Text Part 2

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Dezmon in the pic above like damn

I picked my phone up as I whispered a Thank You because my screen wasn't cracked.

I turned my Ipod off, as I got dressed in a long sleeved white tee and dark blue skinny jeans and put my red converse shoes on.

Me 5:37 p.m.

How do I know if its you for real? Send me a picture.

Moments went by until my phone vibrated.

I opened the message and a picture of Renn was there along with the hotel and room number she was in.

Oh Shit she's alive? I got up quick as I walked outta my room.

Dezmon , Faithe said as I sucked my teeth.


Where are you going , all dressed up?

Something REALLY important has come up.

Well we can all talk about it when Danielle gets here, Faithe said staring me down.

Come on , please I promise to do all the chores without back talking and I'll be back at 9 .

Okay Faithe said as I hugged her.

Be safe and dont be around no crazy females.

Yes Ma'am I said as I grabbed the keys off the counter and left out the house.

I got in Faithe's 2009 Chevy ,as I made my way to the hotel Renn was at.

I thought August had her?

Is this a setup ?

Will I get hurt?

Whose with her?

Alot of thoughts ran threw my mind ,as I tensed up.

I pulled into a parking space as I got out and locked the doors.

The Hotel was nice as hell.

I walked inside as I asked where the elevator was.

Walk down that hall and take a right Sugar, a older woman with glasses said.


I walked down the hall as I pressed the button ,moments later the doors opened with a young bell girl inside.


Going up ,she asked.

Um, yeah floor 30 please I said .

She pressed the button ,as I looked at her every now and then.

Whats your name?


Well nice too meet you , I'm Dezmon.

Nice meeting you Dezmon.

Maybe I can get to know this Treena more?

Maybe, she said as the doors opened.

I bit my lip ,as I rubbed through my curls.

I started looking for her room number, as I found it and knocked.

My breathing was filled with anxiety.

She opened the door wearing her 2 piece black bra and panties, I wanted to take her down right then and there.

Renn I'm so glad your alive, I said as she closed the door.

Of Course I am, she said as she smiled.

I have to tell them your here and...

Dezmon please don't, she said as she put on a long shirt covering her body except her legs and feet.

Damn! I said loudly.

What? She said as she looked at me.

Nothing, but what the hell is going on with you? Why you up in this nice as hotel? Who's paying for this?

Dezmon slow down on the questions, she said as she wiped her tears.

This wasn't even my plan to get abducted it was August's idea, and he forced me to live here.

Dont cry, I said as I put my arm around her.

He beat me ,and tried to rape me because I wouldn't have sex with him, she said as she put her head in her hands.

That's why you need to go to the Police with this so he should be behind a cell where he belongs.

I can't, you don't know what August is capable of.

You can't tell nobody, she said looking at me.

I won't, I said lying straight through my teeth.

August was gonna get whats comin to him.

I think this chapter was forced by me and not my best work because I wrote it off the top of my head.

Also, School is Hectic and writing on my phone gets on my nerves when I be tired from school.

The series continues...

Secrets Part 1 will have its last chapter VERY soon because I don't wanna drag it on too long.

Secrets Part 2

Will be out very soon !

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