SM's new Girl Group

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Yoongi's P.O.V

"Yahh! Hyung come over here, SM's new girl group just released their debut song!!"

"Aishh!! Let me sleep!"

"Just come over here Yoongi!"

"Fine fine i'm coming!"

Well thats my life. Min Yoongi, 21 years old, member of Bighit's boy group BTS with 6 other complete idoits.

But don't get me wrong, it's my dream, my passion and my safe spot. Producing has always been my dream since my childhood.

I wasn't the most rich while i was young. It was hard enough to pay for high school, so making songs was way out of my league

But this company saved my life and gave me the chance to show people my art and work. Going into that recording studio for the first time i knew i'd make wonders.

It was magical and it feels like it's the only thing that understood me when no one else did. Werid and freaky i know but i just can't describe how amazing the feeling was.

It was like my safe spot and no one could hurt me while i was there. When i'd be down and sad thats were i'd go and make myself busy so i wouldn't think about it.

"Yoongi, if you don't come now i think hobi might explode" Jin hyung said as he came into my room.

"I'm coming, i'm coming" i said as i got up in my pyjamas and went outside to see all of them on the couch waiting for me.

"Finally, now hurry up and sit down so i can watch" Taehyung said as Jin went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

The song begin to play loudly on the tv as everyone watches with sparkles in their eyes.

These kids seriously...

I watched the video with much interest. The editing was done very well and the music video was very flamboyant.

The girls were extremely pretty and cute. No denying that. Their raps and vocals weren't too bad but i'd work on them if i was them.

Every girl had a different hair colour from the shoulders down to the tips of their hair. An interesting hair choice.

Pretty and different is what i'd call them and the music video.

"That one in pink her name real name is Bae Joohyun but she is known as Irene, really pretty right?"

Hoseok explained as i looked over to thr girl he was describing. She is exremely pretty but not my type.

"The one in green is Park Sooyoung or better known as Joy she is the maknae, isn't she adorable?" He said again.

Joy hmm? Cute for sure, not a bad voice, she's be a great addition to my next song. But we all know thats not happening.

"The one in yellow is Kang Seulgi, main dancer and really pretty"

Seulgi, great dancer for sure, i don't prefer that hair colour but she suits it well. Not bad i must say.

"And last but not least in the blue hair is Wendy but her real name is Son SeungWan, Main vocalist and my bias, of course!"

Son SeungWan..... i've heard that name before.

As the music video ended Jin called us for breakfast and everyone imediately went over to ease their hungryness.

But i stayed and looked up on my phone.

"Wendy of red velvet"

Many images and pictures showed up.
I looked at one closely trying to see why she looked so fimiliar and then it hit me.

But before i could react Jin hyung screamed my name and called me over for breakfast so i wouldn't shoot our new music video with an empty stomach.

"Yeah, coming hyung..."

I said as i went over to the dining table and began to eat only then did it register into my head.

I can't beleive she debuted as an SM rookie. Maybe while promoting i could meet her.

But i quickly shook that thought away. Why would she meet with me, i broke her heart.

But i wish i didn't.....

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