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Man Yung ya like a brother to me, but on the real you HOT right now the police gonna have eyes all ova you. I don't have the money to replace merchandise if you go down , YG said rubbin his hair.

I sighed.

I need some money man, I know what the hell I gotta do to get the supply out and get chu ya money ya feel me.

Man ion no Yung I run a business here , this is the only thing I got ta survive off of,  YG said shaking his head.

Then start me off little , and I'll work my way up so you'll make twice as much, I said.

YG reached his hand out as I dapped him up.

Ight Yung don't fuck my merchandise up man, thats gonna be you when I send my boys out to kill yo ass, YG said as Mustard threw a ziplock bag of weed on the table.

That shit loud Man thats that purple, I asked as YG pulled out a blunt.

See fa yaself Man, he said as I put the blunt to my lip and rubbed my finger on the lighter as a flame of fire came out.

I puffed hard, as the weed quickly formed in my system.


I was at Lunch we didn't have shit but the regular school food which consisted of a corndog, fries, a dry ass salad ,and a carton of milk.

Everyone been talking nonstop about Renn and August thats all you hear in the halls.

Chris, Trey,  Karrueche , and Kid came over and sat at my table.

Wassup Asshole , Chris said as he sat down.

Chris don't be an ass! Karrueche said as Chris looked at her.

Hey,  Trey said as he sat by me.

Hi Tremaine , I said as I hugged him.

Yo Chris, you eaten dem fries bruh? Kid asked as Chris smacked his teeth.

You always wantin my shit, just cause you my brother don't mean you have to get everything.

Imma tell Mama.

I busted out laughing, these two never could get along.

So Nicki you heard from Yungin , Chris asked as he put ketchup on his corndog.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Not really, I texted him but no reply just stupid of him to be all over the news when he isn't capable of doing shit like that .

Mhm, Trey said as he ate a fry.

Anything on ya mind Tremaine? I snapped.

Nah, all I'm sayin is August just crazy man we all know he did it ,Trey said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Um excuse me ,I said as I scrunched up my face.

Aren't you suppose to be one of August's boys?

I am,  well I was just not gonna be friends with an abductor.

Why do you keep thinking he did this? Is their some beef between you two or something?

He took an innocent girl, thats enough beef for me, Trey said as he bit into his corndog.

I sighed .

He was pissing me off,  I wanted to claw his face off.

Um how about we go too the restroom Nicki, Karrueche said as I nodded.

I'll be right back babe, Karrueche said as Chris nodded.

I followed Karrueche into the restroom as I sniffed.

Girl don't worry about Trey ,Karrueche said as she handed me some tissue.

I just hate how he had the nerves to say that about his "homeboy", I said as I wiped my tears.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion weather we like it or not,  I met this August on my first day he was quite the charmer, Karrueche said laughing.

I smiled.

Yeah he is.

But for real ignore Trey you know the real about your man so dont stress, Karrueche said giving a smile.

Thanks Girl.

Now lets go finish our lunch.

I think I lost my appetite, I said laughing as we walked out.

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