From Annoyance to Lip Locking

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Yeri's P.O.V

"Aisshhh! I am going to kill you!" Jungkook screamed from  across the room as i smiled and gave him a peace sign.

We both were in his room as i had just sent him another steamy taekook edit that i had found on Youtube.

He clearly was done with my shit, and i wouldn't like it any other way.

Wendy unnie had almost passed out earlier today during our showcase and so we had no choice but to send her to boys dorm so she could rest properly.

It was almost evening when Red Velvet were completely free from schedules. We had decided to visit Wendy unnie and take her back to our own dorm.

But to mine and almost everyones surprise Irene unnie started insisted our manager to let us stay the night at the guys dorm. She kept on making excuses and we all of course knew the reason as to why she wanted to stay over with the guys.

Cause she wants to be with her cute and lovey dovey boyfriend~~

Ew but still seeing Irene unnie like that made it ten times better.

Just wait until after today, unnie is never gonna hear the end of this. Too bad Wendy unnie missed her doing aegyo in front of our manager to convince him. Now that was a sight worth seeing.

Of course eventually our manager let us stay and told us he'll pick us up at 4pm the next day as thats when we start with our schedules again.

Bangtan didn't have any schedules for the next 3 days so this was the perfect time to hangout, and of course pester bangtan's maknae.

It was somewhere around 9 at night and surprise surprise, Wendy unnie
was still fast asleep, probably cuddling with Yoongi oppa ;)

Yes, i know about the two, almost everyone does. The two are just too oblivious to notice. I mean could they be any more obvious?

So like last time we can't all sleep out in the living room, one(1) because it was cold and two(2) because the area was too cramped and i felt like dying, so this time we decided to divide outselves in groups and sleep in our provided rooms also known as bangtan's seperate rooms.

Since Wendy noona was already sleeping in Yoongi oppa's room they both immediately became pairs. The other couple, Irene unnie and Namjoon oppa were also made pairs, obviously. Jimin and Seulgi shared a room together as Jhope oppa became pairs with Taehyung because he had a room all to himself. Jin oppa and Joy became a pair and  that instantly left me to be pairs with Jungkook and honestly this is just great, now he'll know what the real Kim Yerim can do.

"Can you not? It's weird seeing myself making out with Taehyung." He said clearly annoyed as i smirked in victory.

Not long after the previous taekook video i had sent, i sent another which was a lot more well let's just say, not meant for children.

"I am this close to blocking you Kim Yerim." He said with hand gestures as i felt a little brave today.

"It's not like that would have stopped me. You could never reach my level." I said challenging him as he raised his eyebrow looking at me amusingly.

This is payback for the amount of blushing you had made me endure during the award show you jackass!

"Don't get too ahead of yourself. Over confidence is bad for health." He said standing up from the bed he was sitting on. He started going through his side table drawers, trying to find something.

"With a mind as dumb as yours, even a rat can't help but feel over confident." I said as he closed the drawer loudly obviously affected by my roasts.

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