Title Part 1

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I looked at Nicki.

You got a fat ass head Ma, I said laughing.

No I don't! You gotta long ass forehead.

And you got a fat….

Shut up ,she said throwing a pillow at me.

I caught the pillow .

Thats why you missed nigga.

Oh you wanted it to hurt Mr. Alsina, she said cracking her knuckles.

Chill out.

I go back to school tommorrow,  she said lookin at me.

Yup .

Are you gonna go back too, she asked.

Nah, I said shaking my head .

August! You can't throw away your education like its nothing.

Watch me , I mean nobody got time fa dat I hustle I learn dem books aint fa me.

What about Football?

Have ya turned da damn news on,  my ass a suspect Ma ,got folks lookin at me like a murderer .Football's ova fa me.

Did you kill her?

I looked at her, as she looked as if she could take back what she said.

Fuck Noh Man,  and you'll be a dumb ass to believe this shit on the news.

Well you aren't letting me be on your side, at least they having facts,  you wanna be all quiet like its a damn secret where da damn girl is.

It is !

What happened to her then August?

I can't tell you, I can't tell nobody. If I talk imma be in a cell again fa good.

You can tell me anything, she said as she rubbed my face.

I know but not everything Ma, I have to keep this too myself and if ya Love Me you'll leave the topic alone.

Is she alive though, thats all I wanna know.

Yes, that bitch still alive.

She gave a warm smile.

Uh,  I hope I wasn't soundin to mean ta ya, I'm just got tired of everyone askin bout the damn girl.

Yeah, I understand she said.

My phone buzzed as a message from Jazzy appeared on my screen.

Whose that ?Your little hoe, Nicki said laughing.

Ha ha ha,  its my sister.

Whats her name?


Oh yeah I heard bout her,  Nicki said shrugging.

I looked at her as I looked back at my screen.

12:01 p.m.

Jazzy : Jesica startin hell over here at Momma house, come quick.

I sighed.

I put my shoes on ,as I threw my shirt on .

Where you going  , Nicki asked .

Renn Momma raising hell at my Moms house ,I gotta go. Ppg

I wanna come .

Well hurry up ,I'll meet you in the car.

10 Minutes Later

Nicki finally walked out the house ,as she locked the door and walked over to my Rover.

About time, I said as I pulled off.

Burned half my tank of gas waitin on you .

She smiled.


Guess you can finally meet my Moms

I'm nervous.

Why ? She not gonna judge you .

I just never met a boyfriends Mom before.

Well there's a first for everything right.

Yeah ,she said turning on the radio.

Aye who told you ta…

Every now and then

I still get a flashback

Of the time I spent

Thinking you could be that one

This my shit ,Nicki said turning the radio up singing along.

Should I have just kept your love?

As I understand,

We did have some good times

On the other hand,

Got me crying all night

It was too much for my mind

So even though I left you

I can't forget you

'Cause when I think about you

It's bittersweet, it's bittersweet

Guess I'll always love you

It's bittersweet, it's bittersweet.

Your not too bad ,I said pulling up in my Moms driveway and turning the car off.

Boy I sounded good, witcha hatin ass.

August ! Jazzy said banging on my window. 

We got out , damn Jazzy you getting yo nasty ass fingerprints on my window.

Nicki came and stood by me as I put my arm around her waist.

Whose she, Jazzy said in a stern tone.

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