➢ No Love

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I don't know what the hell got into that damn girl, whatever it was a nigga didn't like it.

I smirked at Jamie as she bit her lip, I shooked my head laughing as I walked over to Chris.

Yo Wassup Yungin ,Chris said as I dapped him up.

Ya no how it is , I said plopping my back against the wall , watching girls walk by.

Hey August, one girl said.

Wassup,  I said biting my lip .

Nigga you forgetting about Renn ,Chris asked.

Nah a nigga just aint chasin afta no guh , she aint gon get no love from a nigga like me.

But Man, you saw that new Blasian Shorty .

Nah , but if I do she mines, I joked.

Just then the Blasian girl walked by.

Yo Ma wit da Blue Backpack, aye aye you come here for a minute, Chris said turning his hat backwards.

Yeah, the girl said with attitude.

Damn she the attitude type a nigga can't handle to many attitudes cause to be honest I dont… really like people.

Whatcha name Ma, Chris said trying to spit game.

Karrueche , She said smiling.

Just Karrueche ,Chris said laughing.

Tran, she said.

Tramp? I asked butting in.

No Tran, she laughed as Chris gave me a cold stare.

I'm August, I said .

Karrueche, she said again.

Name sounds more like Coochie Tramp ,I laughed.

She chuckled weirdly.

Yeah I guess, she said.

Maybe we can hang ,Chris said to her.

Sure, maybe if your worth my time, she said.

Then I'll be worth the seconds, he laughed.

Smooth Nigga ,I said as she walked away.

Nicki walked past me ,as I stopped her.

We got to talk.

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