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I was hurt, I missed him,  I missed his penis, I missed his smile,  I missed his hugs. I just didnt miss him and his nasty attitude.

August was the real deal , with his skinny ass .

I checked my phone,  and seen I had a text from him, I read it and laughed. Damn a nigga shouldn't be stressing when he got another bitch in his face.

Are you okay,  Isaiah had asked me.

Yeah Issa , I'm good ,I'm way to young to be stressing you feel me.

You right Ma,  but you deserve better it takes alot for a girl to step up to a nigga .

Yeah Thanks, I said.

I don't like people trying to sweet talk me ,like nigga where were you about 4 months agomonths ago.

No Problem ,he smiled as his Hazel Eyes shined bright.

I walked out of class ,and too my locker. He was standing there looking all sexy and shit ,but his ass had ta go.

Move August .

Why, I no yo ass seen ah nigga text.

I saw it , and I erased it, I said bluntly.

Why the attitude?

Nigga I no yo big headed ass can comprehend what you did.

Students had started too watch, which I didn't really give a fuck because I wish a bitch would try me. I ain't playing wit nobody.

I'm not even fucking the damn girl ,she's nothing damn.

"So I'm nothing", Nicki said as she switched her ass over to me and August.

I mean - mugged her , call me salty or what but the bitch gonna catch a yeast infection in dem pants shit was so tight bitch could of caught Ebola .

You some, he said as he rolled his eyes.

I walked away,  my grades are too important to fall over some dumb shit dealing with a nigga .

Renn scared as shit ,she know Nicki will pound that ass , a girl said laughing as her friends joined.

Say that shit louder Jamie,  I said amused at my courage as my heart raced.

I said you a scared bitch running from a ass whooping, Jamie said stepping forward.

Bitch you need to stay in that corner where your sorry no life ass belongs, I said as I dropped my shit.

Wassup Black Girl, Jamie said.

Its whatever, hit me,  I said standing my ground.

Shit you hit me ,you the one talking that shit, Jamie said.

I laughed to myself.

Hit me Jamie, I said again.

Once again she talked shit as I balled my fist up and punched the shit out of her in the face.

Hey Hey Cut that shit out ,August said standing between us.

But she started it Jamie,  said rolling her neck.

August gave her a look I couldn't read but Jamie smirked and walked back to her group.

Tf was that about.

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