Chapter 23

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On Emiri's way to school, she kept on getting stopped more than normal by passerby's who congratulated her on her achievement of getting second in the Sports Festival— then wishing her luck in her future as they parted ways. It had taken longer than usual, but Emiri had finally gotten through the gates of U.A— just in time since it looked like it was starting to rain.

She walked into the classroom and sat down in her seat, listening as her classmates started talking.

"It's so weird that everyone recognizes us from TV! Everyone wanted to talk to me on my way here." Mina said.

"Yeah me too!" Kirishima agreed.

"People on the street were staring at me! It was kind of embarrassing." Toru said.

"You won't believe what a bunch of elementary school brats yelled at me." Sero said, a tired look on his face.

"Let me guess, Nice try?" Emiri said, giggling as Sero groaned in dread.

The door to the classroom slid open and Emiri looked up to see Aizawa walk into the classroom— not a single bandage on him.

"Ribbit. Mr. Aizawa you don't have bandages anymore. That's good news." Tsuyu stated as he stopped just behind the podium.

"The old lady went a little overboard in her treatment." Aizawa said, "Anyway, we have a big class today. On hero informatics."

At those words, a sudden dread and panic settled in the room, the class looking up at their teacher with frightened looks. It can't be a quiz... well, I've studied anyways so I should be fine. Emiri said, tapping the tip of her pencil on her chin.

"You need code names. Time to pick your hero identities." The panic and dread disappeared almost instantly as the class cheered— even Emiri had perked up at that thought.

Aizawa quieted the class down immediately as he activated his quirk. Emiri brought her hand up to her mouth and let out a few heavy coughs as a slight pressure settled in her chest, feeling relieved once he deactivated his quirk. Once everyone was sitting in their seats, he continued. "This is retaliated to the hero draft I mentioned the last time we were in class together. Normally students don't have to worry about the draft, yet. Not until their second or third year, actually. But your class is different. In fact by extending offers to first years like you, Pro's are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers in you can be resented if their interest in you dies down before graduation, however."

So nothing is set in stone. I guess that's one thing I can agree with about the heroes. Emiri thought, watching as Aizawa pulled up the number of offers each student received. She gasped in shock when she saw the amount of offers next to her name— she was in second place with 4057 offers from pro heroes. Above her Todoroki was in first with 4123, and Bakugo was in third with 3556. After Bakugo there was Tokoyami, who had only gotten around 360 offers, which was still pretty good. Emiri glanced over at Todoroki, who's expression didn't change one bit after seeing the results.

"In past years it's been more spread out. But there's a pretty big gap this time." Aizawa said.

Near her, Kaminari groaned and threw his head back when he saw he hadn't gotten any offers, "Gah! That's no fair!"

"Despite these results, you will all be interning with pros. Got it? Even those of you who didn't get any offers." Aizawa continued.

"Oh, so, we're all interning?" Midoriya asked.

"Yes. You already got real experience with combat against real villains during the attack on the USJ Facility, but it will still be helpful to see Pros at work. Up close and personal. In the field. And first hand."

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