Chapter 37

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Emiri looked in front of her, from where she had been the trees didn't seem to bad, it had looked at if they were just trees from an average forest. But once she found herself on the same ground as they were, she felt fear. The trees towered high above her and she could barely see through the first few rows because of how dense the leaves were.

Emiri had a sneaking suspicion that this was going to be a bit more than just walking through a forest.

Emiri watched as M*neta ran into the rest, and a few seconds later there was a scream and a roar.

"We're all gonna die!" Kirishima and Kaminari exclaimed both of them now in full panic mode.

"Please calm yourself my giant friend! You don't want to hurt them!" Koda shouted— causing Emiri to be shookith at hearing him speak so loudly for the first time.

Though it seemed Koda's quirk had no effect on the beast as it reached it's arm up and got ready to swipe at M*neta. There was a blur of green and just before the beast made contact Midoriya jumped in and pulled the grape boy out of danger.

"Those must be results from Pixie-bob's quirk." Emiri said. "They're her famous Earth Beasts."

She watched as Bakugo, Todoroki and Iida jumped forwards and attacked the beast head on. With their attacks, the best broke apart and fell to the ground, now just mounds of rock and sand.

"You guys took that beast down so quickly!" Emiri exclaimed, walking up to the group. "But that wasn't the only monster we're going to be facing." She looked further in the forest, where already there was another beast waiting for them, soon, the class was surrounded in roars and crashes. They were surrounded.

"Hey come on, don't you think this is a little unfair?" Kaminari asked.

"What now? Do we run?" Mina asked.

"This isn't looking too good. If we can't get to camp we're going to miss lunch!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"He's right! We have no choice but to cut through these woods using the shortest possible route!" Momo exclaimed.

"Alright, everyone! As long as we work together we can get through this forest! Let's go!" Emiri exclaimed.


Jiro and Shoji were tasked with finding out the whereabouts of the beasts, and the class split up into different groups to deal with them.

"Release!" Uraraka exclaimed, and Emiri started to hurtle to the ground with her arm shaped into a large hammer. Just below her there was a beast being constricted by Tsuyu's tongue.. With the force of gravity and the impact of Emiri's hammer, the beast crumbled as she made contact with it, leaving the white haired girl to land in a mound of dirt that luckily soften the impact enough so that she didn't get hurt.

"Good job, Koyama!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"Good aim, ribbit." Tsuyu said, joining up with the two of them.

"Yeah! We make a good team!" Emiri said.

"Everyone, quick! Take cover now!" Momo shouted, her voice immediately followed by two cannon shots, taking down two more earth beasts.

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