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I opened my eyes,  as I closed them from the shining ass light coming through.

Nicki close dem damn blinds, I said putting the covers over my head.

Whose Nicki, a voice said as I opened my eyes being face ta face with Renn.

What tha…

I looked down ,as I seen my boxers on.


No we didn't, she said as she closed the blinds.

Damn ya say that like ya don't miss it.

Cause I don't ,she said as I got up.

Look at my hotel room August.

Clean tha shit up , he shouldn't have been here any way.

You really need anger management classes, she said getting a broom.

Whateva, I said going to the bathroom ta get freshed up and handle ma business.

Afta I got done, I put on all white ion no why but ah nigga just look good in it.

Today was gonna be my first day back in these streets ,doin what I do best and thats chasin paypah.

Renn, I said walking in the kitchen.

What August, she said picking herself up throwing the broken lamp glass away.

Wea my breakfast?

Um, at Denny's, I-HOP, Mcdonald's you pick the place and you'll have your breakfast ,she said walking past me.

I grabbed her arm, as I pushed her against the wall.

Don't get smart out the mouth, I said lookin at her.

Look at me dammit! I yelled .

She jumped as she looked at me .

Getcha ass in that kitchen and fix me some breakfast before I beat yo ass before I go.

Yes Master, she said as I laughed.

I let her go ,as she fixed her shirt and walked back in the kitchen.

I went in the living room ,as I called Mustard.

Yo Man whats poppin, I said .

Wassup Yungin ya callin for YG? Mustard asked.

Yeah put his ass on .

I could hear shuffling as YG voice came on the phone.

Yungin whatcha need man I got some clients on my ass for this supply where ya at, YG asked.

I got ya Man, imma be through there by noon ,I said looking at my watch seeing it was 10:51 a.m.

Like I said before, if anything happens to my supply thats gonna be yo ass ,YG said hanging up.

I got up ,as I went into the kitchen.

Renn was cooking the hell out of pancakes making sure them bitches wouldn't burn.

I snuck up behind her, as I put my arms around her.

August!  She said as she unwrapped my hands.

We're not together so keep them hands to yourself.

I smacked my teeth, you playin Man.

Nah you playing with yo bipolar ass, she said as I looked at her.

I'm not bipolar.

You was just about to beat my ass then the next minute you all up on me, like nigga.

I shook my head ,as I sat at the island.

I texted Nicki cause I missed her big headed ass.

Me 11:01 a.m.

Call ah nigga we gots ta talk.

Renn fixed my plate ,as she got the syrup for me.

Surprised ya aint burn my eggs and bacon, I said laughing.

Never that, she said brushing her shoulders off.

Ya still can't cook better then me ,

Boy please, I throw down in the kitchen.

Only cause I taught cha, I said stuffing my mouth.

Damn Boy ,ya little girlfriend aint feed ya ass .

I looked at her.

My bad .Damn, she said wiping the stove off.

I got up as I put my plate in the sink, and went to go brush my teeth again.

Renn I'll be back later, I said as I grabbed my  snapback.


And don't have nobody up in here ,ight.

Okay August Damn.

I walked out of the hotel room ,as I got on the elevator.

Wassup Ma, I said looking at Treena.

Hey, she said pressing the lobby number .

You always up in hea ,I said laughing.

You don't get tired of the same shit ,up and down repeatedly.

No, I gotta do what I can to pay for my tuition.

So ya book smart?

I guess you can say that. Are you in school or working.

I go ta UCLA ? She said shocked.

Whatcha tryna say?

I mean UCLA is high as heck and like only the best get to go there .

Well consider me da best, I said as I winked at her walking off the elevator.

Spent the night with that young lady up there?

I laughed. This old lady kept me cracking up.

Take that as a yes , dont be makin no babies sugah.

Never that ,I said.

Alright now, take care.

Later ,I said walking out the hotel.

I walked over to my Range ,I unlocked my doors.

I really need ta rent a car and hide my Range.

I plugged my Aux Cord in as Genuine "Differences" came on as I turned the volume up.

I pulled out as I made my way ova ta da trap.

I got out ,as I walked in da trap.

About 27 niggas all pointed they guns at me.

He cool yall, Mustard said as they pulled their weapons down.

I dapped him up.

Boss mad at cha Yungin, he in da back.

Ight ,I said walkin in the back.

Yo YG, I said walkin in the room.

Ya Late Yungin. Do I needa send some of my boys out to put a cap in yo ass?

Nah man.

So where the fuck is my money.

Its comin ' !

It better come fucking faster because I'm tired of fuckin waitin on you .

Loook if ta couldn't handle…

I can handle it Man and you know I gotchu .

You better now get the hell outta here and go make that money, YG said countin his money.

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