Chapter 21

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After getting healed up by Recovery Girl, Emiri went straight towards the waiting room. The final round was going to start just after a short break. She passed Iida on the way down, seeing that he had a shell shocked expression on his face— and something told her that it wasn't because he lost the battle with Todoroki. Though she couldn't focus on Iida right now, she had a fight coming up and it would be preferable if she didn't go into it without a plan.

She sat down in the waiting room and took a deep breath trying to calm herself from panicking too much. She needed to be thinking clearly when making this plan— take everything into account. His quirk, his behaviors, everything. She opened her notebook and flipped to the page where she had put down information on Todoroki, scanning the page trying to think of some way she could beat Todoroki.

He could generate and control fire and ice via the different sides of his body, though the only time Emiri had seen him use his fire was when he was facing off against Deku and had been inspired, or pushed to use his fire side in order to win the match. She doubted that he would use his fire side again— and she doubted that she could draw it out of him like Deku could, unless she somehow drew the match out long enough— she had noticed his movements slow the more Todoroki had used his ice.

She only had her weapons, which if frozen in blocks of ice would be cold as hell for her, since the metal would conduct the cold much easier than her regular skin could.

Though maybe... Emiri thought as an idea came to her mind. She looked down at her notebook and stood up, seeing that the small break was almost over. Taking another deep breath, she closed her notebook and headed out of the waiting room, walking to the entrance to the field and waiting for Present Mic to start taking.

"Alright, alright, alright!" Present Mic shouted, the crowd going from lolling murmurs to roaring cheers. "This is the match all of this had built up to, the final match of the Sports Festival! This match will be one to remember, folks!"

Emiri walked up onto the field and stood across from Todoroki— and while the look on his face was intimidating, it was nothing compared to the anger on Bakugo's face after he had realized he lost the match. Though she couldn't focus on Bakugo— her opponent was standing right in front of her.

"Let the match.... start!"

Immediately Emiri lunged to the side, just barely avoiding a rush of ice being sent her way. She slid to a halt, looking at the spiking ice crystals. One second slower and I would of been frozen in an avalanche like Sero was. She thought, jumping to the side once again as he sent another stream of ice towards her.

Emiri took a deep breath and remembered her plan, she turned her arm into a pole and rushed towards Todoroki, using the pole to vault herself over another stream of ice being sent towards her. She arched in the air and landed just barely a foot away from Todoroki, and she swung the pole towards his left side, watching as he reacted almost instantly and froze it, ice crystals expanding from the pole. She gritted her teeth as the cold ran down the pole, but only pulled herself away before he could freeze her arm completely.

Just as I expected. She thought, rushing in again and swinging the pole— now with the ice on the end of it— towards Todoroki's right side, feeling it make contact. She watched as he skidded to the side, stopping only when he created an ice barrier to prevent him from going out of bounds.

"It looks like Koyama used the ice to her advantage! That's the daughter of Sword Master and Savior for ya!" Present Mic shouted as the crowd roared with cheers.

Emiri took a deep breath and refocused on the match after being pulled out momentarily from Present Mic's voice. She once again just barely dodged one of Todoroki's attacks, some ice freezing her pants. She skidded to a halt and once again rushed towards Todoroki, aiming for his right side once again, though this time he was prepared and he stopped her attack by creating a wall of ice between him and the pole, causing the ice around it to shatter and fall to the ground.

Before she could act, he quickly grabbed onto her other arm, and froze it, only letting go once Emiri pushed herself away and out of his grip. She glanced at her frozen hand, then towards Todoroki, "You're quick." She said, shifting her arm into a dagger and watching as the ice slid off and shattered against the ground, then she lunged forwards, her left arm turning into a hammer and she swung as hard as she could, hitting Todoroki square in the side.

He skidded a bit across the field, creating an ice barrier to slow himself down, only for him to break through it and have to create a second barrier.

"Woah woah! Looks like little Koyama is stronger than she looks!" Present Mic shouted out. "She sure packs one strong swing!"

Emiri rushed forwards once again, this time moving in a zig-zag pattern, hopping to throw Todoroki off— though she realized it wasn't going to work when Todoroki sent out three streams of ice towards her. Panicking a little, she turned her legs int pole's and propelled herself up, loosing her shoes and just barely avoiding the ice. She landed harshly, wincing as her feet scraped against the rough cement. She bit the inside of her cheek and forced herself to run forwards, she needed to end this soon.

Once she got close to Todoroki, she turned her hand into a pole once again and aimed at his right side, though she had started to get desperate, and forgotten that Todoroki had most likely been trained how to fight ever since he was a kid with a father like Endeavor. He took the hit and grabbed onto Emiri's side, ice slowly crawling up from his hand and covering her body. She tried to pull away from him but with his strong grip and her small figure, she found it difficult, and soon her entire lower body had been frozen in a solid block of ice.

"Try getting out of that." Todoroki said simply.

Emiri glared at him and tried to get out, to no avail.

"Koyama, can you move?" Midnight asked and Emiri shook her head, knowing that she wasn't going to be getting out of the ice without some help since her hips had been encased in ice and she couldn't turn her legs into something thinner to get out of the ice.

"Koyama has been immobilized, Todoroki wins the match!" Midnight shouted, and the entire crowd went wild.

I'm sorry... I didn't win. Emiri thought, balling her hands into fists watching as Todoroki started melting the ice that was holding her captive. "Next time..." she started, her blue eyes meeting with Todoroki's duel colored ones as he gave her a small look of confusion, "Next time you're going to lose."

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