Man to Woman

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I couldn't admit I was wrong better yet make her try to make me say I was wrong.

A Nigga was just down to get some head ,and make things right .

I ate my food , and texted Nicki.


August : I wanna talk ta ya .

11:29 p.m.

Nicki: No , you don't .

11:33 p.m.

August :Damn you slow texting a nigga , now come on .. I'll bring IceCream.

11:35 p.m.

Nicki:Fine , and it better be Cookies and Cream.I'm doing it for the IceCream not for you.

11:37 p.m.

August : Fine by me Ma,text me ya address so a nigga wont be lost.

11:43 p.m.

Nicki: 1292 Kings Drive

I put my Will Jordan 11 Pantone Jordans on,and told my nigga Omar I'd be back sometime tommorrow morning.

I stopped by Walmart and got the Icecream and drove to Nicki's house.

I didnt park in front of her house ,instead I park across the street. I cut my engine off and just sat there thinking which window could be hers.

It was already after 12 almost 1 in the fucking morning, we didn't have to go to school because it was students day .

I texted her and asked which window was hers, she didn't text back. I sighed to myself.

7 minutes later a light came on and Nicki rose the window up.

I got out, grabbed the IceCream, and set my alarm. This damn girl wanted a nigga to climb , this wasn't some High School Musical type shit.

I sighed and pulled my pants up.

I bit the bag the held the IceCream and climbed up. A nigga not even gonna front I was tired as hell and sore from practice .

I climbed through her window,as she stood staring at me.


August, she said in her Britsh accent that made me laugh.

I took the IceCream out the bag and gave it too her.

For You.

About fucking time I was starting to doubt chu Mr. Alsina, she said widening her eyes.

I'm a man of my word, I said laughing at her.

She went and sat down on her bed eating her IceCream while I looked around her room.

You sure like Pink don't you ,I said laying on her bed.

Who told yo skinny ass to get on my bed, she asked.

I looked at her expression, trying to read her. She wasn't like Renn who took my shit and let me have my way , Nicki seemed like the type to knock the shit out of me.

You need to go shower ,she said moving her IceCream from the bed scrunching up her nose.

Come with me.

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