Chapter 3

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After the written portion of the exam, Emiri had been directed towards a changing room to change into what she was going to be wearing for the practical. It was simple, a pair of black sweat shorts and a dark gray tank top. She had tied her hair up into a ponytail to avoid getting her hair in her eyes as she was fighting the robots. Normally, people would want to cover up their limbs if they were going into battle, but due to how Emiri's quirk worked, she needed to keep them exposed.

Emiri's quirk was called Weapon Physiology. It allowed her to turn any of her limbs into any type of melee weapon. From swords to hammers to staffs, she could even shift her hand into a shield to protect herself if she wanted to. She had inherited it directly from her dad, much to her families disappointment. She looked almost exactly like her mother, pale skin, petite, white hair. They had hoped she would get her mother's quirk, her father's was described as too unladylike and didn't fit her appearance.

'What does it matter?' Emiri would ask her parents. 'Who cares what type of quirk anyone has, as long as they're useful as a person?' Her parents would always wave off her questions, always with the same answer.

'A quirk is what makes or breaks a person, Emiri. You must learn that if you want to succeed in the future.'

A shrill laugh from not too far away broke Emiri out of her train of thought and she quickly finished changing. After changing and heading to battle center D, Emiri stood a near the front of the group that had gathered. She took a few deep breaths to ready herself before she looked around to see who she would be competing against. Nobody really struck her interest, except for a rather angry looking blonde boy who already had people avoiding him juts by the angry look on his face.

"Right, let's start!" Present Mic shouted, and while most people looked up to see Present Mic standing on top of a pillar, Emiri noticed that the doors were starting to open. Not listening to anything more of What Present Mic said, Emiri started running, the crowd of students in her block following behind her.

It didn't take long for Emiri to encounter a robot, a one-pointer to be exact. She skidded to a halt in front of it and got into a defensive stance.

"Target Acquired" The robot said, it's red lense of an eye staring straight at Emiri.

With a smirk, Emiri reached her arm out and it slowly shifted into a large hammer at least twice Emiri's size. "Come on, then, hit me." She taunted. The robot started rolling towards her, and Emiri waited for the perfect moment before she swung the hammer-arm forwards and hit the robot dead on, knocking it into a nearby building and crushing it. Her arm shifted back to normal and she looked at the robot, a smile on her face and her eyes gleaming. "One point down, many more to go." She said.

Not even five minutes had passed and Emiri had already reached just about 50 points. She would crush robots with her arm shifted into a hammer, slice them to pieces with a giant sword, or simply confuse them and make them attack each other. She was now walking through the streets, avoiding the remnants of the robots on the ground. She had a little pep to her step as she wondered through the destruction, the sounds of distant explosions making it's way to her ears. She hummed softly, not letting herself be interrupted by the robots that would attack her now and then due to her exposing herself completely as she walked.

Behind her a two-pointer robot tried to attack her, but she quickly turned around and sliced it's arms off before thrusting into the center part of the robot. She had found out earlier that whatever powered them was in the middle of their chests— the same place someone's heart would be. Emiri watched as the robot stuttered to a halt and fell to the ground with a loud crash.

"Another one bites the dust." Emiri said jokingly before turning around and looking for more unsuspecting robots.

"Ten minutes remaining, listeners!" Present Mic announced, and Emiri looked toward the direction he was in.

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