma had ta say , ion want nun ta do wit ha ass.

Don't talk about Aunt Sheila like dat fuck boy ,Tay said.

Fuck ya ass come in this fuckin convo , damn man I'll fuckin walk if I got to.

Jazzy started the car, as I looked out the window.

So where she at doe, Tay annoying ass said.

Why ya ass always startin wit me ,I said.

Nobody startin witchu , damn you been all over the damn news to the point I don't even claim yo ass.

Ya dont have too, shit ya act like you important or some Ma ,I said laughing.

She frowned.

Aug, chill out ,Jazzy said looking at me through the mirror.

Just take me ta Cloverfield Road .

Aug thats way over town, ya no nobody stay over dare but dem snobby white kids.

Shit jus take me over dea.

Say it nicer.

Shit please.

Tay shook her head.

Niggas think they bad and run shit when they get outta jail.

I sighed.

You always fuckin wit me ,damn whatcha want from ah nigga?

I want you to tell the Police and that damn woman where the fuck Renn is .

Jazzy stopped as I got out.

I slammed the door.

I waited until I say Jazzy's car out of view as I started walking.

I ended up walking 2 fucking miles, as I made it too a Hotel called Remus Denver Inn.

I walked inside as I wiped my face .

I was sweating like hell.

I walked over to the Receptionist, as I asked what room Miss. Larete Shane was in.

She typed on the computer as she looked at me through her glasses.

And whom are you young brotha.

I smiled .

A friend .

Mmmmhmm she said smiling as I laughed .

Room 39C ,she said as I walked on the elevator.

Hi, a young bell girl said.

Wassup, I said biting my lip.

Where to? She asked.

Uh floor 30.

She pressed the button as the doors closed.

Who do you think Miss. Shane is?

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