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I walked got out my Range as I pressed my car lock button as a beep rang out loudly which meant my doors were locked.

A nigga was tired as hell and hungry .

I really didn't feel like goin ta Omar's , and I damn sure couldn't go ta Nicki's .

I walked in the hotel and surprisingly da old lady wouldn't dea .

I pressed the elevator button as the doors opened and I got in.

Wassup Miss. Treena

Hello, Mr.UCLA .

I laughed .

Why ya callin a nigga det?

August ! She said as she pushed me lightly .

Dont say that word.

What word Ma and you remembering ah nigga name already, I asked confused.

That word you just keep saying,she said pressing the 30 button.

How ya no I aint wanna go on ah different floor?

Cause you always up there .

You should come up there,witcha white ass.

Correction.I am mixed .

Correction. Ya ass still white, I said examing her through my shades.

Why do you wear shades inside?

Cause my eyes will put ya ass ta stone , a nigga eyes are very valuable .

Stop referring to yourself as that word.

You my moms now or something , cause I mean you can when I be wearin that ass out.

You have no chill do you? She said laughing.

Nah , I said stepping off da elevator .

What time ya leavin this bitch?

Um..I get off at nine .

Then I'll see ya at nine Miss.Treena.

Maybe , she said as the doors closed.

I walked to the my room door , as I put the card in as a green light flashed and unlocked the door.

Renn, I called out .

I closed the door , as I walked upstairs.

Renn w...

Ahh, she yelled as she quickly grabbed a towel.

I ..

You almost made me shit on myself , my heart touched my ass ! She fussed as she wrapped the towel around her.

I watched as she walked past me as the water dripped out her hair.

You cooked ? I asked as I followed her.

Did you past any resturants on your way here August?

Yeah but...

But you could of stopped and had your damn dinner.

I told you about that damn mouth Ma, don't make me knock fie from yo monkey ass.

Monkey ass? August please stop your giving me a headache with your bullshit.

Bullshit? A nigga just wanted ta no that the bitch thats ruining his reputation got somewhere ta stay and I can't even get a piece of chicken with a corn on the cob , I said waving my hands around.

But Hey! I can go to the station ta'morrah and tell'em wea ya ass at,I said being straight up, walking out.

August ! Wait ,she said grabbing my arm.

I'll do what ever you want , she said trying ta convince me .

You already do everything fa me,cause you know I'll lay yo ass out Ma .

Not every thing ,she said rubbing on my chest.

But who said I wanted ya pussy?

Who said I wanted ya dick?She asked.

You, I said removing her hands.

She kissed on my neck,I ain't even gonna lie it felt good as he'll but it was almost nine.

We'll finish this convo later,ight.

Okay August, she said putting her clothes on.

I grabbed my hoodie as I walked out.

I walked to the elevator, and Treena wasn't on.

I'm goin ta da lobby man,I said as he nodded and pressed the lobby button.

I checked my watch as it said 9:04 p.m.

The doors opened as I walked out ,I looked around for Treena.

Damn,I said to myself as I walked out the Hotel.

I thought you weren't gonna show Mr.UCLA,Treena said leaning against a Silver Charger .

I smiled.

I was comin Ma.

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