Chapter 39

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The next day went by much like the first, though since Class B joined up with them Emiri was now partnered with a boy named Kamakiri Togaru. He had a similar quirk to hers, it was called Razor Sharp. Kamakiri was able to produce blades from his body rather than turning his limbs into blades. Their training was basically them just sword fighting to improve the strength of their blades and their reflexes.

Their training was interrupted by Pixie Bob making an announcement. "More importantly, tonight's gonna be fun! We're pitting classes against each other in a Test of Courage! I know you've been training hard today! And later you'll get to play hard! How's that for a reward! Don't slack now! Make sure you keep pushing yourself as you work!"

"Yes ma'am!"

After traning that night, the class was once again cooking their own dinner. Emiri and Bakugo were once again put on chopping duty.

"Woah, Bakugo, you're really good with that knife! It's weird." Uraraka said, pausing in her steps as she watched the blond boy chop carrots with efficiency.

"What do you mean 'it's weird'? How can you people be so damn bad at everything!" He shouted, his chopping speeding up.

"Look at that, he's not blowing stuff up." Kaminari said as he passed by.

Emiri smiled, "I guess you do a lot of cooking, huh?" She asked.

"What are you trying to get at?" Bakugo said.

"I'm just saying, it's hard to get perfect and identical slices like that without practice. I think it's impressive."

Bakugo gritted his teeth and scoffed, turning his head to look back at what he was chopping, "Whatever."

The curry they made that night was better than before, but still awful, but despite that, they all stuffed their faces with the curry. Once they were all done they followed the Pussycats into the forest, emerging in a small clearing in that was the head of a forest path. They were joined by the final member of the Pussycats, Tiger.

"Perfect! We've filled out bellies and cleaned the dishes! It's time for-" Pixie Bob started.

"A totally awesome test of courage!" Mina interrupted.

"We're gonna win!" Sero and Kaminari exclaimed.

"Not so fast." Aizawa said, and Emiri watched as the excitement slowly fell from their faces. "It pains me to say this but the remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead."

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Mina screeched.

Aizawa used his scarf to tie up the three of them, "Sorry, your training today didn't impress me, so I'll be using this time, too."

Harsh. Emiri thought.

Once they were dragged off, Pixie Bob started giving them the rundown of what was going to happen.

"Okay, so, class B is going to start out as our scarers. When they're in place class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names on them at the far end of the route. Your goal is to collect those!"

"Revelry in the dark." Tokoyami said from beside Emiri.

"Now, those who are scarers aren't allowed t make physical contact! Use your quirks to terrify the others, got it?"

"The winners are: the creative student to make the most student piss their pants!" Tiger exclaimed.

"I see, they're encouraging us to stoke our imaginations as we compete with each other all while showing us more use for our quirks in the process! As expected of U.A!" Iida said.

I don't think it's that deep. Emiri thought.

"All Right, everyone, draw to see who your partner will be!"

Once it was her turn, Emiri grabbed a slip of paper, reading the number that was printed on it. "Team 5?" She said.

"Oh! Looks like you're with me, Koyama!" Uraraka exclaimed, walking up to her with a wide smile.

"Ah, thank goodness!" Emiri said, breathing a sigh of relief. Uraraka would be a good partner.

As the teams were pairing up, Emiri and Uraraka chatted with each other, trying to calm their nerves before going into the forest.

"Revelry in the dark." A voice said from not too far behind Emiri. She glanced over to see Tokoyami standing beside Shoji, staring at the forest.

Is that his new catchphrase or something? Emiri thought to herself.


About 12 minutes after everyone had drawn, the students waited for Pixie-Bob called for them to enter. Emiri and Uraraka team five, which meant they were going in right after Aoyama and Momo.

"We've got this!" Uraraka exclaimed, seeming to be reassuring herself as much as much as trying to reassure Emiri.

Emiri looked over at her and nodded, "Y-Yeah."

It wasn't long before the other teams had gone in and the forest was filled with screams from her classmates, "Next team! That's you two kittens! Bladey and Ms. Floater!" Pixiebob exclaimed.

Emiri and Uraraka looked at each other and nodded, a look of determination on their faces. As they walked further, they kept on hearing the screams of their classmates from up ahead.

"I'm getting scared, Koyama." Uraraka said, "And those screams aren't helping."

Emiri giggled a little, "We're going to be fine. It's just class B trying to scare us after all, what harm could we possibly get ourselves into?"

"Y-yeah, I guess you're right." Uraraka said, "You're a lot braver than I first thought you were."

"Am I? I guess I do come across as shy sometimes I-" She cut herself off and sniffed the air, "You smell that? Like burning wood?"

The two of them stopped walking for a second, and Uraraka sniffed the air as well, "Yeah. Could someone of forgotten to put out their fire after we made dinner?"

Emiri shook her head, "It wouldn't burn for this long, plus we're far enough away that we wouldn't smell it even if that were the case. Come on, let's keep walking, maybe it's just Todoroki's or Bakugo's quirk."

"Yeah... maybe."

With that the two of them continued along the path, unaware of a certain blonde haired teen watching them from within the forest.

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