Now what?

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Wendy's P.O.V

"Ahhhh my heart! This is too cute!"

"Ommo unnie! He's totally whipped for you!"

"Aigoo, thats so cringy."

"Be quite unnie. I've seen the romantic things you and Namjoon oppa do--"

"Yahh! Shut up!" Irene unnie said hitting Yeri in the shoulder as we giggled at Irene unnie's tomato red face.

"Ommo, i can't believe a guy has done this to our ice queen." Seulgi said as Irene gave her a glare.

"What do you mean? I'm the same as before." She said crossing her arms over her chest in a defensive way.

"Yeah unnie you are the same, the only difference is that your in loooovvvveee~~" Joy said wiggling her eyebrows as i smiled at their ways of teasing each other.

"But still i think it's amazing how you unnie are dating Yoongi oppa even after everything he's done to you." Yeri said coming over to me and sitting on my lap.

To be honest, i don't know what our relationship is anymore. We get shy around each, we do romantic things, we even kiss but never once has he actually asked me to be his girlfriend.

It's like he'll cuddle with me one night but be cold to me the next. I swear this man is so bipolar.

And i never really asked him what our relationship was because i was scared. I was scared that he didn't really care for me and was only doing this for his own personal needs. I was scared that just like last time, none of this meant anything to him, it was just some source of entertainment. I was scared that he didn't actually love me..... and i still am terrified of that being true.

I know after all that he's done that i should trust him, he's changed so much since last time and he's like a completely different person now, but still.... i can't help but feel a bit insecure sometimes.

But still there is some hope in me that this time he actually cares for me and isn't doing this just because someone dared him to for money.

"Ommo unnie are you thinking of him and smiling right now?" Joy yelled out loud as I realized what I was doing but too late the girls had already seen my brightened up face and wouldn't't stop teasing me about it.

"But unnie do you think he's pretending to do all these romantic public gestures only because his company asked him to?" Yeri asked as I looked at her.

I looked down at the phone in Yeri's lap as the video played yet again.

They were having a fan meeting and suddenly a fan asked all the members to tell us who they miss the most being an idol.

Jin said he missed his pets, Jimin said he missed his family and so on until it was Yoongi's turn.

"The person I miss the most? To be honest.... it would be Wendy." He said calmly as the crowd went wild with cheers and screams.

I smiled as the video ended.

I looked at Yeri lovingly and replied, "Nah, I think he really meant it that time." This made Yeri smile too. "I'm glad you found someone as loving--"  "and hot" added Seulgi "--as yoongi oppa." She said we all smiled but it didn't even last two minutes when the girls started rambling and talking loudly again.

I unconsciously smiled thinking of him and the girls didn't stop teasing until it was nearly time for dinner.

I was making some food as the other girls were in their rooms except Irene unnie who was sitting in the living room couch watching a kdrama.

I was pouring the boiling water into a bowl when I heard Irene unnie's phone ring.

"Namjooooonnnn~~" she started as I cringed at her doing aegyo. Gosh I won't ever get used to this.

"What really? No he's not here.... Do you want us to help you find him?" She asked as she sounded worried. Is everything okay?

"Yeah I'll try contacting him. I'll tell Wendy about it to Don't worry." She said I whipped my head around at the mention of my name. Tell me about what? What's going on?

"Mmmm okay yeah. Call me if anything happens okay? Yeah Byeeee." She said ending the call as I put the set plates on the table, the delicious food on it ready to be eaten.

I went over to her sitting besides her as she looked at me startled. "Tell me about what?" I asked her as she shook her head cautiously.

"Well... Namjoon just called--"

"Yeah I know I could tell by your awful attempt at aegyo now what is going on?" I asked impatiently as she blushed a shade of bright pink before signing and looking at me seriously catching me off guard.

"Did Yoongi recently contact you about going somewhere alone?" She asked as I looked at her confused .

"No.... Why?"

"Well, it s been almost 2 hours and they can't find Yoongi. They tried ringing his phone but he won't pick up. And they don't know where he is." She said as I felt a sense of panic fill my once jolly system.

"What? He's just.... gone?" I asked as she nodded. "I was hoping he might pick up his cell if you ring him but I'm not sure." She said as I quickly got my phone and headed inside my room but not before calling the others to eat.

I dailed his number once I was all alone in my room with no noise and complete silence.

Gosh, what trouble had he gotten into now?

Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long. It's just that I have my exams coming up and studies have gotten so much harder it was really hard to write.

I hope you understand my situation.

Still don't forget to vote and comment!


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