Guest Part 1

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I layed on August's chest drawing circles with my finger.

I couldn't move, because I was in too much pain.

I was scared to even pee,because it'll hurt to much.

August put the pipe on my ass like his ass was fresh outta jail.

I wanted this moment to last forever but it was short- lived when my doorbell rung.

August groaned as he told me to go see who it was.

I can't Dumb ass.

He looked at me.

Why not?

I gave him a look as he finally caught on.

Ooooh!He said smirking as I slowly got off of him.

Don't worry bout it, I said getting up letting a breath out.

I held on to the rail tightly as I made my way downstairs.

My legs were killing me.

Coming, I said as I unlocked my front door.

You look good ,Dezmon said walking in kissing my cheek .

I was half naked with August' s big black tee on with my panties on.

The song tee shirt and my panties on played in my head as I let out a chuckle.

Unnn unn you gotta go,I said as Dez sat on the couch.

My mom is home you gotta go,I said my voice shaking.

So why you so scared over your mom being home, he said closing the front door and pushing my back against it , as I winced in pain.

Yo Nicki y'all got any t...Fuck Boy whatchu doin in my lady house,a bare chested August said coming down the steps staring into Dez soul.

What the fuck he's doin here,Dez asked as I stayed quiet.

Don't ask her any questions, if you got a question you address that shit with me,August said his accent strong ass hell.

I knew you was fucking him,dirty slut.You still fucking him right?Dez said looking at me.

Yo man I told you don't ask her any questions, August said pushing him.

I limped to the stairwell as I held onto it.

I thought you had enough of getting your ass whopped,August said staring at Dez.

I looked at August and he was showing another side I had never seen before.

Next thing I know was seeing August put his timbs on and kicking Dez in the face.

August! I shrieked as I jumped.

Go upstairs before yo ass be next Ma,August said watching Dezmon blood drip on my living room floor.

I gripped the rail as I slowly went back up.

August went 0-100 real quick and I knew he meant business.


What the Fuck you doin here Man?I was nice ta Ya ass at Trey's party but seeing you at my old lady house is disrespectful my Nigga.

You got anything ta say Nigga, I asked annoyed.

She's my Fuck buddy,he said as he spat blood out his mouth.

She's yo what.

You heard me you Fuck Boy,he said as I grabbed him and pulled him up.

Yo Nicki,I called out as she looked over the stairwell at me.

Yes August.

Ya been fucking this piece of shit.

She hesitated.


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